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Rated: E · Book · Other · #1962205
You are what you write. Illusion and Reality...I reside in between. Where are you?
UNDERSTAND THAT REDIRECTING CIVILIZATION is a major undertaking. You can write volumes about it and who will listen? But the energy that goes for that purpose cannot be withdrawn. You know that.

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December 2, 2014 at 9:02pm
December 2, 2014 at 9:02pm
Blog City Prompt: If you were to create a chronically unhappy character, what characteristics would you give him/her?

At least that's what the headlines screamed. I tried to be honest. I don't care what they think. My music is the bridge to my fans...no matter what kind of person I am.

When I got the news that June had been aboard the plane that went down. “No survivors.” they said. I remembered her last words. “Just be truthful, Joe. I still love you.”

So I told the interviewer that I hated my name. Wilmont Joseph Leiberberg, Parent's revenge, I called it.
Everything changed my second year of high school when they started a rock band. I became Starman, lead singer for the Bloody Cream. The band was ear-deafening terrible, and faded into senior year memories, but the name stuck.

After my nineteenth birthday, I moved to Hawaii, married a native Hawaiian girl, and got lost in the easygoing beach life, rarely rising above a drug-induced stupor. When I did, Lelani was gone. Her family gave me the airfare and told me to "Go mainland, and never come back!" I did.

I failed miserably at several waiter jobs, finally picking up a gig with a small, up-scale appealing band who were desperate for a guitar player to do a demo recording. Some of the guys heard me goofing around singing when the band's singer-chick was out of the studio. They asked me to join them on a regular basis, and Starman Mainline was born.

Before that year was out, I married the singer-chick. Mrs. Leiberberg had a miscarriage, filed for divorce, and the band had two hit singles in the top 20. I was on a roll. One year later Starman Mainline hit number one for 6 weeks with Alone Again. I wrote the song when she lost the baby. I wailed it onstage. They said it was mournful.
The band did a national tour to promote our second album, and record sales soared. Me, poor Wilmont Joseph Leiberberg, now Starman, came close to becoming a millionaire!

With all that cash I got a new mansion in Santa Monica, and of course came with a live-in girlfriend, followed by two others; never lasing more than six months. Alone Again became my theme song. Women always told me they could feel my pain. What a crock.

I met June when I hit 29, and because of her I became clear-headed sober for the first time in several years. She got me to run with her, made me eat healthy, and generally cleaned up my life with a great deal of love and enthusiasm. Our marriage lasted a little over two years. I truly loved June.

I had just stepped offstage from a huge concert in Amsterdam, when I got the call that June's plane went down somewhere off the coast of Florida. She had been coming to join me in London the next morning. The crowd of 20,000 screaming fans drowned out my desperate screams of grief. I am alone again.

Well, he's never been happy except for a few minutes.
Written for What a Character! : Official WDC Contest

Peace...>>>iggy *Boat*

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December 1, 2014 at 2:55pm
December 1, 2014 at 2:55pm
Prompt: You probably heard about the voice-over in movies, radio, and TV, kind of like putting words in one’s mouth. Sometimes, people do that to each other. They start with, ”She said” and they tell what seems to be the most appropriate to them, and not what the person they are quoting has said. What do you think about this kind of a voice-over and/or has anyone done that to you?

Voice-over = a narration not accompanied by an image of the one speaking. Used often in films and even more so by executives who speak live to narrate their PowerPoint presentation of endless slides and screens of text that are too small to read.

Another great practitioner of voice-over are college and university professors who like to turn off the lights and accompany their lecture with slides, sometimes not even in a PowerPoint. After thirty minutes it becomes mind-numbing.

In films and on stage the voice-over even becomes the voice of God.

As far as 'he said' - 'she said', those people maybe have images in their heads but we never see them. Maybe it's true, maybe not. Gossip and personal agenda require digression. I don't call that voice-over...that's just talking or a one-sided conversation. There's a great deal of voice over the telephone and social media. Lots of that comes with images, but I'm not sure that counts?

An element of the process is voice dubbing. In films we don't realize how much voice we hear has been recorded after the time of filming. The actor maybe is even doing a translated language which is laid over the original voice and synchronized with the screen mouth and lips.

