Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2281345-FacelessBreathless-me
Rated: E · Prose · Drama · #2281345
Struggling with me myself and I
I feel so much pain and Drama some days
All does not seem well even though I am sure it is or will be
Day into night it all bleeds together
Sometimes it all looks the same to me
Running out of time
Almost out of time
Can’t fix me,can’t straighten me out
Lord Jesus I need your help
Can’t help me,see me ,feel me

Everything is a blur and a rush
I need help, some real help,divine help
Help me please,watch out for me Lord please
No one is on my side it seems, really routing for me
No one really sees me,loves and embraces me fully
Not the way anyway I need to be loved,embraced and cared for
I can feel their negative energy
It drains me,weakens me
I tell them over and over how to love me ,yet mostly I am refused
Time and time again told I 'm too much
Told I am full of it,nasty, weak and unkind

I Am more than enough luscious beautiful,black bold child of the King
I am woman hear me roar
I need help oh Lord ,how I need thee
However you Lord see me.know me and are holding me
You know me you don't love me any old way
You know that I want to be loved however the right way!
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2281345-FacelessBreathless-me