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Rated: E · Essay · Activity · #2191462
A meeting with Royalty
Simple Adoration

The wardrobe that I chose to greet my expected visitor was the best that I owned. Selected as finery, fit for entertaining a queen, there was an understated elegance to the attire. Yet, it was a poor woman's attempt at grandeur. I wished only that the outfit adorning represented the importance of the guest. My gown, a pale blue silken tapestry, boasted embroidered peacocks woven into the fabric. Tapered only at the shoulders, the dress hung loosely about my frame and flowed freely to my ankles. I had paid a pretty penny for the gown but I deemed it as regal and worthy of the royalty I would soon entertain.

I chose to slick my blonde hair back, securing it with a silver broach. Dusting the wavy strands with a glittering gold powder gave the illusion of riches and the softness of an angelic halo. Makeup was kept simple and light with only a hint of color at the lips. I wore only one piece of jewelry, a locket that dangled from a single silver chain. Pictured inside the locket, close to my heart, was the image of the very woman I paid homage to with my finery of garments. My intent was not to impress but to honor.

As a child, I remembered staring endlessly at the portraits of the woman. To me, she was more beautiful than any other earthly born queen. No fairy-tale princess could compare to her majesty. There was a grace to her smile that offered an invitation of love and acceptance Her pale blue eyes held an expression of warmth and wisdom that wrapped you in a mother's hug. Her fair porcelain skin rivaled the finest china in the world. Her image, often pictured with hands wide and ready to embrace, seemed capable of consoling the greatest pains of the heart. Her gown done in sweet simplicity spoke of her beauty.

I am giddy at the opportunity of meeting her one day. My time will come and I will fulfill my destiny here on this earth. Placed in my treasure chest were the garments I selected for my final day of life. My explicit instructions were written in a note beside them along with the cross that I will hold. I will be welcomed into paradise by Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth.

This story describing the pageantry of our meeting and my regal gown may be imaginary but my faith is sustained by the glory of her presence in my life. The mother of Jesus will accept me as I am.

Word count 426

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