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Nuit  Author Icon
Tree of Life: a Journey into the Field of Dreams - A bridge builder between East & West, following ancient archaeological findings, she often dives into historic settings more than 2,000 years back in time, Sunday Times Review Nataša Pantović {Historical Romance}
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Nuit  Author Icon
Sunday Times Interview with N. Pantovic "A Beautiful Mind" https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/a-beautiful-mind.810384
Nuit  Author Icon
Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of Name of God, Nataša Pantović Book Launch
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This new novel contains a dialogue between two European cultures, Roman and Greek from an Ancient Slavic perspective, an intimate encounter of Balkan, its history and culture, a glimpse into the evolution of Ancient Egyptian’s, Ancient Maltese, Ancient Greek - Yonic and Slavic sounds.

A Brief History of the world Beyond the Usual (the subtitle of the book) contains the historical overview of the development of people, sounds and symbols as frequencies.

The author tells us why the ancient Slavic culture in Balkan had difficulty in expressing its origins, how did Sumerian cuneiform script influence the world of thought, and how did the Babylonian Amarna letters bring the revolution of consciousness. How does “B” of the Slavic name for “Bog”, “God”, connects the two distant relatives - Phoenicians and Europeans?

“In search of the Name of God” we follow Nataša’s life-long research into the oldest recorded history of Europe, the 21 symbols of Ancient Serbian Vinča’s pottery, the 1st ever published Sumerian Liturgy for the Moon Goddess SiN by a Sumerian Priestess, Ancient Greek Herodotus and his encounter of Slavs, the Orphic Rituals with its Text of Derveni Papyrus from Macedonia, and the spread of the Dio-Nysus cult in the European Balkan.

Can be downloaded through Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TZRSXVR
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Nuit  Author Icon
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