Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wanderer0426
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*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Hey guys i know its been a while but im somewhat back on here mainly to check on my old stories and share new ideas. If anyone would like to talk Tg or ask what ive been up to TG wise while ive been gone just sent me a note :)
Yeah I think I've seen your deviantart page your not half bad welcome BTW *Smile*
cool yea cant wait are u adding chapters to old story's two?
How is it going Writing.com?

I know i have been gone for a while but i figure at the very least i could get a basic membership and keep an eye on all my stories :)
  •   1 comment
Welcome back Wanderer.
Hey everyone,

I know I've said it before but this time i mean it. I'm back and as a show of good faith i have started a new story entitled Alternatives to Unemployment, where after losing his job a guy makes a magical deal with his best friend to be is live in girlfriend until he finds another job. i plan on releasing new chapters on a regular basis depending on time and inspiration but check it out and enjoy
Struggling to write something. Can I ask if the gender bent guy can get a girlfriend of his own during the transformation period?
Hey everyone,

I know i've been gone a while, but i am fixing to take back control of my stories. So that means that any existing chapters which i believe don't fit my vision of the story will be deleted.

Now i know some of you will be disappointed and prefer the current condition of my stories but at the end of the day they are mine, and i fell bad for neglecting them for so long.

So if anyone you like to message me and plead the case of an arc that they know i'm probably going to delete please let me know, i'm not trying to be the bad guy here, its just i take my ideas very seriously and these stories currently don't reflect my vision of TG.

  •   1 comment
Could you let me know which of my chapters don't match your view. I have already lost 34 chapters since I started writing here.
Okay everyone i know its been forever but i'm finally taking some initiative for the good of me stories, as you can see there are once again for the time being all under the same account. And over the coming months i will be updating and revising each of them, so please bare with me and if you have any concerns or suggestions please let me know.

Hey everyone has you may have noticed i took down all of my stories yesterday, this was so i could revise and re release them at the same time. They are all back up now, enjoy :)
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Random TG Thoughts  [E]
My random TG and/or Body swap thoughts.
Hey everybody i finally became a paid member and put all my stories on one account :)
New story check it out and let me know what you think :)
Hey everyone, i have recently been revising all of my stories to try and get ride of dead end chapters that no one has added to and filler chapters. Please check them out and let me know what you think

It's your 3rd WDC Anniversary! And while I couldn't stop by and give you a nice WDC Anniversary Review, I couldn't let the day go by without acknowledging this important milestone. Happy WDC Anniversary!


A Mile in Her Thong 3: The Break-up Swap
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wanderer0426