Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/frannywill
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Happy 13th WDC Anniversary, Fran 💜 💜 💜

Happy WDC Anniversary! *Smile*
Fran! We miss you *Sad* . I wonder if you will come back to WDC? *Heartp* *MermaidTail*
*Balloonp*   *Cupcakeb*   *Balloonp*


I wish you great success in this coming year!

*Balloonp*   *Cupcakeb*   *Balloonp*


Happy WdC Anniversary! *Smile*
Happy birthday, Fran!!!!!!

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]
Happy WdC Anniversary!
Happy Birthday! *Smile*
*FishB* *Whale1* *Vignette4* *Wave1* *Wave2* Happy WDC Anniversary! *FishB* *Whale1* *Vignette4* *Wave1* *Wave2*

I was looking for a mermaid but I couldn't find it. *Laugh* Combine fish, plus water, plus maybe fairy and we might get it. Have a great day!
Happy WDC Anniversary!
*Balloonr**Balloonb* Happy birthday, Fran! *Delight*
I just wanted to say hello properly. It's been a while, huh?! So long that many of you don't actually know me *Shock* Imagine!

A few weeks ago Fivesixer sent me a picture on twitter of an indecent (I can't remember the rating my posts are so I'll stick with that) drinking straw... because I use straws to drink and he "saw it and thought of me". I mean, what that says about me, I'm not sure *Laugh*

I know Norb is off doing his Author thang. But he made me miss you guys.

I was also tidying up my office and found a ton of letters from you guys *HeartB* I missed you more.

I turned up yesterday like a bad penny because my premium membership expired. I realised I had a ton of GPs so I was able to get a year of upgraded membership. Better than nothing.
Although, this does mean I'll have to clear out my port *Shock2* Harsh times. And that my mermaid has gone... ohh I'll miss her! *Mermaid* *Left* still no mermaid emoji yet I see! *Cry* I was hoping so hard, too!

Anyway, my point is I miss you guys. I think of you often and keep up with a few of you on facebook. I write a lot these days but nothing fun. I let the fun writing ball drop a long time ago and I miss it. I don't even know when the last time I wrote a poem was *Cry*

I'm not going to say "I'm baaaack" - I'm not, not really. But I'm kinda around... clearing out my locker *Laugh*

Much love to all *Heart*
         Welcome back! Your story is similar to mine, as my premium membership expired yesterday, too. I'm still deciding whether to drop to Upgraded or get Premium again. Either way, I've started purging old newsletters and images, plus created a book in which to put my poetry items in, so that really helps. You can do that with images, too, (thank you for the suggestions, 🌕 HuntersMoon and Hannah ♫♥♫ )! I'm actually locked out of my port for now, but that will change once I decide what membership I want and get it paid for. Have fun cleaning out your locker and I'll be seeing you around! Well, I am going camping for 2 weeks, and service is minimal where we go, lol, so after Monday I'll be gone till I get back mid-September. I've missed this place dearly. It started out when I got this new laptop, so different than my desktop, and I just sort of faded away here for months. I'm much better at it now and feel comfortable with it, so I'm hoping I'll get more involved again. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and welcome back! *Hug*
Hi Fran! *Cool*
Miss you, Franny!
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/frannywill