Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2246517-Ode-to-Frances-Widdowson
Rated: E · Poetry · Cultural · #2246517
Standing up to academic mob rule

You are a courageous woman
Frances Widdowson
standing up for the best of us
and worlds to come
that history's child be not undone
not knowing how the cards will fall
and risking all
to set your face 'gainst clamouring mobs
who would rob us of our past and future
wanting you your thoughts be dead
knowing that victory may well be pressaged
by clatter of tumbrils and falling heads
perhaps yours
or your friends instead
as we stand up be counted
defenders of our common culture
reduced to carrion
made food for vultures
or rise again a great accompt
scattering the squawking birds of prey
showing them we're here to stay
banishing to oblivion
the memory
of wokish cranks who sell ideas
like collateralized debts
and short sold bets
issued by
once respectable banks.

Frances Widdowson I salute you
a soldier not just of common cause
but faith
that reason can yet prevail
for with our support and love
You shall not fail.

P.S. Professor Frances Widowson was finally expelled from her academic post at Mount Royal University, Canada, just before Christmas 2021, after a long campaign by Woke academics, student activists and their administrative collaborators, to rid themselves of a thorn in their side, that refused to buckle to their demands or confirm their version of reality.
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