Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2270578-Insomnia-Blues
Rated: E · Poetry · Dark · #2270578
Insomnia Blues for Dew Drop In April Poetry Challenge
Insomnia Blues

O Dark hundred hours

04 a.m.

You got the insomnia blues
Nothing works
You can’t sleep
You stare at the ceiling.

Your mind plays an endless tape
Of gloom, and doom
worries and fears
all night long.

the latest dark
SF series you saw
The latest scary headlines
endless possibilities play out.

the latest news of war
the latest news about the stock market
about the endless pandemic
Dancing across your mind’s internal eye.

What if I have COVID>
What if have Cancer?
What if I have the big Alzheimer’s
What is the stock market wipes me out?

What if the North Koreans invade Seoul?
Where would we go to escape the invasion?
What if the zombie apocalypse starts?
What if, what if, what if……

You stare at your watch.

4:01 a,m.

You try to sleep, but nothing works
The dark thoughts continue to play
Across your mind’s eye
Tormenting you, torturing you.

4:05 a,m.

You debate whether
To give up
Get up
Start your morning routine.

4:10 a.m.

You give in
And try to sleep
Checking the time
Every few minutes.

Perhaps you might
Get a few fitful hours
Of much-needed sleep
Most likely not.

6:30 a.m.

Until day-break
Blasts you awake
As the dawning sun
Fills the room.

You get up
Having had only two hours of sleep
That is the curse
Of the insomnia blues.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2270578-Insomnia-Blues