Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1863552-Timelines
by lutz
Rated: E · Non-fiction · History · #1863552
Prehistory and or history in universal, geological, cultural times.
Draft TL1 Ref: 503_902 Augusta, Decatur, GA libraries : general
Nova_Grun_Beschloss : primaries

Astronomical Time
The Big Bang singularity 13.81 billion years ago
The Planck Epoch _quantum gravity +10 to the -43 seconds
Grand Unification _superforce +10 to the -36 seconds
Inflation +10 to the -35 seconds
Dark Energy _superstrings +10 to the -32 seconds
The Quark Epoch +10 to the -12 seconds
The Hadron Epoch _the forces +10 to the -06 seconds
Particles +3 seconds
The Radiation Era +10 thousand years
Dark matter_Atoms +300 thousand years
Superstars + 150 million years
Stars +300 million years
Galaxies +400 million years
The Milky Way +2 billion years
Clusters +4 billion years
Superclusters _Virgo +8 billion years
The Sun _Orion's Spur +8.95 billion years
Earth +9.21 billion years

Geological Time
Formation of the planet 4.6 billion years ago
Precambrian_Hadean_Priscoan_the Moon 4.5 billion years ago
Rocks, water, air 4.3 billion years ago
Archean_life 3.9 billion years ago
Algae 3.4 billion years ago
Proterozoic_stromatolites 2.5 billion years ago
First glaciation totality 2.3 billion years ago
Arthropods, fungi_Rodinia 1 billion years ago
Ediacaran_seaweed, jellyfish, last glaciation totality 620 million years ago
Cambrian_Phanerozoic_sponges_Paleozoic_trilobites_Gondwana 570 million years ago
Ordovician_coral, fish 500 million years ago
Silurian_coal, psylophyton, scorpions 430 million years ago
Devonian_oil, insects, amphibians, ferns 395 million years ago
Carbonifereous_Mississippian_reptiles_Pennsylvanian_trees 345 million years ago
Permian_urchins, conifers_Pangea 280 million years ago
Mesozoic_continental drift_Triassic_dinosaurs,mammals 225 million years ago
Jurassic_birds 190 million years ago
Cretaceous_primates 135 million years ago
Cenozoic_Tertiary_grass, apes 65 million years ago
Quaternary_man(genus) grain 2 million years ago
Pleistocene ice ages

Anthropologic time
Fire controlled as a tool 900 thousand years ago
Archiac humans_old world global migration 800 thousand years ago
Man(species) 300 thousand years ago
Archaeological time
Language 50 thousand years ago
Modern humans_new world global migration 20 thousand years ago
Prehistory of protocivilization_the Holocene
Villages 10 thousand years ago
Quarries 9000 years ago
Agriculture 8000 years ago
Textiles 7000 years ago

Old World History
Centuries before the common era/event(s)[peoples or places]
45/ Egyptian calender, metalurgy, cities, astronomy
37/ Sumerian writing, wheels
29/ Huang Ti
28/ Semitic tribes
25/ Indus valley
21/ Law
20/ Decimals
19/ Medicine
15/ Minoan distruction
14/ Mahabharata
12/ Troy falls
