Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2224557-100-words-in-a-story-processor
Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #2224557
If you want a job done properly then do it yourself.
The other day, I sharpened a pencil. One hundred words fell into my rubbish bin. I collected them and inputted them through a story-processor machine. All I got was drivel.

“Once upon a time? A trite beginning, touché!” I scolded “Improve or to the pawn shop you’ll go!”

Time crawled as I awaited its redemption. Minutes turned to hours. The sun changed shifts with the moon. At last, a page projected. Upon it was the single sentence it had generated.

“Twice upon a time?” I exclaimed.

The processor giggled impishly.

If you want a job done properly do it yourself.


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