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Rated: 18+ · Book · Community · #2257034
Birthday Bash Relay. Excited on Second Place! Now for various WDC contests and activities
Team Ahimsa

My Turn

The WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay  [E]
Form teams, take the baton, and for 9 days share stories for chances at fantastic prizes!
by iKïyå§amaCabre

Thanks! "*Trophyg*2021 Blog Relay Winners!"  
Merit Badge in Blogging
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations to  'Team Ahimsa'  for your excellent entries earning you the 1st-Runner-Up prize in  [Link To Item #1803384] !
"Note: They came, they ran the race, they conquered! ..."

"Congratulations November 2021 Winners!"  

Merit Badge in Blogging
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning second place in the November 2021 30DBC!

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer's Bloody Stumps

Poetry Topic of the Month Contest  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelloween's Expressions

Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the twisted raccoon

The Daily Poem  (13+)
A Week of Poetic Craziness
#2133562 by The Ghost of Jayne's Lost Sock

Muffy's Mischievous Challenges  (18+)
Fun mini challenges for the SuperPower Reviewers to enjoy
#2319692 by Maryann

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October 6, 2024 at 4:55am
October 6, 2024 at 4:55am

Once upon a time, there was a town.

In this town, everything had to be bigger, better, faster, more convenient. Nobody walked if they could take the helicopter, nobody climbed the stairs if they could take the elevator. Puffs of big black smoke came out of factory chimneys and the factory owners had bets on whose smoke would be the blackest and biggest.

The weather began to change. It rained or snowed when it wasn't supposed to. Sometimes the sun shone piercingly bright for days on end. Sometimes it grew cold. The townsfolk built better, more efficient structures to combat this climate change.

Now, unseen by the citizens, there lived some monsters in a cave nearby. These were the pollution monsters, and they thought bigger was better, too. Each one tried to get the biggest, heaviest carbon footprint. Considering how much pollution was going around these monsters had no problem getting greenhouse gases to grow on. They grew bigger and bigger.

Their feet grew bigger and bigger.

"Now to test who has the biggest carbon footprint!" the Chief Monster announced.

With shrieks of delight, the Monsters ran to the town. The townspeople saw them approaching and gasped. The monsters lined up. Each one raised their right leg.

"When I say GO," the Chief Monster said, "all of you bring your foot down so we can measure your carbon footprint. Ready-steady-GO!"

A hundred monster feet came crashing down on the town.

All the biggest, most convenient structures were destroyed, along with the people in them All that was left of the town was the carbon footprints of the monsters, with their measurements written neatly in.

So, the town died sadly ever after.

The end.
October 2, 2024 at 10:43pm
October 2, 2024 at 10:43pm
"Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

I love the visuals in this one - the toy 'phone' at the two ends, and trying to connect. Very evocative.

What does it mean, to connect?
To be physically near each other? Heck, couples who are supposedly making love aren't always 'connected' though all their skin is touching each other's.

So then? To be on the same wavelength, even though you might be physically distant? Technology has given us ways to close the physical gap these days. So if someone gets what you are saying, are you connected though you're miles apart?

Or just it simply mean to WANT to be close, like this song says.
If both people really desire proximity, is it achieved already, by the very longing for it? Richard Bach says 'if you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?'

So, if you want to be connected, you already are!
September 27, 2024 at 11:58pm
September 27, 2024 at 11:58pm
"Note: Newsfeed WEEKEND Challenge till Sunday 11.59 pm o..."

Once upon a time, The Story Master and The Story Mistress created the site we call Writing Dot Com.

On June 1, 2016, wiesblaize found this online home. She loved it, and soon became very active. She made several friends.

On a bright Saturday, she thought up a challenge and asked folks to write a drabble. Sonali didn't know what a drabble was, but found out one second later! Questions came pouring in. Weisblaize answered promptly. Everyone soon got cracking on their keyboards.

Sonali has just finished her entry and is going to do a word count now! Fingers crossed!

Words: 100
September 4, 2024 at 6:30pm
September 4, 2024 at 6:30pm
"Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

Nature's great
Nature's great

There is colour
there is sound
there are creatures
dancing around

There is music
there is rhythm
tiny things moving
though you can't see them

Nature's great
Nature's great

There is wind
there's snow and rain
and then there's sunshine
back again

There are mountains
there are valleys and lakes
ponds, streams, seashores
water don't sleep, it always wakes

Nature's great
Nature's great

Don't destroy the disco snails
don't destroy any creature
let's share our planet happily
with the miracle of nature

Nature's great
Nature's great
September 2, 2024 at 1:57am
September 2, 2024 at 1:57am
So many people have helped me here, it's difficult to know whom to pick.

My first pick has to be poignant. Unfortunately, SHERRI GIBSON is no longer with us, but I have to mention her. She reviewed the very first poem I posted on the very first day I joined, and from then till the day she passed away, she was there to help me.

She taught me how to b-item link. Believe it or not, it took an exchange of six emails for me to get it! (Hey, I was a newbie!). I once wanted to start a forum (which I didn't finally) but I discussed the idea with her and she was generous with her time and inputs. She was always ready to listen, ready to share, ready to help. I miss her.

Then, there's Dr M C Gupta who has helped me streamline my poetry writing. I could never get syllable counts correctly till he stepped in and actually edited some of my Team India poems written for Kiya's "Project Write World. Also, his own poems - always perfectly structured - are a lesson in how to meld form and content.

