Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1650287-REAL-FRIENDSHIP
Rated: E · Poetry · Action/Adventure · #1650287
My take on "real friendship."

… never hankers for perfection, but overlooks imperfection.
         When a relationship begins, its flourish is unpredictable.

It is the little things --- done and undone, said and unsaid ---
         that carry us from merely acquainted to lifelong buds.

When you need me, there am I;
         and likewise, when I need you, you are there.

Competing, yet never in competition ---
         each contribution unique, never misgiven.

Like a ballet with dancers complimentary,
         each move we make is never rudimentary.

Instigators, frustrators and meddlers beware
         or yourselves, you will ensnare…

… for my friends and I are loyal ---
         endurance and Truth shall never spoil.

Written for:  The Poetic Devices Hall, Writing Academy - Poetic Devices 201, Final Exam
© Copyright 2010 Maria Mize (kimbro1958 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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