Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2225591-Fiber-Optimist
Rated: E · Poetry · Health · #2225591
An optimistic view about fiber
Friends I so implore you
now please quit this bad habit
for the meals you consume
ought look more like a rabbit's

your daily food intake
truely lacking in roughage
a cause of grief and pain
bad intestinal stuffage

it makes one to be mean
the grumbling grouch who will growl
he who's heart is burdened
by slight or no movement of bowel

some may beg the question
about the right selection
this verse gives direction
just heed to its suggestion

a morning bowl of oats
and such other like type grains
provides one with the oomph
for a colon cleansing drain

add such an herbal mix
of some fresh1 crisp leafy greens
and their trusted sidekick
those bountiful healthful beans

top with some lovely fruit
carrots and similar roots
the inside garbage and smoot
gets the botanical boot

junk moved out of the way
with veggies tasty when ripe
water four pounds a day
clear out the internal pipes

I beg you remember this
to achieve body fitness
take in this verbose gist
of a fiber optimist

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