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Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Dark · #2214015
Some edgy poetry for a newly discovered contest... :)
Hands clench,
fingers tingle, whiten.
Electric terror jags into arteries,
heart palpitates, brow sweats, pulse races.
Bitter, acid dread writhes through twisted stomach.
Ragged soul within him, shadowed black,
rancid scent pukes from him,
painted swirling crimson,
I wretch loudly.

Back of neck
hairs rise in wariness,
warning orange bursts flare eyes.
Fireworks detonate, concussing my cavities.
Reverberations of terror quiver my spindly bones.
Daggers of sensation slice into my chest.
Charcoal taste of conflagration,
nasty, visceral sparks
torch intestines.

This man,
outward veneer mundane,
pale skin bulging from monster,
clawing, rending scarred bloody flesh inside.
Agonized, welted fleshy walls delay savage escape.
Until someday hateful, hideous beast within
Rips free with vivacious violence,
Sucking lungfuls of freedom.
I like him.

27 lines
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2214015-Freak