Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2139467-Behind-The-Beauty-Esther
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #2139467
A tribute to Queen Esther
Oh, you humble servant of Adonai
You lived as an adopted child of Mordochai
He loved you as his own
he wished your beauty wouldn't have shown
because the king wanted a new virgin
Innocent purity without a sin
to replace Vasti's disrespect
in her bravery she was perfect

What's behind the beauty?
Esther had loyalty and duty
towards the king and kingdom
She saved the Jews with her wisdom
But Vasti loved rather her own shine
She let the king drown in red wine
in front of Persia's highest men
God doesn't love the proud then

Then some eunuchs wanted to kill the king
Mordochai prevented deceit's ring
as he worked for the Majesty
it was the beginning of a travesty
that made the Jews sigh
Their enemy Haman was high
He wanted war that he could lead
In anger he wanted the Jews to bleed

You hid your origin, changed your name
to protect your royal fame
so you wouldn't be in danger as the Queen of the Jews
they sing of your reign in all pews
You saved your people with devotion
as you practiced fasting and prayer with emotion
to step in front of king after three days
to ask mercy for following God's ways

She arranged a feast
for the king and Haman the beast
to soften the king
and make a turning point amazing
that would lead to the favor of Jews
and more praise in the pews
and Mordochai was promoted in the court
For the victory in war the Jews fought
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