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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1441512
Greg is a young man about to have his wildest dreams come true

Greg is a young man about to have his wildest dreams come true

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Greg Ghilea is a 17 year old kid with a very bright,active mind. He graduated from Harvard with a degree in theoretical physics. Despite this, greg also likes to invent things and eventually got a job at SCIENCECO,working on robotics and advanced technology. One day, Greg decides to put his talents to use and invents two remote with awesome powers. One can make a participant gain/lose weight at any magnitude whatsoever when it is pointed at that person. The other remote is a standard age regression/progeression device, but this one comes with a twist. If the person consents, they will believe that they were the desired age all along. It's as if an entire new reality has occured, and the person will have new memories/experiances based on the age desired. On both remotes is a reset button,and everything will return to normal.

Cast of characters

Greg: An average 17 year old boy with the exception that he is a genius in many areas of science. He is somewhat arrogant based on his abilities, but is generally kind, compassionate and thinks of others. He has a number of sexual kinks, but he is not consumed by sex and won't take things "too far".

Charlie: Gregs father. He is a butcher and has a very interesting history. He tells Greg lurid stories about his past all the time, some so bizarre and outlandish, that they might not be believeable to others, but Greg believes him. Charlie is very intelligent and has a lot of common sense, he didn't complete high school and is self educated.

Gwen: Gregs mom. Very motherly and compassionate. Shes a stay at home mom, though her two children are close to adulthood. She has a great relationship with her kids and has a very biting wit. She gets stresses out and nervous very easily,however.

Lily:Gregs sister. Shes 16 and is very girly. She is generally hostpitable and kind, though naive and somewhat annoying in it. She thinks she knows everything yet knows little about the world. Her and greg get aong very well. She has dyed blonde hair, is 5'4 and thin.

Lola:Lilys best friend and gegs crush. She is very elusive and greg would would love to get to know her better. She has wavy brown hair, piercing blue eyes, a great pair of breasts, and thin.

Feel free to add other characters as long as they are relavent. No deaths, anything else is ok.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1441512-Gregs-strange-remote