There's Maryann who runs "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group. She was one of my first friends here. In those days, it was 'Yellow' Power, and when I got promoted to Preferred, I hesitatingly asked if I could join. She welcomed me and her leadership style encouraged me to recruit people for the group and do more reviews myself. She was always there when I wanted to talk about something that happened on WDC that I didn't understand or needed a clarification on.

Like I said, just three? So many, many people have helped. The biggest thanks gos to SM and SMs for creating the site and making it this lovely place!

For "Earn the Badge - Closed
September 2, 2024 at 12:30am
September 2, 2024 at 12:30am
Physically, they were as comfortable as they could have been. The room was airconditioned, the sofa soft, the piped music playing a gentle tune. Yet all three of them were sweating. The sofa might as well not have been there, nobody was sitting on it. They were pacing, then stopping, then pacing again.

Reality shows, when real, were so different from when one watched them sitting on the sofa at home with the TV remote in hand. You couldn't switch to another channel here. You had to evaluate how you had performed in the task set and wonder whether you'd be the next to hear 'GOODBYE'. You had to prepare what you were going to say in your own defense.

The two men could be seen muttering to themselves. The lady's palms covered her mouth, but she was obviously muttering, too. Each was strategizing to pull themselves up - by bringing the other two down if needed. No holds barred.

In the boardroom, the first one pleading his case to the boss.

He talks about each of the twelve tasks so far, and his contribution to his team every time. Then, he brings out the best argument he has thought up. “I’m not like you.” he states, resolutely.

"You're right. You're not. GOODBYE."
August 15, 2024 at 2:27am
August 15, 2024 at 2:27am
Note: I guess each member is allowed one qualified entry.
I just felt like writing this so I did, and submitted it. I am perfectly happy having written it, I don't need to get any more incentives.

A happy hippo hopped and hiccupped.

Do you know the story of the Hare and the Tortoise? The one in which they had a race, and the tortoise won though he was slower, because the hare got over-confident?

Well, there's something you don't know about. And I'm going to reveal this secret here and now. It wasn't the hare who won the race, as we know. But it wasn't the tortoise either.

What actually happened was this - the animals had been very excited about the race for days beforehand. The hippo got so excited, he forgot to drink enough water or eat properly. With the result that he lost some weight and was very thirsty. He didn't notice these things, however, because he was so focused on the upcoming Hare V/s. Tortoise race.

On the day, he went there early, with Mrs. Hippo and the two little hippos, to get a good place to stand and watch. They got a lovely place where they could see almost the whole route the contestants would run.

It was when the starter said - READY, SET, GO ... and the two began to run that Mr. Hippo's hiccups began. He was so thirsty, he hiccupped and hiccupped. The hiccups were so strong and he was so thin that each hiccup made him hop.

"Hippo, dear!" Mrs. Hippo cried out, as her husband hopped away from her.

"Hey, Hippo, Dad," the two little ones yelled, trying to run behind their hopping father.

But nobody could catch up with hopping hippo. The crowd parted and stared. They didn't know whether to watch the main race or this side show.

Hippo was worried at first, but then he saw the finish line come into view. "I'm going to win," he thought, and through the hiccups, a big grin spread across his face.

So now you know the truth.

A happy hippo hopped and hiccupped across that finish line first. We just don't get to hear much about it because he wasn't on the track, and the committee is still deciding whether his race was qualified or not
August 13, 2024 at 11:00pm
August 13, 2024 at 11:00pm
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

My Dad, when a student at UCLA
worked, for he had his tuition to pay

He once sold ice-cream - what a treat!
Riding a bicycle from street to street.

"Crunchy munchy,
right after lunchy!
It's good,
you should!"

He screamed this cry
to the kids and adults passing by

When they heard this welcome sound
They would soon crowd around

With his scoop he'd go whisk-whisk
On good days, his trade was brisk.

A single scoop then cost a dime
(Doesn't that sound sublime?)

But there was one little boy
For whom ice cream was a joy

Though he only had five cents
Pocket money from his parents

"Mr. Man, please," he'd say to Dad
And Dad wanted to make him glad

Though it was hard-earned money
And giving it up wasn't really funny

Dad covered for this kid each time
Replacing the nickel with his own dime.

Well, the child screamed with joy
Not even knowing of Dad's ploy!

Years later, Dad confessed
That when giving he felt truly blessed.

In response to: "Challenge Four - Tongue Twister Fun"  
August 8, 2024 at 12:49am
August 8, 2024 at 12:49am
"Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

Don't look at moving to another town
Don't look for someone else to go along
It's what's within that gets you down
It's inner strength that makes you strong

Nobody, anywhere 'else' matters
To your own self be true
Falsity leaves your soul in tatters
Self-belief gets you through

What happened to him, or to her?
Don't dwell on it if you don't know
Life loses its wonder
If you fret about someone who chose to go.

Be honest, to yourself be kind
Life is full of miracles
You'll win out in heart, soul and mind
Overcoming all obstacles.

May 21, 2024 at 2:27pm
May 21, 2024 at 2:27pm
A popped champagne cork can travel up to 50 miles per hour.

So, when the felines toasted Tiggy Tiger's success at the Animal Olympics with the bubbly, the cork went flying far out.

"A special prize to the one who catches it!" Lornda Lioness roared.

Tiggy Tiger and Choconut Cheetah were off in a flash.

"Catch it in your teeth before it falls to the ground!"

Tiggy and Choconut were nose-to-nose. It was Choconut who got the cork. Tiggy had tripped on something.

"I've hurt my paw."

"Tiggy, look what it is!" Choconut purred. "It's a treasure chest! We're rich!"

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THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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