The industry of voice recording and editing is extensive and requires great skill and amazing equipment. Don't forget those singers at large events who lip-sync to a perfect sounding voice-over. You never know what is real or illusion. Do you care?

Another favorite voice-over is the voice of the writer of a letter which a character hears while reading---often romantic or tragic bad news.

Do you hear those voices when writing? I do! I also hear them while reading.

May the voice be with you...>>>iggy *Boat*

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November 29, 2014 at 6:35am
November 29, 2014 at 6:35am
Buddha said, "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." Do you believe this is true?

EVERYTHING comes as a thought first. In these days of media manipulation, financial chaos, and wars of no purpose...I question that anyone can be pure of mind. There is so much hovering around the edges and rippling just under the surface that we ignore most of the time.

HOWEVER, thoughts of pure love, forgiveness, compassion are so powerful and needed by our human existance on this planet. I agree with Buddha seek out the shadows of joy. Find a light and shine it into your heart.

I LOOK AT "BLACK FRIDAY" and then at the words of Buddah and I cannot make a logical connection. The distance between them is beyond comprehension.

>>>iggy *Boat*

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November 25, 2014 at 11:34am
November 25, 2014 at 11:34am
Blog City Prompt: What does authenticity mean to you? How can a person be authentic as a writer or in any other role?

Authenticity must have the essence if truth, of reality as we know it. If the content goes into speculative fiction, then the voice of the writer must still have the qualities of a believable character, situation or event.

Authenticity could be related to a cultural idea about locations, speech, clothing, traditions. These concepts often require much research and study. In some instances, world creation requires detailing all the elements described to seem real and authentic to the world created.

We've all seen movies that don't quite ring true. A character can use words that are not part of the period. Or a sign or light pole appears that does not exist in that time. Little details that can challenge the authenticity of a project. It's the same when writing a scene. It gets more complicated when dealing with vehicles, weapons, odd traditional behaviors, animals, climate. So many details can throw a story out of balance with belief and justification.

Anything, no mater how fantastic, can be described and explained...and then if the characters and story follow and stay within the rules of that creation...the authenticity of the writing is correct.

This is the wonderful act of creation as a writer. There is no limit to your imagination. Go for it!

Write on...>>>iggy *Boat*

Left over from yesterday. Never got it posted.

Prompt: What do you think is the best way to have a necessary but extremely uncomfortable conversation with someone? How could a character in a story handle this?

This is like a prompt for a short story, or even a major chapter in a novel. It might be a planned intervention between family members and a parent who is abusing alcohol or prescription drugs. Nothing criminal, just severe addiction. Or a thousand different situations that become uncomfortable to solve.

Every situation is unique and different. Each person involved has a personal history of all other relationships. The interweaving of these emotional ties adds complications and texture. The dialogue of denial and high emotion make a story dramatic and infinitenly readable.

Again write with a sense of truth.


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November 21, 2014 at 12:00pm
November 21, 2014 at 12:00pm
Raymond Carver says," many writers miss what is right in front of them."Judy Reeves disagrees, she says, "Writers live life on two levels, one we participate in relationships, go about our daily business, interact, respond and perform: the other we observe and take notes." I know it sounds simple but is it. Do you only take notes about what needs to be remembered or are you like Carver indicates oblivious to all that is available. Tell me what you think about their opinions.

Well I know some people, not writers, who miss what is right in front of them. Their level of awareness is only inside the television screen or their penis. Mostly folks who live in service of self, miss out on most of the rest of what goes on around them.

As a writer, I must live on two levels. Daily life requires attention and awareness of everything. Basic things like eating, hygiene, health and in my case, the sailboat. That adds the weather, tides, water, power, batteries, security---all of it constant. I have friends that sometimes need help or encouragement. One friend lost a dog yesterday, and another is in the courts with an abusive partner. Another is a widow facing her first holidays alone. The workers in the marina have problems or need help with tools, or a cup of coffee.

But then on the other level, everything and everyone is potential source material for writing. Maybe not now, anything significant is filed away in my searchable, digital journal. The time of writing is internal---inside my brain. It's another whole place that is always with me.

