Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2176664-Bipolar-2
Rated: E · Prose · Community · #2176664
What's it like for someone with Bipolar 2 who is unable to be medicate due to poor health.
I love bipolar; I hate bipolar!
Love, hate relationship with my brain, it's unexplainable, and unimaginable to most.
Obessed with my favorite hobbies for weeks to months at a time, then no interest at all.
My pillow conversates with me (one-sided of course)
I'm not talking to myself.
I interpret what I think my pillow would say if it were real, as if it knew what I was saying to begin with.
Most interesting and intelligent conversation I've had all week though.
Then I burst into tears and cry and cry;
The worst thing about being sad is that it is unexplainable. (Because I can that's why!)
Shy, quite, insecure, unloveable, scared, fearful and unconfident but quite happy with myself.
My spirit was crushed recently my small tiny dog of 8 years vanished into thin air.
I couldn't stop crying I spoke not a word.
Then my mentor said, 'it's just a freaken dog get over it!'
I wanted to cry, yell, and scream but I was as silent as a lamb.
Ashamed of my feeling I remained silent, the hurt pierced my heart.
A kitten then fell into my lap the following week (my mentor gave him to me) I'm happy, I'm all smiles, content, overjoyed, compassionate, kind and as peachy as can be.
He's as bipolarish as I am, we're a perfect match. He's the kitten version of me
I'm happy finally😊
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