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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #2317858
My writing expresses those what I observe.
It's my first blog. I witness many things, both good and bad. These are the ingredients of my writing. I cook them through the streams of my heart. After a little decoration, I present it to you.
So you understand well that the subject of my writings rotates within instances of our real life.
I hope that that blog can entertain you. I will try to mix all the flavours of life. But, only time will tell whether I am successful or not.

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July 17, 2024 at 6:01am
July 17, 2024 at 6:01am
Wisdom Wins
Ashok Banerjee

The Captain told us,
“Always keep faith
On your wisdom.
Go ahead.”
That was the first day of us
As a warrior.

That was in a border area.
We always remained alert.
We enjoyed every moment
When we finished our duty.

One day, I made the necessary preparations
For my duty.
Suddenly, the Captain called me urgently.
I went there.
He told me, “ Our intelligence
Sends a bad news for us.”
I remained silent.
“They will make an operation
Late at night today”, he was excited.
“They can't.”, I told firmly.
“I'll destroy the bridge.”
He saw me.
One…two ... .three….
Time was passing on.
There was only a connection route
Between us, a 5-kilometre-long bridge.
“Will you charge the bomb?” He asked.
“Yes, that's the only way”.
" I appreciate your wisdom."

I did that successfully.
Nation saved.
That was my primary aim.
I was awarded for my wisdom.
But, the advice of the first day worked,
“Always keep faith
On your wisdom.".


June 22, 2024 at 7:47am
June 22, 2024 at 7:47am
God Is My Only True Friend
Ashok Banerjee

In my childhood,
I tried hard to make friends with others.
I loved their company.
They also liked me, too.
But, at a certain point of time,
It broke down.
I didn't understand
Why did it repeat again and again?
I became disappointed.

Time passed fluently.
I was a teenager.
I met a devoted person.
He began to guide me.
Slowly, I understood,
Why did my friendship never last?
They were conditional.
A true friendship should be unconditional.

Time passed away.
Lifestyle modified.
I understand that
God is only our true friend.
We are. his children.
He does everything for us,
But wants nothing from us.
It is unconditional.
Is there any real friend like him?

June 16, 2024 at 4:34am
June 16, 2024 at 4:34am
My 100th day in WDC
Ashok Banerjee

I have touched the 100th-day mark in WDC. It is truly a nice journey. Many experienced friends wholeheartedly helped me in the way. Their advice and inspiration make my journey smooth and entertaining.
First, I must convey my regards to The StoryMaster and The StoryMistress .
Second, I will remain grateful to Elycia Lee ☮ who guided me very well from day one.
iKïyå§ama , Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH , dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG and tracker also help me in various ways.
Princess Megan Rose 22 Years and Schnujo's in Scotland helped and motivated me, too.
How can I forget the support of 🌸 pwheeler - love joy peace ?
Many other names help to reach that goal.
Today, we touch five goals. They are:-
1. Completing 100th day on the site.
2. Completing 100th-day visit streak.
3. Completing the 100th-day forum streak.
4. Completing 100th-day newsfeed streak.
5. Completing the 100th-day Review streak.
I hope that I will reach better goals if your blessings and good wishes are with me.
I'm very happy today.

June 2, 2024 at 6:24am
June 2, 2024 at 6:24am
The strong sunshine kisses my eyes gently. I awake. Where is my cabin? How do I come to that unknown beach? I wonder.
Suddenly I remember.


May 31, 2024 at 5:49am
May 31, 2024 at 5:49am
The Proper Way
Ashok Banerjee

God is our Creator,
We all know that.
He creates us
To fulfil a certain purpose.
So, if we try to judge
The worth of a person,
We indirectly judge
The ability of God.
We can't do it.
It's a sin.

To judge a human,
What will be the parameters?
It is the most important question.
Am I aware of those parameters?
My knowledge is limited.
Even I don't know,
Why does God create the person?
So, how can I measure
The value of that human
In my insufficient capacity?
If I try to do it,
That will be a severe injustice
To that person.

Better I concentrate properly
To live a meaningful
And devoted life
To serve the purpose of God.
Wise people advise that.

May 28, 2024 at 7:54am
May 28, 2024 at 7:54am
The Magic of Spring
Ashok Banerjee

After a chilled Winter,
Spring, the Queen of all seasons,
Comes again with joy and hope.
Lush green outfield,
Colourful flowers mesmerize us.
The sound of honey-bees
Take away my mind
To you, my love.

Are you also enjoying
That wonderful atmosphere?
Are you also thinking of me?
I don't know.
But I must greet you
In this auspicious moment,
Have an entertaining season.

May 23, 2024 at 3:37am
May 23, 2024 at 3:37am

Complete Disaster
Ashok Banerjee

He never faced any defeat
As a warrior.
Though he fought over a hundred.
That was a very special day.
His son was included as a soldier.
He felt proud of his son.

He was known for his consistency.
The day was not exceptional.
He started to fight in full form.
Enemy went backwards.

"What can we do?"
A message was sent to the Prime Minister.
They sent a man to copy his son's voice.
It was a dirty trick,
But, everything is fair in love and war.

They were completely on the back foot.
Suddenly, he listened to his son's voice,
"Help me, Dad".
He lost his concentration.
At that point, a shell took his life.

Soldiers loved and respected him.
They became mournful.
The enemy side took full advantage
And became the winner.

May 17, 2024 at 3:31am
May 17, 2024 at 3:31am
"I lost my way in the woods. Please, save me, God" Little Lucy cried. She lost her way into the dense forest. It is dark.
Her mother told her, " Always pray to the Lord when you will be in danger. He will rescue you."
She does so wholeheartedly.
Suddenly, she sees a bright palace.
Lucy runs toward that Palace.
A beautiful lady is there.
"Are you an Angel?" Lucy asked her.
-"Right, Lucy. God sends me to rescue you."
-" Is it your palace?"
-"Not palace" Angel answered, " It is my aeroplane. Quick, Lucy. I have another appointment."

Lucy returns house.

May 12, 2024 at 3:11am
May 12, 2024 at 3:11am
This 'None' is known as a negative genre.
Every genre has a meaning. So, we use the genres to the theme or purpose of my writing. When all possibilities end, there is no shine of hope, in that case, we use 'None'. So it's a negative genre.
But we often see, a few authors use it wrongly. There was a sad experience which the poet described to us. Our lives are a mixture of both happy and sad experiences. So, a sad incident never stops us. So, 'Experience', 'Relationship', 'Personal' and many other genre options(according to situations) are available here. Then why should we use the genre 'None'?
May 7, 2024 at 2:48am
May 7, 2024 at 2:48am
"Don't do it."
They both keep silent for a while. They are thinking something.
"Why, Sir?" Joy asked again impatiently.
After some hesitation, the old man said, " Being a teacher, I request you."
"Being a teacher, you can order me, Sir" Joy answered, "Don't request me."
-"Okay. Don't do it."
-"Why, Sir?"
-"It's a crime."
-"What have they done?" Joy asked, "Those are sacred works!"
"Not at all."
"Don't worry, my dear child" teacher advises, "God will punish them in time."
-"When will that time come?"
-"None can say" He stops a little, "That day isn't far away."

Word Count:100

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