Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/annipon
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Just one week left for this month's

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

Song prompt: "Wish You Were Here
Lyric prompt: "Ah, Mary

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It's the middle of the month, and that means another prompt over at:

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

Song prompt: "Wish You Were Here

Lyric prompt: "Ah, Mary

I have a few important people to thank:

*Flowerw* Lilli 🧿 ☕: For the Awardicon
*Flowerw* Solace.Bring: For the generous donation to the challenge
*Flowerw* Allan Charles: For the new Costumicon I'm wearing
*Flowerw* Everyone who has entered the challenge in the last few months

I really appreciate all the support and generosity around here.

As usual, entries are due at the end of the month for either prompt.
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I wrote something, just a stream of semi-consciousness that can be edited later. I'm wearing a pink shirt on a pink day and since I'm only half-here I wandered off to who-knows-where. In writing it can be easier working with what you've got than waste time searching for what's elusive or worse becoming mesmerized by an illusion that never was.
The irony of celebrating Independence Day in this country right now is not lost on me.
I can't remember ever feeling less patriotic than I do this July.

At least we have fireworks.
And, of course, the "The One-Line Lyric Challenge

Lyric prompt: "Ah, Mary

Just a reminder that democracy is so, so fragile.
And right now, it is in very real danger.
I just need to finish my one-liner... trying to lower the rating... for your challenge.

Demo=what? Feels like a Demolition Derby. My response to Project 2025 is XGC... so I need to have a courageous Christian Conservative, who can handle my backlash, explain it to me. I do NOT want to hear any whining from the Academy of the Apathetic who live in Ivory Towers in a gated community of fellow Ostriches.
Kåre Enga in Montana - You still have plenty of time! And "gated community of fellow Ostriches" is a perfect description. With their heads in the sand.
Thanks to everyone who entered "The One-Line Lyric Challenge last month.
The prompts for June are now closed and prizes have been sent out.

We have a fresh new prompt up now for July!

Lyric prompt: "Ah, Mary

Interesting use of alexandrines (12 syllables) give the piece flexibility with rhymes.

12/12/12/12 basically with a 4/10/4/10 refrain (if I'm counting commas as a beat).

I immediately thought of "she waters her garden where she's planted her ex".
Anni Pon What is the maximum rating for a response to your challenge? The challenge itself is 13+.
Kåre Enga in Montana - The 13+ refers to the music and the prompts, but entries can be 18+ for this challenge. Probably should state that somewhere...
Alright procrastinators. This post is for you.

There's still time to submit an entry for:

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

Song prompt: "Heroes and Villains
Lyric prompt: "Casey Jones

One more dawn
One more day
One day more!

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Ooh, a newfeed post just for me! *BigSmile*
June is just flying right by, is it not?
It's now officially too hot to leave the house, so why not cool off with a bit of:

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

Song prompt: "Heroes and Villains
Lyric prompt: "Casey Jones

I can't imagine anything cooler.

You have a week to get your entries in!
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Well, I'm back from another three-day annual retreat at a fancy resort almost two hours away in the mountains.
Don't be fooled by the word "retreat". I assure you it was not, by any definition of the word.

What you're probably picturing:

What it actually was:


Now that I'm back home, it's time for the next prompt for:

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

Song prompt: "Heroes and Villains

Is it even really summer without the Beach Boys?

Don't forget about the Lyric prompt: "Casey Jones

Both prompts are open until the end of the month:
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Large lecture room? I have trouble staying "awake and present".
Kåre Enga in Montana - Try staying "awake and present" after 10 or so hours in the same lecture room on about 5 hours of sleep. I'm surprised I learned anything...
It's officially June now. I'm not sure how that happened.
I'm still stuck in March.

Things are heating up, both literally and figuratively, so I may not be around as much as I have been. Turns out, trying to get a job in a new(ish) career isn't as easy as it sounds.

Well, another month, another prompt for:

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

Lyric prompt: "Casey Jones
This one has a bit of a background story.

The prizes for May have been sent out now. I'm afraid all previous prompts are now closed for prizes.
I think I got everyone, but let me know if I forgot yours!

Happy writing!
Entries are due today at midnight for:

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

If you're someone who likes to wait until the last minute, well, now is your time!
Thank you to the early birds who already submitted an entry. Your prizes will be coming once all the entries are in.

Don't forget that you can submit an entry for both prompts and get double prizes.

Song prompt: "Masquerade
Lyric prompt: "Still Feeling You

No entries yet for the song prompt.
I'd like to get at least one...

Better get to writing!!

Time remaining: [Refresh to load countdown.]
This is an awesome challenge! I always listen to instrumental music while writing. So guaranteed I will be back for future rounds. I wish I had paid more attention and given myself time to enter both of the prompts. *Laugh*
Allan Charles - I'm glad you're enjoying it! If you're really inspired, you can still write something for the other prompt, you just won't get the prizes for it. Unless you can come up with something in the next 3 hours...
Happy Memorial Day to those in the U.S.

