Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2035539-A-Great-Depart
Rated: E · Other · Sports · #2035539
A try to describe Sangakkara's cricket career and his rage woving departure.
Ode to the most eyed farewell buddy of world cup, ‪‎KumarSangakkara‬:

Started as a lil champ in team;
Honeypotted every eye wid his wits...;
Being a hacky-packy batsmen;
Sanga progressed as a tacky kingsman.

When standing behind the stumps;
Almost turned every competitor a rival;
He was set deep at his job;
Which made sanga a eye-stealing pot.

Became captain to the lankans;
Joined every hands of team tangibly;
Got image of gentleman hero;
Sanga worthed the sticker with many 2 zero.

Hitting ton in every other match;
Biting the aussies, kiwis and other four;
Uh r such an entertaining pout;
Sanga forgot how to get out.

Now playing his last world cup;
Yukk...it seems like a nightmare;
We'll miss uh coz u lived in our hearts;
Sanga...plz be adhere to crecetik parts.

Yur wacky expressions...Yur chewing gum;
Yur tied lower...Yur ton making stretches;
Everything's gonna be crafted with golden flame;
Sanga...we owe uh the beauty of gentlemen's game.
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