08/ Rome
06/ Buddha
01/ Christ

Year of the common era and event
0496 Clovis' conversion
0570 Mohammed
1066 Norman Conquest
1341 Chaucer(Cantebury Tales)
**** New World History
1427 Itzcoatl expands the Aztec empire
1450 Inca subdue Chimu
1492 Spain discovers the Bahamas(CC)
1497 The Cabots discover Maine
1505 Maximilian1
1513 Ponce de Leon discovers Florida
1519 Magellan circumnavigates the planet
1521 De Gordillo discovers Carolina
1528 De Vaca discovers Alabama
1536 De Vaca discovers Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California
1541 De Soto discovers Tennessee_Coronado discovers Arkansas and Kansas
1542 De Soto discovers Oklahoma and Missouri
1548 Battle of X. in Peru
1558 Queen Elizabeth1
1567 Shogunate disposal
1570 Hiawatha founds the Iriquois Confederation
1574 De Aviles discovers Maryland and Virginia
1585 Roanoke Island
1597 Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
1599 Irish truce
1600 Cheyenne leave Minnesota
1602 Gosnold names Cape Cod Massachusetts
1603 Pring explores New Hampshire
1607 Jamestown_Pocahontas
1610 Brule explores Ontario
1611 King James Bible
1614 Jacobsen explores Delaware
1618 Brule visits Michigan
1620 Plymouth_African American slavery
1624 Dutch found New Amsterdam(New York)
1639 Coddington founds Newport Rhode Island
1643 Pennsylvania settled
1655 Annexation of New Jersey
1662 Connecticut Charter
1666 France settles Vermont
1679 La Salle explores Indiana
1680 Pueblos revolt_Hennepin builds in Illinois
1682 La Salle names Louisianna
1690 Turks reconquer Beograd
1707 British land in Acadia
1717 Eugene defeats Turks at Beograd
1720 Comanche defeat Apache
1727 Quakers demand abolition
1728 Bering discovers Alaska
1733 Oglethorpe founds Georgia
1743 Dakota settled
1752 Betsy Ross born
1753 French seize Ohio
1755 British defeat French at Lake George
1763 French and Indian war ends
1774 Kentucky settled
1776 Declaration of Independence[BF]
1783 Treaty of Paris(Versailles)[BF]
1784 The Anthropocene_internal combustion

United States Presidential History
1788 US Constitution ratified[BF]
1789 Washington. Tariff Act(NY lends to US)
1790 USS Columbia circumnavigates Earth_US population 3,929,000 area 888,000sm
1791 Internal revenue act_Bill of rights
1792 US mint_1st Indian Treaty_gas light
1793 USN_DC cornerstone
1794 Whiskey Rebellion_cotton gin
1795 11th Amendment(individuals can not sue other states) metric system
1796 JAdams. Game law_small pox vaccine
1797 USS Constitution launched
1798 Alien act_Sedition act
1799 Forestry Bill_Rosetta Stone
1800 Jefferson. Bankruptcy act_USpopulation 5,308,000
1801 Fulton's Nautilus
1802 Atomic theory(Dalton)
1803 Louisiana_Marbury v.Madison(Judiciary Act unconstitutional)no judicial review
1804 12th Amendent(separated election of president and vice president)