I don't want to alarm anyone. But you have less than a week now to get your entries in for:

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

Don't panic. There's only 5K GPs and a merit badge at stake. Oh, and a guaranteed review of your entry.
Per entry. That's double if you submit an entry for both prompts.

Song prompt: "Masquerade
Lyric prompt: "Still Feeling You

The deadline is this Friday at midnight.
I repeat, there is NO NEED to panic.

However, this is also your last chance to submit a catch up entry for any previous prompts, after which only the current month's prompts will remain open for prizes.

That is all.

Time remaining: [Refresh to load countdown.]
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Happy Memorial Day. *CountryUS*
If you've been following me on the newsfeed for some time, you may have noticed that drama tends to occur right outside my living room window. Particularly after 10pm. I haven't mentioned everything on here, but I have seen some things.

Well tonight, a group of young men decided it would be a fun idea to try and drive along (not across) the train tracks right outside my place, and their car got stuck... on the tracks. For over half an hour, they tried to push the car off the tracks. Passerby's came to help. A van stopped (also on the tracks) to try and pull them out. The police showed up, I assume to help and then arrest them.

Fortunately, they did manage to get the car off the tracks before a train went by.

It remains one of the stupidest and most nerve-wracking scenes I've witnessed.

Who even needs a TV?

Scarypotato - daredavil-ish. Often young people tend to feel invincible. Then there's that testosterone rush urging them on.

The resukts reminds me of that song called Another One Bites the Dust

🌞GeminiGem 🌻 - The drivers of trains are called engineers.
🌞GeminiGem 🌻 - You are so right! A train with an average number of cars takes two miles for stop.
If anyone ever asks you to go for an "easy" Saturday morning hike, don't believe them.

I was expecting a 3-4 mile relaxing hike through a greenway.

It wasn't the greenway, but the "cliffs" trail by the same name (part of the Appalachian Trail).
Six hours, 8 miles, a big rocky mountain, and two ibuprofen later...
I am back home on the couch and never standing up again. I couldn't if I wanted to.

However, we made it to the top and back. And it was stunning.

I would post pictures, but WdC isn't great for that unless you have a Premium account.
That would have been fun because I have heard the Appalachian Trail is interesting and beautiful. that's the trail, I would go hiking on if I lived on the east coast.
That's one heckuva hike, but it's cool you got to do it.
I walk around in the grocery store, amd feel like I climbed Mount Fuji and feel ready to dive in afterward. Haha

It's not quite the fabulous visual journey you must have had.
We are about half way through the month, and that means it's time for the song prompt for May.

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

This month, you are invited to a Masquerade.
Will you accept the invitation?
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Song prompt: "Masquerade
Lyric prompt: "Still Feeling You

You can do either prompt, or both. Or neither. Who am I to tell you what to do.

Two weeks left to get your entries in!

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Might do the Masquerade one. Not sure yet.
You know what I hate? Obnoxious advertisements on the newsfeed for random writing challenges. Especially when they have multiple prizes just for entering the challenge. Who cares if your challenge is quick and easy and the prompts are open ended? So what if you post prompts twice a month now. No one needs to be reminded that the deadline for your challenge is at the end of the month.

We know.

In any case, what was I saying?

Oh yeah. That's right.

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

The lyric prompt for May is here: "Still Feeling You

All previous prompts remain open for this month only!

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I'm sorry to hear that those type of newsfeed annoy you, but I politely disagree. People DO forget about deadlines, or maybe they weren't aware of a particular contest or challenge had been running that month. It isn't self-serving, it is meant as a community service. Running a WdC contest or challenge isn't for fame or glory, it is for the benefit other members.

If the "ads" really irritate you, you can always unfollow the person posting them. That way they won't show up in your personal newsfeed.
🌞GeminiGem 🌻 - Sorry if it wasn't clear, this was a joke! I'm actually advertising my own challenge here. I see absolutely nothing wrong with other people advertising their activities on the Newsfeed. Maybe I was a bit too subtle about it...
Anni Pon - Yeah, it did not. I wondered why you were advertising after stating that.

So...disregard all that I responded.
As promised, the first prompt for May is up over at:

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  [13+]
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
by Anni Pon

This one is a lyric prompt: "Still Feeling You

If you missed my last post, there's been a few changes to the challenge. There will now be two posts a month, the first of which will be a lyric prompt and the second will be a song prompt. This will allow me to post songs that have no lyrics, boring lyrics, or songs in other languages. Because not every great song has great lyrics.

Reminder that there is actually a deadline now: Entries will be due at the end of the month.
For this month only, that includes any previous prompts you've been wanting to enter.

Your time starts... now!

Time remaining: [Refresh to load countdown.]
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/annipon