Another level for me is when I'm reading novels or short stories. I'm totally into them. It's the same for watching films. In my case it's CDs on my small computer screen. Do you realize how much material we store away in our mind each and every day?

When I go back to a new chapter in a book. At the first few sentences I begin to remember everything about the story that I've already read. Before that moment, I only had a vague recollection. Then it's all there. It's a brain-file that opens up. Years later you can look at the book and remember almost everything about the story. I'm in awe of people who have a photographic memory.

The best part about traveling is watching the people on the bus or plane, in the airport or terminal. I don't love the time it takes, but the source material is always new and worthwhile.

Little bits and pieces of these levels are worked into my stories, some from years past, some very new. Isn't life grand?


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November 19, 2014 at 11:00am
November 19, 2014 at 11:00am
Blog City Prompt: "There is nothing like staying home for real comfort."Jane Austen Do you agree with Jane?

As Jane says, there is nothing like staying home for real comfort. I've had many 'homes' in many places in the world, and they have always been important to me. As a artist, writer, home is where I work and live. It all merges into one concept and location.

It is usually messy and often looks like a staging area for some kind of project or repair. Now, living in a 45' sailboat the space limits the work to writing and electronics as boats by necessity have lots of extra communication and sensing gear.

In the boat I have my little corner with computer desk, book shelves, storage drawers and a narrow bed. Other times, other decades, I've been in large modern spaces. Little cottages or motor-homes work just as well. In my grandparents time they lived in one place, usually called the family home, all of their lives. I have lovely, warm memories of staying in those homes.

I have tremendous sadness for all the homeless people who have lost that most important element of well-being. Unfortunately, this is not a world that works for everyone. Think about that! Again I say, listen to the silence.


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November 18, 2014 at 1:20pm
November 18, 2014 at 1:20pm
Blog City Prompt: “Lying is done with words, and also with silence,” says Adrienne Rich. What does this quote say to you? If you so wish, you may offer your experiences on the subject.

“Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.” ― Criss Jami

Following is one small example with huge implications.

WORDS: Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy told reporters Monday morning that the so-called pause in global warming was not representative of the broader trends in climate, which she says point to global warming. “That is a short-lived issue that doesn’t represent climate,” McCarthy told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor, adding that many other factors show the planet is changing because of human influence– though she did not elaborate on this point because the breakfast was nearing its end.

AND SILENCE ABOUT: Polar Vortex 2.0 Arrives - All 50 States Will Freeze Tonight
Lie: The World is getting hotter...FAST!
Fact: We haven't seen any global warming for 17 years!
Lie: Scientists Agree - Humans are causing global warming FAST!
Fact: Shame on them, because that 97% figure is completely fabricated. There has always been, and always will be climate change.

And you still don't know unless you go to the Internet. A great deal of discernment is required for everything you see, hear and read.

Listen carefully to the silence...>>>iggy*Boat*

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November 17, 2014 at 11:37am
November 17, 2014 at 11:37am
Blog City Prompt: Is there a relationship between perfectionism and feelings of shame when what we plan to accomplish does not come out quite right? Explore.

If someone feels ashamed because they were not perfect in their performance or job or creation, then they have not learned that absolute perfection is not possible. Especially when you're dealing with human beings or the chaos of nature. I think feelings of shame are often from an outside influence, parents, peers, supervisors. Perhaps related to control?

Writers, artists, musicians, athletes all understand they can do it over and try again. The drive for perfection will usually inspire another attempt. We admire those who achieve the highest, the best, the most amazing. The Olympics, Opera, Broadway, the Best Seller List---all contribute to the standards of perfection.

I do not see shame about failure part of that level of professionalism. Many of those people are perfectionists who are always striving to beat their personal best. Sometimes disappointed, even depressed, but rarely ashamed.

Working on films, which is a collaborative art, everyone tries to do their part as perfectly as possible. Often there is the opportunity to redo, to shoot it again. Mistakes end up on the cutting room floor, or with digital, simply deleted. Major films have a level of perfection that is almost unbelievable.

The best writers have the ability with their words to inspire, stimulate deep emotional reactions, amuse, entertain and educate. Their words get transformed into those award-winning movies and television productions.

