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Apparently, today's readers are lazy. So I've decided to try writing a novel with nothing but headers, one-liners, and punchy marketing copy.
Me: Tell my friend's family to enjoy their vacation with a Jamaican accent

ChatGPT: "Yuh fi tek it easy an' enjoy di vibes, mi fren! Nuh worry 'bout nutten, just relax an' mek di good times roll. Hope unuh soak up di sun, di sand, an' all di blessings! Walk good an' enjoy every moment pon yuh vacation!"

"The good times roll"? Isn't that from New Orleans?

Well I concede that when I read it out loud and tried to imitate Jamaican accent, it almost rolls off the tongue. AI did an okay job. Not "Airey" though.
1. Kind of tired of hearing how Gen X is the "forgotten generation". We're just good at flying under the radar. 😉

2. This article may have some decent points, but it's mostly crap. I stopped reading here: "In the past, Gen X were the Kings and Queens of thrifting. They adored the vintage look and loved getting clothes at discounted prices. Back then, the shoes people wore or the brand of clothes people had on didn't matter as much." What on earth?? We invented brands that matter. Two words: Air Jordans.

3. I'm also tired of hearing how millennials and Gen Z can't take care of themselves. It may be true for some of them, but if so, it's the fault of their helicopter parents... Helicopter parents who were probably, once upon a time, latchkey kids.


What generational stereotypes annoy you the most?
We Baby-Boomers are getting older, but I don’t want to be considered irrelevant.

The tools of our day would still be okay with me, now. Wall phone with a 50-foot cord would be preferable, annd infinitely better than a phone in the pocket with an infinite “tether.” Maybe I don’t want people to be able to call me when I’m on a long walk.
I dislike how we used to be Generation X or Y (not sure which) and all of sudden, we are grouped with the millennials. Feels like we don't belong anywhere. We existed before the term millennials even existed.
I stumbled across this little jewel on Wiki, which is a timeline of inventions in the US prior to 1890. I found it especially interesting that the vibrator (a favorite pastime among many women) was invented in 1869, the same year that American football (a favorite, and very distracting, pastime among many men) was invented. ...Coincidence? 😂

I did not know! Thanks for posting the article about the editor Judy-Lynn del Ray. One of my favorite authors during that time was Marion Zimmer Bradley.
ผีKåreEngaในMontana - my fave was Terry Brooks!
Very neat article. Thanks!
*whew* And with that, sign-ups for "October Novel Prep Challenge [13+] are CLOSED until PrepTober 2025.

I caught up with the Prep forum, emails, socials and messages. Now I need to exercise (I've always been allergic, but diabetes + Parkinson's ganged up on me and insist on it these days) and shower (I know y'all can't smell my electrons but I actually see - gasp - IRL peeps on occasion, and most of them have noses.)

Don't panic. I'll be back. *Laugh*
I'm so sorry to hear that you need to exercise. How horrible! I can't imagine living a life like that. You're so strong! I really admire you! Medical science has cured so many things. I hope that one day, there will be a cure for the need to exercise, too. *Pray*

Hahaha!!! Good for you for doing what you should! I bought a gym membership a few weeks ago and that was the last time I went. Hahaha! Best of luck with your real life health problems. *Heart*
I see you, Fearlycia Lee ☮ . Go do an assignment! {e:stern}
Hey, novel writers, aspiring novel writers, and NaNo rebels (IYKYK):

Did you know that OctoPrep has nearly

5 million GPs?

...and we're tossing them like candy in a parade!

It's super easy to win prizes, and it's not too late to participate! We would hate to disappoint our generous sponsors by not throwing enough of their gifts around! Oh, and as an added bonus, you get a fully prepped and plotted novel project out of the deal. And if you're nervous about sharing your work, good news! You don't have to show us anything you've written. You're on the honor system. Sign up and log your first completed assignment on the entry form by end of day Thursday, Oct. 3rd.

*Bulletr* Sign up using the 2024 Prep Signup Form  
*Bulletr* See assignments on the "2024 Prep Calendar [E]
*Bulletr* Log assignments on the 2024 Prep Entry Form  
*Bulletr* Monitor your assignment progress on the 2024 LOG  
*Bulletr* Compete in the "October Novel Prep Contest Rounds


October Novel Prep Challenge  (13+)
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.
#1474311 by Battywyn🎶

Countdown to Prep 2024

Everybody: Ready, Set, Go!