1805 Morphine
1806 Cumberland Road
1807 Fulton's Clermont
1808 Madison. African slave import prohibition
1809 Telegraph
1810 USpopulation 7,239,000 area 1,722,000s.m.
1811 Russia takes Beograd
1812 War
1813 Mexico's independence
1814 DC burned by British
1815 Peace
1816 Monroe. Second US Bank
1817 Erie canal
1818 Flag law
1819 Panic_McCulloch v. Maryland(supreme court over the states)
1820 Missouri Compromise_USpopulation 9,638,000
1821 Napoleon dies_dry cleaning
1822 Brazil's independence
1823 Monroe doctrine_Harriet Tubman born
1824 JQAdams. Gibbons v. Ogden(proves Mc v. MD)
1825 Treaty of Indian Springs
1826 Photography
1827 Propellors
1828 Jackson. Webster's Dictionary
1829 Railoads
1830 Indian removal bill signed_USpopulation 12,866,000
1831 Cherokee v. GA(US supreme court did not hear) Trail of Tears
1832 Bank bill vetoed
1833 Compromise tariff
1834 Coinage act
1835 TX secedes from Mexico
1836 Van Buren. TX independence
1837 Panic
1838 Battle of Blood River
1839 Microfilm_Cooperstown
1840 WHHarrison. USpopulation 17,869,000
1841 Tyler. Poe's Murder on the Rue Morgue
1842 Opium tariff
1843 Dicken's Christmas Carol
1844 Polk. telegraph
1845 Naval Academy opens
1846 War with Mexico
1847 Liberian independence_evaporated milk
1848 Taylor. peace and manifest destiny
1849 Roberts v. Boston(separate but equal) CA gold
1850 Filmore. Compromise_USpopulation 23,191,000 area 2,991,000 s.m.
1851 DC fire(Library of Congress)
1852 Pierce. Napoleon III
1853 Van Gogh_Colt_Steinway
1854 Kansas Nebraska act_Gadsden Purchase
1856 Buchanan. Neanderthal valley
1857 Panic_full cabinet_Dred Scott
1858 Armstrong trial(almanac evidence)
1859 Harper's ferry_Sickles trial(first temporary insanity case) Darwin's Origin of Species
1860 Lincoln. USpopulation 31,443,000 area 3,021,000s.m.
1861 Civil War
1862 Homestead act
1863 Emancipation Proclamation_national banks
1864 Sherman takes Georgia
1865 AJohnson. Union victory_13th Amendment(slavery ends)
1866 Dynamite
1867 Canada established
1868 Grant. Impeachment&acquittal of AJ_14th Amendment(former slave citizenship)
1869 Transcontinental railroad
1870 15th Amendment(black men vote)_USpopulation 39,818,000 area 3,612,000s.m.
1871 Vatican City_unions legal in UK
1872 Civil service act_Whistler's Mother
1873 Panic_US v.Anthony(womens' rights not constitutional)
1874 First US zoo(Philadelphia) Impressionism_SPCC
1875 US v.Cruishank(civil rights restricted)
1876 Hayes. telephone
1877 Reconstruction ends_phonograph
1878 Microphone_Salvation army
1879 Zulu war_frozen food
1880 Garfield. canned food in retail stores_USpopulation 50,155,000
1881 Arthur. US lawn tennis championship
1882 Chinese exclusion immigration act_Stevenson's Treasure Island
1883 Civil Service Commission_Koch on anthrax innoculation
1884 Cleveland. Twain's Huckleberry Finn
1885 American golf_Riel's rebellion
1886 Hay Market Square riot and trial_Niagara Falls hydroelectric power
1887 Doyle's Sherlock Holmes_Verdi: Otello
1888 BHarrison. Tchaikovsky's fifth
1889 Eiffel tower_Strauss: Don Juan
1890 Sherman antitrust act_USpopulation 62,947,000_Wounded Knee
1891 Mafia trial(Italians accused of killing police chief are freed)
1892 Cleveland again. Diesel patents
1893 Panic_repeal of the silver purchase act
1894 Rail strike bust_Kipling's Jungle Book
1895 Durrant trial(murder without motive conviction) Freud's hysteria studies
1896 McKinley. Plessy v. Ferguson(proves Roberts v. Boston) Olympiad1
1897 Thomson discovers the electron_Katzenjammer Kids
1898 War with Spain_Zeppelin
1899 Molineux trails(limited admissibility)_1st Hague peace conference
1900 Gold standard act_USpopulation 75,994,000
1901 TRoosevelt. Radio
1902 Coal strike_Boer war ends
1903 First powered flight_Tour de France
1904 Nikola Pasic serbian PM_subway
1905 Einstein's special theory of relativity published_rayon
1906 Food and drug act_allergy named
1907 Panic_Scouts
1908 Taft. Model T Ford
1909 US v. Shipp(US supreme court's only criminal case)_VDB
1910 Hyde trial(money over murder) USpopulation 91,972,000
1911 Fire trial(money over safety) Indianapolis 500
1912 Wilson. Titanic_Jung on theory of psychoanalysis
1913 16th Amendment(income tax) 17th Amendment(direct senatorial elections)
