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Wow, thank you for looking into this so thoroughly. I had just opened another tab.. and then it said I had to log in. I don't understand why it would log me out of and not any other sites. But I do definitely open the most tabs from WDC. Maybe something my husband has set up just doesn't like so many tabs from one website? I asked him and he doesn't know but he has a bunch of security stuff that's over my head so I sure don't understand it. Every other time, I think I had to refresh each tab but yesterday I didn't, so that wasn't as inconvenient as the times before. I think maybe because I got logged out on the last tab instead of the first. When it happens to the first new tab off the main tab (and I don't know it, because I'm opening a bunch from a main tab) then all the rest show me being logged out too. I have 9 WDC tabs open right now. I log on, do things usually in a certain order, and one is to check notifications and open all the tabs that I think require a response. Another is to check Habit Heroes, which requires usually a lot more tabs (as many tabs as people are participating that month, plus the main forum tab). Again, going through the news feed I open a lot of tabs. I don't remember for sure which I was doing yesterday when I got logged out. But I think what you're saying is that it's not WDC, but my computer, even though it only happens with WDC. I think there are sites that I do have to log into monthly (I don't really track that, but it sounds about right), but I don't get logged out mid session on any other sites. I can't use another browser but I can poke around in the security stuff and see if I can change any settings that might be relevant. Thank you for putting so much thought and effort into helping me! |