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Sep 29, 2024 at 7:23pm
Looking for an internet wizard with time to help.
Wayback Machine

Can somebody help me, please? It's impossible for me to find a deleted blog around the 25-29th of Aug 2016. I think it was called Poet@Work. I tried https://web.archive.org/ but I can't find it. It was a book/blog. It was said that it was unretrievable because I purged it. Now I know there are internet archives. Is it possible for someone with time to help me find it? name:wiesblaize, site:writing.com. I must have started the blog around the 7th of June, 2016. It had 35 entries. I would be so very grateful if somebody could help! SM is obviously very busy!! *Heart* I can pay in GPs!


Be careful out there!
Looking for an internet wizard with time to help. · 09-29-24 7:23pm
by WakeUpAndLive️🦇Elf'sSpell
Re: Looking for an internet wizard with time to help. · 09-29-24 8:09pm
by ruwth
Re: Re: Looking for an internet wizard with time to help. · 09-29-24 8:12pm
by WakeUpAndLive️🦇Elf'sSpell

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