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October Novel Prep Challenge  (13+)
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.
#1474311 by Battywyn🎶

  •   1 comment
Countdown to Prep 2024

West Asia, Middle East, Africa & Europe: Ready, Set, Go!
On Deck: North & South America

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October Novel Prep Challenge  (13+)
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.
#1474311 by Battywyn🎶

Have a great prep, Everyone!
Jay O'Toole - Thank you!! Hope to see you back next year. *Heart*
Battywyn🎶 - Thank you, that is so encouraging. *Smile*
Countdown to Prep 2024

Oceania and East Asia: Ready, Set, Go!
On Deck: West Asia & Middle East

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October Novel Prep Challenge  (13+)
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.
#1474311 by Battywyn🎶

*Ties on bandana Karate Kid style* "Lets write" says I.
GhostlyPotato - Why isn't that a Giphy?? That should totally be a Giphy. I can't even find it on YouTube, but you painted that scene clear in my head. *Thumbsup*
Battywyn🎶 -

OT: the second giphy is a little disturbing *runs away**Cloud**Wind*

Aukland, you're on deck...

Countdown to Prep 2024:
Aukland: [Refresh to load countdown.]

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October Novel Prep Challenge  (13+)
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.
#1474311 by Battywyn🎶


Countdown to Prep 2024:

                   Aukland: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   Tokyo: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   Mumbai: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   Moscow: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   York: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   New York: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   Nashville: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   Reno: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   Honolulu: [Refresh to load countdown.]
                   South Pole: Depends where you're standing
                   North Pole: Only Santa Knows *SantaHat*

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October Novel Prep Challenge  (13+)
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.
#1474311 by Battywyn🎶

Schnujo's Scared of NaNoWriMo - Sure. (e:laugh} Virtual meals are usually gluten-free.
"Usually"? That's some impressive virtual reality if they aren't always. Hahaha
Schnujo's Scared of NaNoWriMo - We can't rule out psychological factors. *Laugh*
Brainstorm time!

A new competitor is moving into the community where my music school   resides. Among other competitive strategies, I'm looking for ways to beef up our blog to add variety, engage more readers, and, obviously, improve SEO. .

Assume you are a parent, a music student yourself (school aged, young adult, career adult, retiree), or you are a musician / teacher seeking employment. What topics would interest you? What would you find engaging to read? I encourage more commonly tackled subjects like cognitive, mental and physical benefits of learning music or how to get your child to practice. I especially encourage creative, out-of-the-box thinking, like, for example, statistical analyses of high school talent show performances by skill or genre, the impact of AI on music careers, or an ongoing fictional saga featuring a main character that fits in one of the reader categories above (or doesn't! Don't let me limit you.)

There will naturally be merit badges up for grabs. *Badge* *Music1* *Bigsmile*
You inspired my first twitter thread in a while! *Smile* I added a few more ideas as I was typing there, and I asked others to share theirs. So maybe someone will have something extra helpful. Here's the link:

severed head - Thanks for the suggestions! I completely agree with you, and we are working on a redesign which we plan to unveil first of the year.

As a parent who had children in music lessons, what kind of information or communications would you / did you appreciate from the school? What kind of questions or concerns did you have?
Battywyn🎶 - First was when they were available for us. Second was the concept of 'make-up lessons'. Third was price. Yes, third. There were not too many schools, and so we had limited choice.

We did like that in the rooms, the instructors all had their credentials on show. All were members of the Music Teachers Association, a few were also actual school teachers, some had other music qualifications. While I know that sounds elitist, in Australia, it is what people like to see.

Communications were of 2 types. The general newsletter was an email once a month (you could opt for a hard-copy as well), which had an overview of things like school stats (number of students, grades achieved, etc), they highlighted one teacher each newsletter, the concert details (once a semester), any upcoming events, any opportunities for students, how to help a student practise at home, tips and things like that. Normally 8 pages or thereabouts. Then there were the student-specific communications, which we received once a term, about how they were progressing, upcoming exams, things like that. Teachers were also available for five minutes at the end of a class if there was anything that needed discussing.

We had no real concerns or questions. It was all spelt out pretty clearly when they started (my son started on guitar, then went to keyboard; my daughter did - and still does - keyboard). Everything was made clear and simple upfront.

Sorry I can't be of more help. We were more than happy with the school.

Two Weeks 'til Prep!

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Do you have an idea yet?


October Novel Prep Challenge  (13+)
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.
#1474311 by Battywyn🎶


*Gold* It's about to be raining GPs up in the Prep forum, y'all. *Gold*
On it! *Shock2*
Working on it...still needs a little more fleshing out.
Something may be brewing... *Ninja*
Is "rat bastard" a Gen X term?

Dear Urban Dictionary, please start including the generation of origin in your definitions so I know to whom I should be trying to look smart and with it while using your vocabulary.

Also, please invent the Urban Thesaurus so I can look up smart, with-it words that mean "smart" and "with it".

Wait... *runs to check*

GUYS! There's an Urban Thesaurus! Which also does not include the generation of origin. Useless. It didn't help me look like a bitchin vsp at all. 🙄
Fivesixer's Bloody Stumps - that's because the term was used in all the late 70s, and 80s TV and movies. *Laugh*
Fivesixer's Bloody Stumps - Clearly I'm entering my "old age" era now and need a teen to yeet me into the sun.
I first heard it on the Big Bang Theory.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tuozzo