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Please follow an 18+ rating.*

You know how you wake up one morning and suddenly you are getting a whole bunch of 'likes' for something that was posted/written a century ago???


"Getting Short Story Ideas from Images

All of a sudden you all are seeing this?? *Laugh*

Seriously though, I'm guessing 🌸 pwheeler - love joy peace is behind this as she left a fantastic review on it.

So, thanks to all those popping in to check it out, and also thanks to all the cyclists participants in "Tour de Ports
for all your lovely and thoughtful reviews!

You've definitely made a tiring week quite fun.


Yes... that was fun. I do ekphrastic poems all the time. *Hearto*
I might have done a news feed post on it, as well as a review. *Wink*
Hmm....would this be a good time to use an image like this?

What's happening, America?

(and no, this is not a forum to start arguing in the comments section please. I'm just gobsmacked I guess. Hah!)

Kåre Enga in Montana - I'm offended that you're offended! I'm sorry, I don't think you were trying to be funny but that was really was funny to me.

I think you are assuming that because people aren't posting about the presidential race it isn't important to anyone. I beg to differ. It is immensely important to me (and to others I know well on this site), but it is not the place we discuss it.
iKïyå§ama Shrugs and shakes head. Never a dull moment. Sometimes (most of the time) I rather wish there would be some dull moments in American politics.
🌞GeminiGem 🌻 - Well, your soon to be ex-President was considered too dull/old/un-Trumplike to continue in the race, wasn't he? *Wink*


So, I have a nephew, who at seven, is quite brilliant.

He can rattle off stats and general knowledge off the top of his head, and reads books way above his level.

However, when I randomly asked him to tell me the time and this thing

was hanging right there on the wall, he was completely stumped.

The young man could not tell me the time off a 'normal' clock.

I, honestly, thought he was just messing around with me, but he really wasn't.

He had to rely on his phone to tell him the right answer.



buddhangela's trying it all on - Haha! I'm sure they've seen mail/junk mail, but with attention spans as short as a TikTok video, not much in the way of retaining information or bothering to learn the 'hard' way of doing things.
In contrast, my parents were hands-on, and I'm going to be eternally grateful for that. With no mobile phones or devices to distract us, most evenings were spent sitting at their feet listening to stories or running around the house learning important skills that could get you through life.
iKïyå§ama , this has been a fabulous topic to discuss. We could even discuss writing out a check. I'm not sure how many people actually write checks much anymore these days. Now we have Venmo, PayPal, or just the ability to use a card to pay bills online. This is a quite scary, really. Communication in the future is going to be quite difficult. Well, it already is. I guess it will get worse.

Thank you for beginning this conversation.
QPdoll - Unfortunately, with the way things are going, checks will eventually become something only seen in museums or history books. I do understand the need for less paper (wasting and all that), so I honestly don't mind the new forms of payment. But yes, the nostalgia of having your first check book in the mail and signing away your hard earned money *Sob* will never go away.

P.S: Don't get me started on the communication issue. When it gets to the point that you attend a so-called party yet half of the folks there are all staring at some device and not actually engaged in face-to-face conversation is worrisome indeed.

Oh my God!

Why do I keep doing this to myself? *Sob*

I had always wanted to visit The Tower of London, but kept putting it off until a couple of days ago, while sitting in a bus, I just clicked on the link and purchased tickets for the very next day. *Facepalm*

....I immediately began regretting my decision, as I stepped off the bus, and figured I could do a quick refund and plan this better, but alas, I read the fine print which in summary said 'Whoops! Your money is now officially in our pockets, Missy. Sorry!'

So, had no other option but to turn up on a blistering hot morning with, seemingly, a million other like-minded individuals who also wanted to see the place. What did that mean? Crowded spaces, long lines, and having to rush through things because of others. *Cry*

Hay fever symptoms and aching leg woes aside, it was a fascinating place, and if you ever do decide to visit, I'd highly recommend adding it to your itinerary (just go on a quiet day with not many people around...especially rowdy school groups with either yelping preschoolers or mischievous teens who can't be quiet)


1. The walk across the Tower Bridge was awesome
2. The site itself is amazing and you can really feel the history there
3. They must have been super skinny back in the day because the steps, within the towers, were super narrow
4. Those ravens are super smart and quite polite actually
5. The crown jewels are fantabulous. My gosh! No wonder they don't allow photography in there. Your camera lens might shatter at all the shiny.
6. The yeomen, and soldiers on duty, were top notch; entertaining and patient with all the shenanigans, we tourists, bombarded them within.
7. I am going back again...when it's off-peak season.

Here's a rather lengthy, but quite detailed video of what it looks like within.

Yes, there are shorter ones out there, but this person really makes you feel like you're walking those very roads/rooms yourself.
Glad you did visit the Tower of London. It is something, all right!
"The walk across the Tower Bridge was awesome..."
Yes, awesome is correct, and it scared me for reasons unknown. I figure, I must have walked on it in another earlier lifetime under much different and dreary conditions. *Rolling*

Joy - Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. However, with all the traffic, that morning, it kinda lost that sense of 'history' I was looking for. *Sob*. I did, however, feel the ghosts of the past walking with me as I approached 'Traitor's Gate'. To think that the original steps are still there and to imagine those boats creeping through that silent canal/river, into the tower - where some would never leave or escape from - was quite chilling.
That's like here, I don't live far from L.A. but they do have L.A. Natural History museum and Space museum. If anyone is interested in going to one of these, I would recommend going when there's not many people. There's a lot, you can see here but I've never been up north and I live here in California. If you ever come here, I would go to the national parks especially Yosemite National Park.

