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Rated: E · Lyrics · Arts · #2270183
Personal. Venting my pain I held within for far too long.
Can you hear it? My soul crying through out my life. God knows.
And I have never sacrificed my soul for your love. God knows.
Can’t you see, that I gave away my life? To make you whole. God Knows; God knows.

And so, I left you. Alone without my love fueled art, in your life.
Although I still love you, you’re not directly within my life. Its’ true.
Would you ever, do as I have done for you? Sacrifice your art, for love?
I haven’t been a recipient of the gift of your love, a sad truth.

So, I live my life. Without someone to have and to hold, my loves gone.
If you never, never, never, never, ever appear within my life.
My help will never ever return, (pause) return.

I do try to remember, that I have made a great difference without a reward.
For God’s love to shine upon my life and heal my very soul.
I can never forgive nor forget the pain of the lessons in life I have learned.
But I know… know, know…
that you love me… within the heart of my soul.
But they control your life, through contracts, money, and associations. God knows; God knows.

Can you hear it? My soul crying through out my life. God knows.
And I have never sacrificed my soul for your love. God knows.
Can’t you see, that I gave away my life? To make you whole. God Knows; God knows.

Although I have been offered,
To leave with your heart and hand at our show, many years ago.
It was a game of dishonor, where I’d have to sacrifice my very soul.
They’re see through, paper gangsters controlled by the pull of a string.
Although I have love for them, I’m no fool, a romantic but not a fool.

So, remember!!!
That you get back in life what you give, it’s the truth.
There will come a day when I shall have my love returned, by you.
That “Meet and Greet” That never occurred within Radio City because of you.

Can you hear it? My soul crying through out my life. God knows.
And I have never sacrificed my soul for your love. God knows.
Can’t you see, that I gave away my life? To make you whole. God Knows; God knows.
Yes, God knows…
Speak with a sad yet determined voice: “You reap that which you sow.”

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