Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2243392-The-Last-Snow-Day
by Norman
Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #2243392
Snow days like this were such a treat
The flakes came down out of the sky,
each one unique and light.
The snow stuck to the frozen ground
and piled up in height.

So breakfast was a hurried meal.
The children couldn’t wait.
With all the snow piled up outside,
the sledding would be great.

Snow days like this were such a treat.
Yes, every kid’s delight.
For they would close the schools for sure.
Just look at that great sight!

But school days are not like they were
before the virus came.
Now everyone can learn from home;
all days were much the same.

The school bus doesn’t pick kids up,
the schoolhouse was shut down.
Most people tried to stay inside.
It was a quiet town.

The teaching could be done remote
so snow days were no more.
It wasn’t like it used to be,
not like in years before.

The kids could not believe the news
that school would still go on.
They never thought they’d see the day
when snow days would be gone.

They all sat down dejectedly
and you could see them pout.
Then all at once the smiles came -
the power had gone out!


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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2243392-The-Last-Snow-Day