Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sgcardin
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
It's time.... to get a haircut. The curls are out of control!

I completely relate to this. I refer to my hair as "naturally unruly".
Me too, Steph, me too! I look like Hermione Granger in the early Harry Potter years...
Melting..... so hot........

I'll be back tomorrow WDC....
I know how you feel, it's too hot here and it feels like someone turned up the oven. I hate the summer because my electricity bill will be high and I have to pay it.
Before you go... *IceCream**IceCreamB**Icecreamv*
I'm ready for fall.
Tons of errands to do: Car maintenance. Grocery Store. Smart & Final. Costco.
One of my more recent stories... if you enjoy a little coffee *CoffeeToGo*

Tanzanian Peabodies  (E)
The best coffee is smuggled with love.
#2318029 by StephBee
  •   1 comment
I just read this poem and really enjoyed it:

 Theme Park Sounds  (E)
From a recent trip to Disney World
#2308213 by Private
I've added a new entry to my book, "Gemini Rising:
         "Self Publishing Mini Series #3 - Securing the Cover

Christmas in Bayeux Cover
There's a new Fundraiser in town - The Bard's & The Bees.
Brought to you by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH and StephBee

fundraiser supports the following: Bard's Hall Contest & the Bee Hive Community to include Best of the Rest.

You can buy exclusive Merit Badges for 50K, 75K, and 85K gps. You can also buy the exclusive Bard's Hall Awardicons, Ribbons, and Plaques.

You can find information on this 50/50 fundraiser at
The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
JULY: Best of the Losers Wins!
#981150 by StephBee

as well as
Steph Bee's Honey Pit   (E)
JUL 2024 - hang out with theBees and enjoy the Honey. NEW challenge for 16-31 JUL is OUT!
#1474097 by StephBee

The fundraiser lasts throught 7/28 2024.

but please send all GP's to the following:
 Bard's Hall Contest Prize Fund  (E)
GP bank for The Bard's Hall contest.
#1092070 by StephBee

Thanks for your support!
Do you guarantee Community Recognition for purchases of multiple badges?
Annette - Yes, we do. If you don't mind waiting.
If you could visit one state in the USA all expenses paid, which state would you go to and why?

Totem Bight State Park, Ketchikan, Alaska
Hawaii, because I have wanted to go for years but it is an expensive holiday. Hawaii just looks like the kind of place I would love, as I love hot weather and beach holidays and I like the whole surfing vibe (although I can't actually surf myself! )
Well, now that I've been to Alaska, I can't say that one, but I'd love to buy a summer home there. I'd say Florida and the beaches. I'd love the beaches. Virginia would be my 2nd.
Colorado because I want to hike all over.
I've added a new entry to my book, "Gemini Rising:
         "Little House Bus Tour - Big Sky Ranch, June 2024

At Big Sky Ranch, the Little House House
  •   1 comment
I do love Little House On The Prairie. Good picture.
Wanna meet fellow WDC Community members and enjoy a good chat? Check out this awesome forum:

The 7/7 Forum  (18+)
Message Forum to chat and Interact with fellow WDC members 7 days a week
#2312629 by Jellyfish
  •   1 comment
Thank you for sharing my forum Steph! *Bigsmile* *Heart*
Here's the big question of the day:

Vanilla or Chocolate?

It varies, depends on the day and my mood.
Why not a chocolate/vanilla swirl? *Hungry*
Allan Charles - Why not? *Wink*
I've added a new entry to my book, "Gemini Rising:
         "Looking for Sarah Palin #4

Totem Bight State Park, Ketchikan, Alaska
I've added a new entry to my book, "Gemini Rising:
         "Health Topic - Keep it Cool!
I added: Thais buy powder for prickly heat. Loose clothing. Cover you skin! Better than SP 5000 with chemicals. Work as much when it's cooler, usually nights or early mornings. Give yourself permission to just-say-no to going out when it's dangerous. WalMart will be there for you tomorrow or next week. The main culprit in becoming a statistical fatality is thinking that "it must be done now and I'm the only one who can do it".

I forgot "wear a hat!" I'm sure others here can think of more suggestions.
Kåre Enga in Montana - Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Kåre Enga in Montana - Wear a hat -- always said that in the scouts!!
Check out Book 1 of the Moldavian Moon series, "The Wolf's Torment"

Amazon's Price: $ 3.99

From Goodreads - Review by Rhonda Tutt:
Wow! I absolutely loved this book. The secret lives of witches and were-wolves fill this story with a captivating romance and a twisted drama. I was totally glued to the pages and wanted it to last forever and wishing I had their magical spells to transport myself into their time period. The writing is beautifully smooth and visionary.
There's a new Challenge at the Honey Pit from 16-31 July with a Bonus should you do it!

Steph Bee's Honey Pit   (E)
JUL 2024 - hang out with theBees and enjoy the Honey. NEW challenge for 16-31 JUL is OUT!
#1474097 by StephBee
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sgcardin