Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dragondawn
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A 10ft tall friendly derg walks into WDC and starts making waffles, cofee, and donuts. "Who wants a derg hug?" he shouts.
Mmmmm, coffee!
HUgs ANd dounuts!!! Yippeee!
The massive friendly derg galumphs into WDC panting in excitement as he loves being back.

*slobbery kiss given to Mousethyme , Schnujo's in Scotland , & 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰 among others*
*wrings out her fur of dragon slobber and grabs a hose. She drenches Derg in apple juice*
You do realize, this means war.
*takes aim with fire hose and opens to full, spraying wine from the grapevines on the giant Derg*
Ok. Great to be back! I've missed you all very much! *thumps tail* I want to thank all of you who so selfishly gave me the GP to continue my WDC account, so put your username in the comments and I'll give you a cnote. On a side note, my email has been full for the past month so if you emailed me or otherwise did something that I would have otherwise been emailed about I'd appreciate it if you gave me another heads up email.
I missed you all. Been under some heavy meds. Account needs to be renewed. Looking for another 75.5k gift points to purchase another 3 months of upgraded membership. Will resume campfires and other activities when possible. In the meantime... *massive friendly derg bounces his WDC friends*
*potato hugs derg and joins in celebratory bouncing*
*scratches Derg's head as she stretches, crawls down to between his paws, curls up and goes to sleep*
Quick question. DNA is microscopically tiny as it's entirely held inside the nucleus of cells. So how did Bill Nye show a visable strand of DNA to a camera in one of his shows? He was in a lab & pulled the strand out of a special container used for storing DNA samples (I assume a separater might have been envolved?).
Scarypotato - that must have been it. I did remember the container looking weird & I'm postitive it wasn't a model (if it was he would have called it "The Huge DNA Model of Science!" - I love his model names *Wink*).
Scarypotato - There's also a simpler version that is used in freshman college labs. I taught a biology lab where the freshmen isolated the DNA from mashed strawberries and ultimately twirled a mass of white fibers onto rods--many, many molecules of DNA. Didn't do replications or sequencing, just a basic demo.
JJ Robinson II - the basic principle is still the same. Also if you use the rod method, it also pulls protiens and other molecules along with the DNA. So if you want to isolate a molecule of DNA—and nothing else—you're better off lysing the cells and using a DMSO wash and then running it through a centrifuge. The DNA has a certain specific gravity in micro daltons that is different than any protein if you're looking to analyze a DNA sample using Gell electrophoresis or a southern blot instead of just impress some high school students it's a heck of a lot more than bloody smashing things!
I got a new blog entry:
"Lone Ranger Joke
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Lara Croft & The Idol of Growth - Part 2  (ASR)
Lara gets drunk with power and a vixen has a little fun.
*massive friendly derg rolls in like a wheel, spirals out of control, and winds up on his back sprawled on the floor wings open grinning his goofy grin. He waits for a tummy rub*
  •   1 comment
*gets up there and starts tickling instead*
Are there any big Zelda/Metroid fans out here? Any who would be interested in a blog/discussion of various lore, enemy/character, and gameplay mechanic topics? Theres alot in these games I notice and find interesting, especially head cannon (implied official content such as events known to have happened but not covered by any official material).
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Used to be but I'm so out of the console game loop that most of the stuff people say about any Zelda or Metroid game beyond what was on Game Cube, I'd probably have no clue.

Also, most gaming communities that I've been part of can be caustically competitive and a lot of tear downs happen there. Not a problem most of the time on WDC but no telling when that on random "person" —supposing it's not, y'know, a bot designed to write insulting comments on posts.

So besides blathering on, I'd say it'd be nostalgic but to much emotional risk for me to consider.
Oof. Getting real low on GP (less than 7k). Donations appreciated.
*massive friendly derg romps in and begins giving everyone slobby massive derg kisses* *Heart*
Something just occured to me. Knights always seem to go after dragons with swords or use arrows (the first leaves the knight in a ridiculously dangerous close quarter scenario and the later does nothing cause dragons are covered in hard scales). If a dragon must be fought, woldn't a lance be more effective?
Re 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰's comment above, and then you're stuck with the "Gosh, it's really close to me!" scenario again. *Shock2*
Or a giant robot with a laser...if it were a sci-fi knight, they might have that.
I once saw a flying yellow pony defeat a dragon by yelling at it.

Of course, if you do go in there with a lance, are you really that much further away? Dragons are huge. I figure your best chance is to stab it in the eye or some other weak spot. At that point, you might even be better off with a simple dagger.

And I'm going to stop here because I have three Medieval history websites open and if I don't leave this rabbit hole now I'll be here for the next three hours.
The massive friendly derg makes his appearance ready to give dergy love. He pounces on various humans snuffling his snout in their hair, licking them with his giant tongue so they are sopping wet with slimy derg spit that doesn't come out, and thumping his tail glad to be with his little human friends + one small mouse Mousethyme + a foxy fox 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰
*bounces up and down like a trampoline due to the massive tail thumping*
There are three things about WDC I don't get and am mildly annoyed by. First, why is spell check not a standard editing option for all items when you write/edit them or when making newsfeed comments/replies? Second, why doesn't the WDC site send you a notification when someone posts to one of your In & Out items? Third, why do we have to pay 1k GP to transfer an item? Anyone have thoughts or answers?
  •   1 comment
For spell check, different countries spell the same word differently and it would be too difficult/expensive for SM to figure that out for all the countries represented.

IDK about in-and-outs. You can ask of there is a way in the technical support forum. If not, go to the Suggestion Box. Both are in one of the menus on the left, but I'm at the airport on my phone, so I'll let you click around. Maybe you'll find other interesting things. Lol

As for charging to transfer things, remember that WdC is how SM feeds his family. The vast majority of members (a HUGE amount like 60-70% or more) don't even have paid memberships, so he has to make money somehow. This is one of the little ways he does. *Wink* If we didn't financially support WdC, it literally wouldn't be here. *Sob*
I forgot my digital watch was in my pocket when I did my wash. It went through two rinse cycles and a wash cycle in the washing machine followed by a high heat 1h tumble in the dryer. When I found it...

THE THING STILL WORKS HOW?!!! Seriously! No broken buttons, nothing wrong with the screen, and it even still had the correct time!

This was so shockingly amazing I had to share.
I know I'm showing my age a little but is it a Timex?
Mousethyme - Exact same question went thru my mind.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dragondawn