Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/283836-Submit-A-Request-For-General-Support
Rated: E · Survey Form · Writing.Com · #283836
Use this form to request support from Writing.Com!
If you require general support from Writing.Com, this is the correct form to fill out.

Before submitting your request for support, please be sure that you have visited our Help Section which linked from the top righthand corner of each page on Writing.Com and below:

Additionally, Getting Started: Table of Contents  is full of answers to some of the most common issues new member have when using Writing.Com.

Please provide as much detail as you can while being brief. Writing.Com Support receives numerous requests each day; keeping your contact detailed and brief helps us help you quickly.

We strive to handle all support issues as quickly as possible, but at times we do fall behind. We appreciate your patience.

*Note* Before utilizing this form, post your request for support in:
Technical Support Forum  [13+]
Members help other members with technical questions and problems using Writing.Com!
by Writing.Com Support
The "Technical Support Forum is monitored by many knowledgable Writing.Com members and is usually the fastest way to get an answer to any questions you might have. ***
Multiple submissions allowed | (R) denotes a required field.
1.   Important: For the fastest responses, we ask that all members post their questions in either "Technical Support Forum or "Non-Technical Support Forum. This form should only be used if you have posted in either forum and have not receive a response within a reasonable time frame. (R)
      Check this box to agree with the above statement.
2.   Please provide a brief description of the issue you are submitting to Writing.Com Support. (R)
3.   If this issue pertains to any particular users, other than yourself, please include their usernames in this blank.
4.   If this issue pertains to any particular items, please include the Item ID in this blank.
5.   Has this problem happened before? (R)
6.   Has this problem been submitted before? (R)
        I am not sure.
*Note* Disclaimer: The information submitted will be sent to Writing.Com Support . Do not submit anything private or confidential.


Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/283836-Submit-A-Request-For-General-Support