Merit Badge in Bee Angelic
[Click For More Info]

 A gift from  [Link To User lighthouses.37] !
We are   bee-yond   excited to share that a donation was made in your name toward  [Link To Item #1188309] .
Every donation made through  [Link To Item #Bees]  goes toward supporting initiatives that enrich our community. As a token of our appreciation for your generous gift, we are awarding you this   Bee Angelic   merit badge.
*^*Bee*^* *^*Honey*^* *^*Heart*^*

Thank you, Beacon's Light !

And go visit the fab brainchild of Jeremy below to find out more:

  •   1 comment
You're Welcome, my friend.

Aaaaah, it was AMAAAAAAZING at Frameless!   *Sob*

I'll definitely be returning again...especially without impatient kids hanging around me *Laugh* (took the nephew and niece this time around)

Got the pictures and videos I wanted, but next time, I'm not turning my device on.

Just sit back and truly enjoy the experience.

I highly recommend you find such a place in your area, if possible. It's definitely worth it, if you wish to just find peace and solace in some of the exhibitions - very soothing music and the art really does come to life around you. It's spellbinding.

Also recommend going on a 'quiet day' with not many people around and as early as possible. *Wink*

Guess where this gal will be visiting soon?

So excited! *Delight*

I did a similar experience with Van Gogh...it was phenomenal.
That looks brilliant is it in London? I did the Van Goch one too in Bristol and the 7 Worlds one Planet one in London last year.
Jellyfish - Yes, it's the one in London. It was a great experience all around! *Bigsmile*
My sincere thanks to the person(s) who nominated the following items for the prestigious "The Quills

*Gemy* Best Short Story:
"30: The Wand of Destiny

*Gemy* Best Short Poem, Free Verse:

*Gemy* Best Group:
The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

I truly appreciate the recognition! *Delight*

And if you have noticed anything/anyone else, around Writing.com, that deserves such accolades, please do not hesitate to nominate them below:

Quill Nomination Form 2024  (E)
Nominate someone for a Quill!
#2145930 by Lilli 🧿 ☕

Congrats!!! *Smile*
That's awesome! Congrats Kiya!
Congrats, Kiya! Well done! *Heartv*



  •   1 comment
Love it.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
The Miracle  (13+)
In honor of 'The Miracle in Missouri' - An AlphA Poem
Nice to see this after all these years. 2007? Ouch... I was 'young'. It looks like both boys were doing well in 2022... the last update I saw.

As for AlphA: like your choice for Q, U, Z.
Kåre Enga in Montana - Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the poem and thanks for the update as well. *Smile*
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
The Rose  (13+)
A single red rose changed their lives forever...
Huh? Wait...what bee this all about?

CommuniBees  (E)
A community-driven charitable collective. Help make some honey and earn merit badges!
#2319078 by Jeremy

Those badges are going to be super cute when released.

And speaking of busy bees, don't forget to check out:

The Best of the Rest at the Bee Hive   (E)
JUL 2024 Contest is open! Submit your Campfire Creatives!
#1134192 by StephBee

And now my lunch break is over, so I'm going to be back to being a busy bee on the ward!

Bzzzzt! *Pthb*


*Bee* *Heart* *Bee*
Kiya, big thanks for giving the Best of the Rest @ the Bee Hive a BIG shout out!

Thank you for this lovely surprise:

Jerky Jaunts  (13+)
a night of drunken fun and a mountain lion meet
#2318251 by iKïyå§ama

from the lovely two ladies who run the fun activity:

The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
JULY: Best of the Losers Wins!
#981150 by StephBee

Now, go make sure you submit an entry for the new prompt/month!
Looks like a fun one all about Mother's Day.


(what even goes on in this gif???)
Congrats! It was quite the prompt.
Dawn Embers - 500 words was not enough for your story, Dawn! I loved the creativity you took with it!
iKïyå§ama Congrats! As for this gif, it's clearly a momma bird fed up with the baby's squawking for more food. She's clearly mocking him. *Rolling* (Let's hope Daddy shows up soon with the food or something tells me, he'll BE the food!) *Fireworks1*

The WDC Angel ArmyThe WDC Angel Army

sincerely thanks Gaby ~ Way behind! and the wonderful members of *Fire*House Targaryen*Fire*

*Dragon2*JACE - Sightseeing
*Dragon2*GERVIC 🐉

for helping to raise

3,063,290 Gift Points

as part of the "Game of Thrones event!

I knew all that pain and suffering was for a worthy cause after all!


P.S: I would be remiss if I did not thank those who also 'cheered' for our team during the event.
Your invaluable support also made this possible! *Heart*

Wow! Congrats to everyone who participated! You are awesome! And kudos to Kiya for organizing just a big and fantastic event! *Heart**Heartv**Heart* Much love to all!
Wow, that's awesome!! Glad to be part of a such a great team!
Legerdemain - I think you mean - Gaby - who ran the event because goodness knows I couldn't! *Laugh* Thanks for the well wishes! *Heart*

What a day this gal is having so far!

Merit Badge in Good Deeds
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations, you won  2nd Place  in the  April 2024  round of  [Link To Item #gooddeeds] !

Merit Badge in Visit WdC 7
[Click For More Info]

Awarded for  visiting the site every day for a week . This badge can be earned over and over again.  Each of these badges adds one (1) Community Recognition!

*Coins* Finally got enough gps to get a one-year extension upgrade *Coins*


*Dragon2* *Fire* House Targaryen *Fire* *Dragon2*
for "Game of Thrones

Congratulations to the Free Folk for taking the top honors, and to House Florent for coming in third.
And a big shout out to the other great Houses who worked just as hard.


I was able to extend mine for 6 months due to the generosity of two members. I was 10k short. Oh... so... close.
Great, congratulations, iKïyå§ama!
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/satet