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Rated: E · Assignment · Educational · #1830877
Week Seven Assignment for The Exploratory Workshop
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Crisis #3 - The Final Crisis, 
The Climax, The Big Blow-Out

*Bookstack3*   Writing Lectures   *Bookstack3*

*CheckB*   Please read the following objective discussions BEFORE beginning your writing this week.

         Lectures 26-30 - "The ClimaxOpen in new Window.

*Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*

*Penb*  Week Seven Writing Assignments  *Penb*

*NoteO*  Practical Exercise #6

After reading the objectives write a brief synopsis of the final crisis. (Climax). 

*BulletO*  Post in the"Classroom (Assignment Forum) of EWWOpen in new Window. as a bitem
*BulletO*  Name your post: PE#6 and your name.

*NoteO*  Vignette Assignment

Write a 1-3K vignette following the prompt and post in the "Classroom (Assignment Forum) of EWWOpen in new Window.as a bitem.

         *CheckB*   Prompt

Take your sheet of paper (your screen) and get ready to begin Phase 3.  This is becoming Old Hat.    Number chapters 21 through 30.  You have already completed vignettes for Chapters 1, 2 ,3, 7 and 17 .

Phase 3 will develop the rising action that leads to the climax of your novel.  Give each new chapter a name.  This vignette will be Chapter 27.  This will be about coming down the stretch and bringing the tempo to a boil.  You should now have some idea about how your novel is going to end.  In numbering and naming the final ten chapters you are thinking operationally about how the end of the novel is going to look. 

This last vignette deals with the Tsunami.  Your CC is entering the vortex of the curl of the rising action.  This is that huge final obstacle or crisis the reader has been waiting for.  Show the climax. Show the forces arrayed against the CC.  Show the CC beginning to triumph at last. Show the Whole Shebang finally coming to a head.

         *CheckB*   Checklist

Use this checklist to be sure you have included everything.

*BulletO*  Have you named and numbered chapters 21 through 30.
*BulletO*  Is this vignette about Chapter 27?
*BulletO*  Is this where the CC has a clear picture of the forces arrayed against them?
*BulletO*  Is this the vignette leading up to the climax of the story?
*BulletO*  Is this where the CC will at last succeed?
*BulletO*  Is this the phase where the dilemma will be resolved?
*BulletO*  Does the CC show a new and emerging character?
*BulletO*  Does the reader anticipate a resolution to the rising action?
*BulletO*  Does the reader feel a heightening of emotional tension?
*BulletO*  Is the rollercoaster ride climbing to its pinnacle?

*NoteO*  Lounge Forum Comments

Comment in the "Lounge for Exploratory Writing Workshop Open in new Window. on at least two of your colleagues' comprehensive posts. Check to make sure all of your fellow writers have received comments.

         Remember  *BookStack3*   Learning from each other is an important aspect of a workshop.

*Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*

All aspects of this assignment are due no later than
Thursday, Midnight WDC time.

*Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*          *Vignette5*

Percy Goodfellow - Workshop Instructor
percy goodfellow Author IconMail Icon

*CheckB*   Links to The Exploratory Writing Workshop   *CheckB*

Welcome Letter - "Exploratory Writing Workshop WelcomeOpen in new Window.
Introduction - "Intro - Exploratory Writing Workshop Open in new Window.
Assignment Overview - "The Weekly Assignment Overview PageOpen in new Window.
Assignment Forum - "Classroom (Assignment Forum) of EWWOpen in new Window.
Dictionary of Writing Terms "Dictionary of TermsOpen in new Window.

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Ms. Katz - Head Administrator
*MailY* Katzendragonz Author IconMail Icon *MailY*

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