Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1165197-Flavor-For-The-Feast
Rated: E · Poetry · Food/Cooking · #1165197
Obsession with preparing a feast and good conversation can spoil a good time.
Flavor For The Feast

Emotions mix
in your stock pot
on the front burner,
ready to boil even before
you engage the dial.

Let loose those vexed onions,
pungent like the stubborn garlic,
delivered to the bubbling bath
where they vie
for aromatic supremacy.

The severed beef nestles
amidst the boiling brood
with carrots diced to the inch
and just a pinch of pepper
to aid the deliberate salt.

Continue seasoning
the teeming stew; introduce
rosemary to basil
and that tangy zest you like best.
Then give it thyme.

Words full-bodied under the cover
simmer in rich juices.
A medley of flavor arouses
the senses yearning to devour
a feast finally arrived.

Ready to dish, loaded ladle
poised to serve, you notice the time
and realize the table not set,
and worse: no company invited.

"Garlics are people who see only their own needs, tend to blame others for their mistakes, are ruthless and aggressive in pursuing their goals and are interpersonally selfish. The extreme version of the Garlic is the narcissistic personality or the psychopathic personality, where the needs of others are irrelevant.
From... http://www.jimbrowning.ca/art_onion.htm
© Copyright 2006 Brian K Compton: For You, Mike (ripglaedr3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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