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Happy Birthday!

Happy anniversary 🍰🎉🍰🎉🍰🎉🍰
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Thank you!
*ConfettiG* *TeapotB* Happy 16th Anniversary! *CoffeeO* *ConfettiR*

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Thank you!
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

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Thank you!
Happy birthday
Thank you!
Happy Birthday!
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Thank you!
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you!
You're welcome!
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Thank you!!
Does anyone here write steampunk? Would anyone be interested in a steampunk group? I have one, but it has been inactive for many years - it seemed interest had "lost its steam." If there is interest, I would love to launch an auction, gather some GPs and work on getting the boilers up and running again!

My Boiler Room sig by Shannon customized from an image she bought on iStockphoto.com
I like steampunk. I've never tried to write it.
Here is a list of themes for Steampunk, for those who are interested in learning more:
SteamPunk: A List of Themes  (E)
The Themes, Settings and Devices of the Sci-fi Sub-genre, SteamPunk
#1249132 by EvilEgg
Been chasing you on NanoList all month... congrats on your win. I expect to make it there by tomorrow!
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Thanks and good luck!
Looking good. Keep going. Day 11 is almost behind us.
Congrats on finishing prep! *Ribbonb*
  •   1 comment
Thank you! I love prep. Such an awesome activity!
Your story about Grocery Shopping caught my eye, I'll be back to check it out. *Smile*
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Thanks for dropping by my port. Let me know what you think of the story if you get a chance!
Write on!
Hi there!

I see you're a member of the Angel Army Patrol so I'm dropping by to celebrate The WDC Angel Army 's 10th Anniversary with you!

May your halo shine bright
As you flit round this site
Spreading cheer and delight
To us all, day and night! *Angelic*

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Thank you for the poem - and for stopping by my notebook!
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/write2b