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  1. Psychic assistance
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1817795-Pokemon-Storming-from-Saffron/cid/1205399-Psychic-assistance
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Rated: E · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1817795
What if it wasn't a boy from Pallet who chose to fight Team Rocket?
This choice: Go to Mr. Psychic for help.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #2

Psychic assistance

    by: Alternatum
Indy decided that they might as well go visit Mr. Psychic, since his house wasn't far away. Still, he probably wouldn't help much.

The trainer walked down the street, hugging the buildings to keep out of Team Rocket's way. Fighting them out in the open wouldn't help much, they could save that for when they had a bigger party.

Mr. Psychic's door was unlocked, so Indy just walked in. It was rude, but spending too much time in the open would attract attention from Team Rocket that they didn't need. Hopefully Mr. Psychic would understand.

"Stop! You don't need to say anything," The spectacled man said without getting up from his table. "You seek help in ridding this city of Team Rocket."

"That's... exactly right!" Indy replied, astonished.

Mr. Psychic turned to his guest, "In a few hours, I wouldn't have needed my psychic powers to tell you that," He held out a purple compact disk, "This is the only physical aid I can offer you. Be careful not to break it."

Indy walked over and took the disc. "What is it?"

"A Technical Machine. TM for short. If you place this near a suitable pokemon's brain, it will transcribe it's data into them, and teach them a new technique for battle. But the disc erases itself after use. This one is a powerful Psychic attack. Using it on your Lapras would be a good choice, but perhaps not the best one."

"Uh, thanks!" Indy said sincerely, once he understood. "But, is that really all you can do to help me?"

"Unfortunately, I am under house arrest at the moment," Mr. Psychic said, regretfully, "I cannot leave. And if you want to form a team of your own to fight Team Rocket, I would advise you to leave town and come back later. The Gym Leaders of this town, for reasons of their own, have chosen not to involve themselves in the world outside their Gyms. Asking them for help now would be pointless."

Indy didn't understand why this would be, "Why? Can't I make them change their minds?"

"Maybe if you could defeat them, but currently, that's not possible. You need to become stronger before you stand a chance against any of the powerful opponents in this town."

"Well how do I do that?"

"Leave town and seek weaker opponents to spar with. As for where you go, that's up to you."

"...I need more to go on." Indy commented.

"If you go North or South, you will face people closer to your skill level, but you won't be able to come back to Saffron for a long time. If you go East or West, the trail will be harder, but if you use your resources correctly, you may be able to open the gates of Saffron permanently. Then you can go in any direction freely."

This was a lot to take in, but at least Indy knew they had a chance. "Thank you. You helped a lot."

"Oh, you're welcome. Do you have any more questions?"

"...Just one. What happened to my class?"

Mr. Psychic paused before answering, "Team Rocket is keeping a large group of people near the north Guardhouse. However, I don't know how strong their guard is. If he's at the same level as the ones inside Silph Co, then you might not be able to free them yet."

Indy left the house silently, considering his next move. Was he really to weak to do anything yet?

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