Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/rrledford
rrledford's Portfolio!
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Since May 28, 2007
Beware the MORALLY SUPERIOR, Christo-Zionist Religious Reich, self-anointed recurring architects of history's most dastardly deeds. Now joined with NeoRadical RepubliCons to spin a sick web of deceit and death. My mission: totally reframing heir propaganda messages and revealing their true colors, as completely FAKE conservatives, utterly ultra-LIBERAL fiat money spenders, runaway public debt expanders, excessive private wealth hoarders, fanatically fascist war mongers, and narrow agenda, attempted re-framers of the Constitution! Resisting our global tyranny (the primary cause of terrorism) is the #1 civil responsibility for all citizens.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/rrledford