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by Dave
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1236257
A log of the magnificent journey across the vast sea of my imagination.
A sig awarded for winning "The Anything Goes Poetry Contest"

A log of our magnificent journey.

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April 18, 2012 at 12:45pm
April 18, 2012 at 12:45pm
In the TV sit-coms and cartoons,
bigots are shown as silly buffoons.
When all is said and done,
we had a lot of fun
as Archie Bunker railed at the “coons.”

Fred Sanford expressed robust disdain
for white folks. Then he commenced to feign
heart attack and tipple
his bottle of Ripple
to chase away the pretentious pain.

Their callous attitudes reflected
stereotypes firmly trajected
across generations,
giving affirmations
which ingrained the values projected.

Now, those toxic birds have come to roost,
as citizens are being seduced
by prejudiced bias
in the guise of pious
belief to get the voting polls juiced.

If we let this infection persist,
it will fester into a vile cyst,
until the rage explodes
in dreadful episodes
of violence that can’t be dismissed.

April 16, 2012 at 12:07pm
April 16, 2012 at 12:07pm
                                                                                                                     Sweet 16

Sweet 16 spouts sibilant slurs
beyond the bounds of Babylon.
Mystic motives manufacture
hasty harangues that haunt the heart.

Nordic Verse:

April 15, 2012 at 10:10am
April 15, 2012 at 10:10am
Orthodox is not the way for me--
trapped in the box of conformity
for our proprietors to see.
I’d rather sail the open sea,
where all God’s creatures can be free.

Iconoclast is more my style--
breaking the cast always makes me smile
with the albatross and the crocodile,
my brothers on this galactic isle,
sailing through time together for a while.

April 11, 2012 at 1:01pm
April 11, 2012 at 1:01pm
Today’s News

A young boy is shot,
and we’re besieged by a juggernaut
of renderings by folks who
weren’t there and don’t have a clue.

May we have some facts, please?

Politicians ranting about our fate
can only spin and speculate
in esoteric rhetoric,
without substance that will stick.

May we have some facts, please?

In the continuous cycle of news,
instant “experts” constantly abuse
our trust on the internet and TV
with their guesstimates of what will be.

May we have some facts, please?

In today’s market for the weird,
journalistic discipline has disappeared.
We have opened Pandora’s box
and poured out a bunch of crocks.

May we have some facts, please?

April 10, 2012 at 8:55am
April 10, 2012 at 8:55am
Immersion inversion:
ghostly shades on plastic film,
light turns to dark
and captures a moment
for posterity.

Perversion submersion:
ego feeds on victory,
right turns to wrong,
subverting innocence
to vulgarity.

April 8, 2012 at 6:04am
April 8, 2012 at 6:04am
“Rupture” and “rapture,”
such intriguing words,
with clashing consonants
to represent the power
of their substance.

Their structure and stature
stand out among the herds
in blessed covenants,
like faithful beacon tower

Let the creativity flow from your soul! *Cool*
April 6, 2012 at 3:12pm
April 6, 2012 at 3:12pm
My Conscience

Voices from within
battle over the concept
of good and evil.

January 22, 2012 at 5:31pm
January 22, 2012 at 5:31pm

1) Visit the following pages:


Perusing these links, I found the guideline links to several of the publications no longer valid and one was blocked by my internet security program, so I sought refuge at my old reliable Duotrope’s Digest: http://www.duotrope.com/


2) Choose 2 markets that appeal to you for the same story or poem.

Being the contrary sort, I prefer to write my poems from whatever inspiration my muse provides (usually one of the many contests here on WDC), and then go searching for a suitable market. Having kept in touch with several market resources over the years, I often have a few prospects in mind as I start writing, but many times the poem or story will end up going in another direction altogether. I’m not about to argue with my muse if he wants to go off on some adventure instead of following the prescribed path. In this case, I selected four potential markets which seemed appropriate for one of my poems:



The Christian Century



3) Read all the guidelines and become familiar with the style of their published stories/poems.

While the guidelines may provide specific requirements, such as formatting, length and means of submission, they usually give only a general description of the style they are seeking (“expressing the beauty, creativity and ironies of the human experience” or “poetry that reflects simple celebrations of life and beauty”), leaving a great deal of room for the individual writer’s interpretation. There is no substitute for obtaining a sample copy or two of each publication to get a true taste of its unique flavor, but that’s not really practical in these economic times. In the end, I selected Sojourners (because they pay $$$ in addition to copies) and submitted three poems on January 3rd.


4) Start a blog.

Blog resurrected on December 27, 2011.


5) Post your research on your blog, the idea for a story, the timeline you have given yourself.

Ooops! *Blush* “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” Although I had all the other tasks covered well in advance of the January 15th deadline, it took me an extra week to sit down and write this progress report.


What was I doing with that time? Well, I wrote a poem "Invalid Item and submitted it to four contests: "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest, the poetry form challenge at "Invalid Item, "Invalid Item, and "A Poem A Day Contest .

Then, I started researching requirements for submission of a fantasy poem to Aoife’s Kiss

Their formatting specifications are very precise, so I’m taking my time in preparing the manuscript and learning all the technical aspects involved in submitting online.

Oh, yeah. I received a rejection letter from Sojourners last weekend. Bad news there, but at least the quick turnaround will let me get those poems back in play with submissions to another publication.

I guess five steps forward minus two steps back still equals progress, eh?

Let the creativity flow from your soul! *Cool*
January 1, 2012 at 8:11pm
January 1, 2012 at 8:11pm
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

*Bullet*Spent most of the afternoon scanning “Poet’s Market” book at local library.

*Bullet*Submitted three poems to The Pedestal Magazine, including two formal verse love poems, which seemed appropriate for an issue to be published on February 14.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ran some errands and began work on a poem for "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest.

Friday, December 30, 2011

*Bullet*Muse woke me up at 3:00 AM with some thoughts for my new poem.

*Bullet*Did some shopping for tomorrow’s tailgate party simulation.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

*Bullet*Tended to some household chores with the intention of starting new year with a clean slate.

*Bullet*Watched my Auburn Tigers whup up on Virginia in the Chick-fil-A Bowl.

Today, January 1, 2012

*Bullet*Dinner with family and friends on a glorious day to start the new year.

*Bullet*Researched potential markets for my poem "Invalid Item. Found three interesting prospects and hope to submit in next few days. Weather is predicted to turn colder, so it will be a good time for indoor work to get a jump start on this new year. *Smile*

December 27, 2011 at 5:01pm
December 27, 2011 at 5:01pm
Okay, folks, here we go again. Twice before, I have started this project, only to have it wither on the vine because I would rather be crafting poetry. We’ll see how it goes this time around.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been perusing the sources Isa provided in her post "TASK FOR JANUARY 15th"   and found many of the guideline links to be disconnected. The one for “Glyph: The Journal of Fantasy and Legend” was blocked by my internet security program with the message that it was “a known malicious web site.”
Therefore, I’ll be observing the spirit rather than the letter of the assignment by using my favorite free, sortable market resource: Duotrope at http://www.duotrope.com/ .

I have identified several poems that seem suitable for The Pedestal Magazine and will be submitting when their next reading period opens up tomorrow. Thanks, Eliot!

I have also written and submitted an essay for the anthology Sofas I’ve Slept On.

With several other markets identified and matched with poems for submission in the next few days, I think that’s enough progress for one day

Oh, yeah. That's in addition to writing "Invalid Item for today's Writer's Cramp contest. *Smile*

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