Composers write their notes on paper and a symphony orchestra works to perform their music as perfectly as possible. Another collaborative art.

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg concerning our cultures and civilizations. I'm just sorry that humans have not learned to apply the same intent towards peace and human relations. And for that, I do feel some shame.

Enjoy the perfection that you have... >>>iggy*Boat*

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November 15, 2014 at 11:48am
November 15, 2014 at 11:48am
Who can say at what point dying begins?

Sorry, I'm a bit cynical about this idea. Having experienced parents and friends slow and sometimes painful deaths, I say---in spite of all warnings and past history and knowledge---THE DYING BEGINS WHEN THEY BECOME ADDICTED TO TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL AND SUGAR.

The dying beings when they believe the advice paid for by the medical and pharmaceutical industries. When they ignore the available knowledge about the biochemical functions of their own bodies. An enormous amount of money is spent every year to manipulate illness, disease and agriculture for corporate profits.

Well-intentioned ignorance is not an excuse when the dying has begun. The majority of doctors are trained to treat illness and injuries. They know very little about health and nutrition. They manipulate symptoms with drugs, never considering the original cause.

Consider: SUGAR IS NOT A FOOD! Two Sodas Per Day May DOUBLE Your Chances for an Untimely Death

A new study found a significant relationship between added sugar consumption and death from heart disease. Americans who consumed the most sugar — about a quarter of their daily calories — were twice as likely to die from heart disease as those who limited their sugar intake to seven percent of their total calories. The average American is consuming 22 teaspoons of sugar per day, about three times what's recommended. That's the equivalent of about two sodas

WHITE FLOUR IS NOT THE SAME YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED! The more refined foods a person eats, the more insulin must be produced to manage it. Insulin promotes the storage of fat, making way for rapid weight gain and elevated triglyceride levels, which can lead to heart disease. Over time, the pancreas gets so overworked that insulin production grinds to a halt, and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or diabetes sets in. Either way, the body is getting little or no fuel from the food you eat and tries to convert muscle and fat into energy.

Most people eat an acidic diet caused by too much salt, sugar, white flour, dairy, meat and cola drinks. If everyone would include more fruits and vegetables in their diets, especially in a raw state, we would maintain a better alkaline balance and enjoy better health and vitality. And cut out the sugar and white flour foods. I'm not going into it here, but also consider that humans are not carnivores. (You might research what red meat does to the human digestive system.)

THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALKALINE AND ACIDIC IS THE GREATEST FACTOR IN HUMAN HEALTH. If you don't know or understand, do some research. It is the difference between living and passing the point when dying begins!

The immune and digestive systems are natural functions of the human body (or any other living thing for that matter) Abuse them and they will fail as the dying begins. I say, well-intentioned ignorance is not an excuse!

That's my lecture for this day. This was a very serious prompt.

Live in health...>>>iggy*Boat*

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November 14, 2014 at 6:05pm
November 14, 2014 at 6:05pm
Blog City Prompt: I hear people talking about morning pages, or writing about the goals for the day. Then I hear other people talk about taking notes ahead of time for their writing. Do you do silly writing games like word clusters or word associations? Do you look at pictures? Listen to specific music. Or do you just force yourself and hope for the best.

My stories have large casts and multiple locations. I cannot even begin to write a word until I have created the location with hand-drawn maps, detailed cast lists and character notes (often tentative as the characters take on their own life). The inter-relationships between characters and locations I have learned to solve with very complete mind maps. In other words a diagram that covers every element of a kingdom, a company, a group of characters or centered around the principal one.

Of course I have a concept and a direction the story must go, but after having worked in movies, I tend to go with the pre-planning in great detail. Once I've done that, the images of the place and the characters are free to perform in the atmosphere I've created. If a character looks up across the room, I have to know what they are seeing.

Even a single dramatic moment has to be diagrammed with everyone and every element around the event. Then the story almost writes itself. I really love doing all this stuff! There are lots of different kinds of mind maps, some software. I use a large piece of paper and a pencil, starting in the middle and work out. Lots of boxes and arrows and notes.

I haven't tried world creation. It's been difficult enough with just a couple small countries or a large international corporation. But I love every moment of the process.

Write on...>>>iggy*Boat*

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