Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/stoland1999
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Happy anniversary 🎂🎉🎂🎉🎉

Happy anniversary
see above.

Happy 1st, Maddie!!
Here's to many, many more!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV* *Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV*
I've added a new entry to my book, "Journal/BlogOpen in new Window.:
         "01-20-22 The Order of ChaosOpen in new Window.
I also added a blog entry:

"01-13-23 Is Unlucky in the Eye of the Beholder?Open in new Window.
It seems today my comments are in no way linked with the post... But, reading this *Up* I wondered about the phrase "in the eye of the beholder".

Where, or how, did this originate? Did someone actually hold some bees and did they get stung in the eye?
Perhaps it was the last thing shrieked by one of the low-level adventurers of a misguided party who stumbled into the lair of a hideous floating beast with numerous eyestalks and a bad attitude?

beholder monster

"Carl, don't point that arrow at me!"

"Oh, sorry! Where should I shoot it?"

"In the eye of the beholder!"
I have an ongoing book:

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Tempered Hearts Open in new Window. (13+)
Ongoing story/book about Melinda Fairfax.
#2283856 by Madelyn 'Frosty' Stone Author IconMail Icon

that I have added a new chapter to:

"Chapter 2 - Breakfast and BakingOpen in new Window.
amp1972 - I feel the idea behind WdC is not "competing authors" but a community of authors. Of course, that's how I see it and I stand to be corrected.
Well, the stuff I put on here only gets noticed by chance unless I put an announcement out there that there's an update. Not sure when the cutoff is for being considered a 'newbie' and getting items highlighted in the 'Read a Newbie' section.

As far as competing authors are concerned, I'm pretty sure this won't shock anyone, but any items that I think might be sales worthy sure as certain won't be posted on a public website where - granted there are a LOT of really great people - any one could steal the idea and run with it.

Still, there are more than enough stories floating through this chaotic brain to share here and get valuable feedback that improves overall writing technique. And if someone steals them, well, Karma is known to be a bitter witch *cough* Ahem. *Wink* So, I'll let her deal with them and keep enjoying myself. *BigSmile*
I created Maddie's CNote Studio, please drop by and take a look! Thank you! *Smile*

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Maddie's CNote Studio Open in new Window. (E)
A variety of funny, silly CNotes with cute animals.
#2288439 by Madelyn 'Frosty' Stone Author IconMail Icon
Thank you!
These are so cute!!!
Thank you! I've had the best time making them! *Smile*
Many thanks to Anonymous!

If we can leave milk and cookies for Santa, I figure we can leave items for our secretive thank-you crew, too! *Wink*

*Cookie* *Cookie4* *Cookie3*
Thank you Anonymous(e)! *Mouse* *Cheese*

*BigSmile* All of these kind gifts being sent by Anonymouses puts me in mind of the 'Twas the Night Before Christmas cartoon with the little mice. My brother's favorite seasonal cartoon and one my family still watches every year.
(And well... saying 'GPs' sort of actually sounds like 'cheese'!)

I'm waxing corny tonight, folks *Wink* Need a little bit of that now and then.
Thanks for the GPs Anonymous! *ConfettiG* *ConfettiV* *BalloonB* *BalloonP* *PartyHatG*
Thank you Anonymous! *BalloonG* *BalloonB* *Firework* *BalloonR* *BalloonY*
Thanks Anonymous!

*Clap* *Party* *ConfettiR* *ConfettiG* *ConfettiB*
Thank you Anonymous! *BalloonB* *BalloonG* *Firework* *BalloonP* *BalloonY*
After getting to do some really neat word searches and crossword puzzles from others, I decided to try and create a few! November tends to be all about Thanksgiving for a lot of us in the U.S., but there are other interesting things about the month, too.

How about what authors were born in November? *CakeB* (word search)
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Authors Birthdays - November Open in new Window. (E)
Some authors whose birthdays are in November
#2285380 by Madelyn 'Frosty' Stone Author IconMail Icon

I always had a hard time remembering dates for history, so I would group them by month. Here are some interesting events in history for the month of November. (focusing on good events here *Smile* no need for reminders of the bad) (crossword puzzle)
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November Historical Happenings Open in new Window. (E)
Events that occurred in November throughout history.
#2285381 by Madelyn 'Frosty' Stone Author IconMail Icon

Have a great day!

*LeafO* Madelyn
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/stoland1999