Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/myfamily1996
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Happy 10th WDC Anniversary, Izzy's Writing !

Happy anniversary 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈
Happy birthday 🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰
When you guys take breaks from writing your novel, do you plan how long your break will be or do you just go with it?

I've been working on a teenage-to-adult romance (i've got 26k out of 90k done already) and I'm struggling now to connect with the characters and their romance. I'm thinking about taking a month-long break from working on it and work on another project instead.
I'm glad your happy Izzy!
FTW when you surprise your boyfriend at work and his eyes lit up when he sees you *Care* *InLove2*

Anyone been in love like this before?

alright y'all, now kiss!
Uh, yeah, his wife might be upset by that. *Laugh* When I said GPs, MBs, or something else, I meant something else like raffle tickets or other goodies among friends. *Rolling*
My husband and I were newlyweds. He was an MP at the front gate at Fort Lee army/air force base.

We lived off base, so I I rarely visited, except to go to the PX for groceries. That was partly because I usually didn't have a ride while he was working.

I was walking through the PX, seeing what I might buy for dinner, when two arms wrapped around me in an x-shaped fashion. Nobody would have ever dared do that. It was like being in a human spider web. Lucky for him, I'd not learned any Karate yet.

But just a quickly my hubby whispered in my ear, "Hi baby."

I softened and leaned back into him. It left me smiling. He had only dropped in briefly, then kissed me and said he had to get back to his post.

I looked forward to later when his shift ended so we could finish what he started.
Hey y'all! :D

I have a poetry book (eBook and Paperback), which is available in eBook form on Ratuken Kobo, Apple Books, and Barnes & Noble. The paperback will be out in a few weeks.

Link to eBook: https://books2read.com/u/m26WVj
That's fantastic! Way to go!
Does anyone else use Grammerly? i just downloaded it today and i adore it!
Really? I got rid of it after a month. Really did not like it.

But to each their own, so I am glad you found something that works for you.
It seemed fun and great but I ended up not liking it and deleted it after a week. It started having a mind of its own.
"Add to dictionary" or "Ignore" but great at picking up obvious mistakes I make.
How you been Izzy?
I'm working on a crime/thriller novel that I hope to eventually publish. If anyone is interested in reviewing it, please let me know.

  •   1 comment
You might get more reviews if you edit your post above (click the arrow thingy) and add a link {bitem:#######}.

You can also post in Please Review under the Community tab. I'm traveling so I know I won't, but you might get someone else. *Smile*
Why I love writing + partnership:

I'm writing a story (ft. my boyfriend) about musicians and one of the characters has an original album coming out. Since I can't write songs, I asked my boyfriend to help me out (he's the music/song expert) and he agreed!

So while I'm working his character into the story, he's writing the songs our characters need.

I love that man so much *Laugh* *InLove2*

  •   1 comment
That is definitely pretty awesome! It would be even cooler to include the words and sheet music as either something they could get with a QR code or if they give you their email address or if they visit your author's website or whatever. *Bigsmile*
Writer's worst nightmare:

Do you work on the 200 stories you've already started or do you create a whole new story to forget about in 14 months?

Doesn't that mean you're a real writer, Scifiwizard Retired? *Laugh*
I've heard that it's very important to bring your stories to a conclusion, which is something I'm trying to do more of. But I still have a folder in my port full of half-written "WIP" novels and novellas plus "story starts" that are short outlines of a page or less. Some of the half-written stories are ones I really love and want to return to, but right now I've got this great idea... see? You're not alone! *Smile* I suggest letting go of the stories you aren't in love with right now –file them away, but don't delete them, ever!– and begin the new story you're in love with keeping a full intention of finishing it. Because finishing stories will do so many good things for you as a person and as a writer. Maybe there's a newsletter about the importance of finishing stories? Resources, anyone?

You know right now I should be finishing a story for a contest. It's due tomorrow midnight, and yet here I am, commenting on newsfeed posts instead of working on that story. Finishing is HARD! *Sob* I get you Izzy's Writing!
Uh, is there some psychological reason that it's important to finish your stories, Nobody’s Home? Probably the same and some psychological reason to finish most things you've started, I would guess, but it never occurred to me that either has some specific significance over our psyche. *Think* Something to ponder and pretend I'm going to google until 10 seconds from now when I've forgotten. *Laugh*

POOF! Gone. *Rolling*
Will forever love it when customers come into the restaurant (fast food) and complain about the service when someone is CLEARLY new. *RollEyes*

Like, sir, there are four other fast food places in the area--why don't you go somewhere else instead of whining about "how bad the service is" and then, when someone tells the person behind the counter that they are interviewing, snappily ask "why do you want to work here?"

My mom went to Burger King one morning and the girl by the counter was BRAND new. Mom was her very first customer there. She smiled hugely and greeted my mom with "Welcome to McDonald's!" *Rolling* *Rolling* *Rolling* She was mortified, that being her last job, but mom thought it was hilarious! *Laugh*

         Once, I went through the drive-through at Burger King; I was tired of them asking me if I wanted cheese on my Whopper, so I replied: No, just a plain Whopper. I was about 3 miles away when I bit in to that Whopper. It tasted funny. I looked, and it was just a bun with meat only.
Yep, a friend got a similar thing when they asked for a plain cheeseburger at McDonald's...NO CHEESE! *Facepalm*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

*BalloonB* *PartyHatB* *BalloonG* *ConfettiG* *BalloonO* *Party* *BalloonB* *ConfettiB* *BalloonP* *CakeB* *ConfettiO* *BalloonB* *Party* *BalloonR* *ConfettiR* *BalloonV*
Happy anniversary
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/myfamily1996