1914 WW1_ FTC_Panama canal
1915 Lusitania_USCG
1916 Pancho Villa kills 16 engineers and is pursued by Pershing_sonar
1917 US mobilization_Mt. Wilson
1918 Peace_flu pandemic
1919 Schenck v. US appeal(clear&present danger=proximity+degree)OWH_behavioralism
1920 Harding. 18th Amendment(alcohol ban) 19th Amendment(women's vote)
1921 Immigration act_USpopulation 105,719,000
1922 Rail strike_Weber's social science methodology
1923 Coolidge. Tea Pot Dome
1924 Veteran bonus overrides veto_NHL
1925 Scopes trial_the Charleston
1926 Hoodini dies_quantum mechanics(Heisenberg)
1927 Lindberg flies across the Atlantic(Spirit of St.Louis) iron lung
1928 Hoover. Disney_TV
1929 Great depression_MLK
1930 Vet Admin_USpopulation 122,775,000
1931 Empire state building_Capone trial(convicted on tax evasion)
1932 FDRoosevelt. 20th Amendment(starting dates for elected US govt.)
1933 Ranger launched_21st Amendment(repeal 18th)
1934 CCC, SEC
1935 FDIC_Gershwin's Porgy and Bess
1936 NRA_Mitchell's Gone with the Wind
1937 FHA_minimum wage
1938 TVA_integration of MO Law
1939 WW2_radar
1940 SSI_USpopulation 131,669,000
1941 Mobilization_Pearl Harbor
1942 Midway_White Christmas
1943 Naples_penicillin_Casablanca
1944 DDay_Copland's Appalachian Spring
1945 Truman. Peace
1946 AEC_UN
1947 CIA_Yeager
1948 XO9981[integration of US military by race] Jewish state
1950 Korean War_USpopulation 150,697,000
1951 22nd Amendments(term limits) Arcon, ID
1952 Eisenhower. SAC B52
1953 Peace_HEW
1954 Brown v. Board(overturns separate but equal) McCartheism
1955 AFL-CIO_ Air Force Academy
1956 UN takes Suez_polio vaccine
1957 Sputnik_Yugoslavia_Ma&Pa
1958 Welland_North Tonawanda_Me
1959 Georgia_Cissy
1960 Kennedy. 23th Amendment(DC vote) USpopulation 179,323,000_Turkey
1961 Gagarin_Shepard
1962 Ankara_Steve
1963 LBJohnson. Carlisle
1964 Oahu_24th Amendment(ban of poll tax)
1965 Voting rights act_Leonov
1966 Luna 6
1967 Baltimore_25th Amendment(vice presidential ascendancy)_Superbowl1
1968 Nixon.. Augusta
1969 Nurnberg_Armstong
1970 Apollo 13_USpopulation 203,235,000
1971 Furth_26th Amendment(eighteen year olds vote)Stars and Stripes
1972 Fayetteville
1973 Siagon falls_Augusta
1974 Ford. Nixon resigns and is pardoned
1975 Viet Nam evacuation_the Chronicle_Famous Sub
1976 Carter. Richmond&Parris Island graduation
1977 Steak&Ale
1978 DWFry's
1979 Ramada Inn_Eejay's
1980 Reagan. USpopulation 226,542,000
1981 Shoney's(RMS)
1982 AC graduation_Honorable Discharge_VCS
1983 Salem_marry Melanie
1984 Dallas
1985 Desoto_food bank
1986 Lancaster_divorce
1987 Savannah_Southern House_SUM_DC
1988 HWBush. Los Angeles_PATH
1989 Brockton
1990 Denver_USpopulation 248,718,000_St. James
1991 Milwaukee
1992 Clinton. Big Spring_27th Amendment(raises for next congress)
1993 Atlanta
1994 DeKalb_Randstad
1995 Verdi
1996 Remington
1997 Martinez
1998 Lou's Books
1999 Longhorn_Ace
2000 GWBush. USpopulation 281,422,000
2001 French Market_911
2002 Grovetown_Thomson
2003 Store closed
2004 Sunrise
2006 Windsong
2007 The mall_Nancy Pelosi elected Speaker
2008 Obama. Fort Gordon_great recession
2009 Evans_G4S_Columbia
2010 USpopulation 308,745,000_Aruba circle
2011 North Augusta_Aiken
2012 S&C_Overland cutoff
2013 Shelby Co. v. Holder(Voting rights act returned to states)
2014 Dodge_Dublin
2015 Immigration_Tybee_Obergefell v. Hodges (Marriage equality)
2016 Trump.. Myrtle Beach
2017 MCG_ACA _Warner Robbins_Macon
2018 Chocran_US House 7 states for Dems_Hawkinsville
2019 Warner Robbins_Brexit_Dooley_impeachment
2020 Biden.Trial_Coronavirus_Stay home pleas_masks_distance_306 electors for JRB_Kamala Harris elected VP
2021 Warnock, Ossoff win firsts in GA US Senate_insurrection_2nd impeachment 2nd no conviction_vaccine_delta variant_infrastructure
2022 UNI-PIED_omicron_job creation record_Ukraine invasion_NATO expansion_Roe overturned by Dobbs_Maralago_NY suit_R wins House
D wins Senate
2023 15 votes for speaker_Trump indicted
2024 Virtual Immunity
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