Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2256343--Necromancer-
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Dark · #2256343
A poetic tale of agony, despair, hopelessness, death and possibly even hell itself.
Love met with no desire
Chase the pulse as it expires
Maybe then I'll feel the fire
Still this corpse is cold to touch
Looking now out for a savior
One day I may never waiver
Until then I'll have to tailor
To a life that's just a crutch

What I sought to be was righteous
Yet it ended in a crisis
That is nothing more than lifeless
And I've all but given up
Now I wander with these morsels
Of a life that's damning mortals
How I long to know the morals
Instead I'm choking on the cup

For the drink I drank was soured
And it churns and burns with power
And the hand has struck the hour
Of the time I had to spare
Yet as I lift my hands they tremble
And they no longer resemble
The once valiant, mighty rebel
That had longed to beat despair

Now from this crypt I rise a devil
With an agony that revels
If my heart could only settle
Into life or into death
So I hold my breath and swallow
Wrapped in the blanket of this hollow
And I pray this grave is shallow
But I fear eternal depth

Shall I commit to reach the summit
From the soils I have plummet
May I once hear the mighty trumpet
See the victories of grace
But it's my mind that only bellows
The damnation of these echoes
Already drowning in the shadows
The reflections of disgrace

Now my corpse has become brittle
Lined and course, torn and riddled
I am seeking an acquittal
But I'm the only one, to judge
And in this darkness there's no telling
Time nor length which I've been dwelling
And still internal constant yelling
Is the heart that lies begrudged

It is hell I've come to linger
Which I can only point the finger
At myself, for living hindered
If of a life I still possess
For I have always been the culprit
Built this prison from the pulpit
And now remain here to convulse it
In the afflictions of distress

I have become the apostle
Of the grave that speaks to fossils
It was never more a gospel
Just the evil I have kept
Now buried, forever silenced
Knelt to intercede in violence
For it is loss that's drawn alliance
Within the worshiping of death

© GaratheDen
© HeartOfBabel
© Copyright 2021 Garathe Den (heartofbabel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2256343--Necromancer-