Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2257156-MY-STORY
by Monty
Rated: E · Short Story · Writing.Com · #2257156
A rewrite about my time here.

On March eighteenth 2002 I was holding a meeting that I was President of when at a short break we took, the lady who was the Secretary of the club COUNTRYMOM-JUST REMEMBER ME mentioned that she was writing poetry at Stories dot Com.
She, my wife and I had been friends since 1974 and she knew that I wrote Poetry. She had so much good to say about it that when my wife and I got home I went to the Site she had talked about.

I looked it over and joined the same night. That April I became a Preferred Author. I spent a lot of time writing poetry in the evenings.
On the 1st day of January 2003 I created The Traditional Poetry Group. I held monthly contests in the contest forum until I became ill and had to leave.

The Group was taken over by a lady who is no longer here, and sold back to me a while after I came back. I was away for about a month at that time in 2005.
It was a while longer before I got the Yellow Case back but before long I got the Blue case of a Moderator. I was sure proud of being a member of what was then Writing dot Com.

Again I got a problem, this time with my eyes but I did not leave. SHERRI GIBSON who had been a co - judge of the Traditional Contest took over the Traditional Poetry Group which was about 240 members strong. She did a lot on this great site and had more than her share of Hospital stays.

We stayed friends and when she had more to do than she felt she could gave the Group back to me.
I stayed here and kept the Group contests going until July of 2015. I left on the 31st of August 2015. I thought for the last time, because I was having my eyes operated on. Cataracts removed from both eyes and more surgery but my eyesight is near perfect now.
Do I have to say I came back on the 24th of October. I came here when I was 61 and am now closing in on 84
Why am I here with the exception of 3 months of 21 plus years of my life? I love this place and far more members than I can even begin to try and name. You know who you are.

The last thing I have say is how lucky we are to have our Senior staff Members. The StoryMaster and The StoryMistress who have had some tough times in their life and yet are able to keep this, the best Writing Site on the internet running smoothly.

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