Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/annticipation
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Just a little animation I made for anniversaries.
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Happy WDC Account Anniversary! *Smile*
Sitting here at my computer I thought of writing.com and realised how much I missed it. Eighteen years ago my husband gave me a present for my 60th birthday. I came to America, with him, and joined a writing.com convention in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. I had a wonderful time and I met some amazing people. I still have the photos on my computer. We then proceeded to travel to Nashville via the Skyline Parkway. In West Virginia I ended up in hospital following a minor heart attack. All was well no lasting damage and we continued our journey. On my 60th birthday I woke up in Heartbreak Hotel, visited Graceland and Beale Street and did all the touristy things. On reaching Nashville I was offered a songwriting contract for 4 songs that I had written. I was on cloud nine, but when I returned to the UK and I wrote to the producer and declined the offer as my nursing was more important. I knew that I could not manage both and give of my best. That was all a long time ago. Since then I have retired, had to deal with losing both my sisters and then came Covid 19 and I lost 9 friends and a brother to that awful disease. As a 'vulnerable' person myself, I don't like labels, I felt very isolated. I ran Zoom sessions for members of an organisation, Bournemouth U3A, (University of the Third Age). I was lucky,I caught Covid 19 twice and was hospitalised once even though I was isolating. It was, and is, my wonderful husband of 56 years and my songwriting that has kept me going. It is scary to be the last one standing of a generation in your family!
Life for me has changed drastically since I last posted anything on writing.com but I am determined. to make the time to read other member's items and post some new ones myself. I have many health challenges but I am still here and still writing. I hope that I don't let myself or anyone else down. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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Welcome back!
Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
*Balloonv* Happy WDC birthday! *Balloonv*


i put a request if you find time to read, rate and review my portfolio. i shall be obliged at this act of kindness.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/annticipation