Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/homer
homer's Portfolio!
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Since June 3, 2007
So... Im really bored. I have nothing to do. BLAH BLAH BLAH! Wait I got it. I know exactly what to do now. No wait. Darn. I forgot. Maybe I could spend my time thinking about what I was going to do. HUH? What am I supposed to be doing again? Once again I forgot. Maybe ya'll could share your ideas with me. Yup. Yup what!? Oh no! Ummm... A! No, B! No no, it's C! Wait a minute. What were we doing? Oh yeah! I like dogs too!
    Item Cover
    Quiz Icon
    Rated: E · Entertainment · #1272606
    Can you guess who's quote this is?
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    User Poll Icon
    Rated: E · Contest · #1271435
    This is a big campaign. All you have to do is pick who you think would be the President.
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    Rated: E · Music · #1271429
    Just a simple poll to see who your favorite band is.
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    Rated: E · Fantasy · #1271381
    If you could be any cartoon character who do think you'd be?
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    Word Search Icon
    Rated: E · Food/Cooking · #1271225
    Find as many "chip related" words as you can.
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    User Poll Icon
    Rated: E · Food/Cooking · #1271208
    Please vote, and tell what your favorite food is. Its very simple.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/homer