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1,308 Public Reviews Given
2,374 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I like to read novels and biographies, so if I can review them at the same time, why not. My ratings are usually at the high end because I think if someone has taken the time and effort to write a large piece, it is an achievement. The review will give the opportunity to flag up typographic errors. I do not mark down ratings for these errors because they are easily fixed.
Favorite Item Types
Rhyming Verse. Novels and short stories.
Least Favorite Item Types
Non-rhyming poetry.
I will not review...
Erotica, Vampire and Wolf stories. Their stories are all very samey to me.
Public Reviews
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Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Well, what can I say? I take my previous Potter comment back. This is brilliant and having read what has gone before I should have known better. Yes, you should, I hear you say, like the girl said in "The Queen's Gambit." It is good to have Jim as a rival competitor which adds a lot to the story. Excellent chapter.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I thought I would be in Las Vegas but I assume it was just the advance party. The banter between the characters seems to be the best bit, in my opinion, and makes for an very enjoyable read. Possible typo at "too much water under than bridge." The last bit, although keeping in with the theme of the story, seemed a bit Harry Potter to me. But maybe that is not a bad thing.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The interaction between the characters in this chapter is brilliant and I found it very funny and realistic. It is the type of writing that I wish I had written myself. We are off to Las Vegas and I wonder what will happen there. Jim seems optimistic but I wonder how or if he will pull it off.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Brilliant start to this chapter and not as I expected. The chapter continues with the feel that these are real people and not fictional as the dialogue is captured perfectly. Jim realises that there may be problems ahead and that keep the suspense rolling along nicely. I noticed no errors or typo's.'
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
"dichotomy" You use words that show you have a good vocabulary, but if the reader has to often come out of the story to check the dictionary it could be a bad point. The last paragraph is good in that it show a normal part of life despite being a supernatural story. There seems to be a bit of a plot against Gary which adds to the story.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Although Lecki has to comply to the university's instruction, he seems to accept it too easily without further protest. There is a mystery sighting again which adds greatly to the suspense. The mix up sending Gary into the passage is brilliant. Another great chapter and I look forward to more of this.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Just managing to keep up with what is going on. The suspense intensify at the thought of a strange interference or apparition. And again there is strange goings on a Lacey's place. The two events make for an interesting thought that maybe the events are linked. But am I overthinking it. I must read on to see what is happening.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am wondering if I have missed something because I don't know who or what Doofus is. This is good, the science which is obviously fiction comes across as real which is a credit to you. Lacy's revelation at the end adds to the drama and prompts the reader to wonder how much significance, if any, it is to have on the story. I noticed no errors although I was a bit puzzled by the opening sentences.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The story moves on at the same high standard with good well drawn characters including a new one who may or may not have a bigger part to play. There is a good focus on the domestic side of things in this chapter which blends in well with the magic element. I noticed no errors and look forward to the next chapter.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The story continues to hold my interest and gives a great insight into the entertaining world whether factual or fictional. The characterisation remains good and the visual images in my mind are well presented. I have a couple of thoughts in this chapter. "Exhausted, Cherie she sat far audience right of the theater." This may be correct but I found it confusing and might need clarification. Also, the card trick. The pieces are laid like a puzzle with one extra but then the pieces are handed over as only two pieces with no notice of how this happened magic or otherwise. There is a typing error at: one hell of a resum/FONT> builder for you." This really is a brilliant story and I look forward to continuing.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Again another well-written chapter with no errors or typo's noticed. This is a clever story and once I started to read the chapter I had to carry on to the end. The main character, Gary, continues to show concern. The end to the chapter is cleverly done and leaves the reader (me) with thoughts that Gary might have a rival for the place on the show.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
What a delight to come across a chapter written to such a high standard and capable of holding the interest of the reader (me) throughout. The narrative and dialogue are spot on. I found it an extremely interesting read. My only grumble "non-seguitur". I am not keen on Latin phrases especially if I have to leave the story to look them up. This is as I said a grumble and not a fault as you are, of course, entitled to use whatever words you wish. There is a typo just before the first section break: "Lacv left and Cherie". A brilliant chapter and I look forward to more.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A good sized font and spaced paragraphs is always a good start. The characters are well-drawn and believable. The storyline kept my interest throughout and I noticed no errors or typo's. A faultless prologue and a good ending which shows the mental state of the mother. Very well done.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I must repeat that a huge block of text may be off-putting for some people who may not continue to read it; especially if they read on the screen. If the text is copied temporarily to word, or similar, the reader can break it into paragraphs which makes it a better experience giving the chapter a more enjoyable feel. Moving on, as a chapter the story continues to be of interest and as I said before has good potential. The characters are well drawn. I would certainly read on if the text block was not so off-putting. In the last sentence, should line be lion?
Review by Bruce.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a good start and is an interesting read. It seems to be well written and I noticed no spelling or typographic errors. However, it falls down in the presentation and if this were a longer piece the solid block of text might put some people of. This is easily fixed by breaking the block into separate paragraphs with spaces between them. If you select the wheel at the top right it takes you to the edit row where you can also increase the size of the font. I can see by this small piece that you have a talent and you can enhance it here on W.D.C.
Review of Monster  
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am not saying these bits are wrong, just how I see them while reading through. The fourth paragraph seems to miss the opportunity for bit more drama. Perhaps one man took a shot and missed then as the other raised his gun they were both took out with two shots. Later, saying Linda was in the same town tells the reader straight away that she is the target. The ending if this is to remain a short lets the reader imagine the outcome. If it is to be a chapter it is a good hook. The story itself is good and held my interest throughout. It is well written and well presented on the page. I noticed no errors or typo's.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: E | (5.0)
(“Don’t worry(,)Dan, I’ll hurry.”) It feel as if she would ask what has happened after this reply. If you do not want to reveal anything yet, he could have already hung up. There seems to be something missing between : (rushed to her room) & (She ran down her stairs). I don't understand the screaming carpet. (She walked to the reception lady) Maybe desk. There is no previous indication that the lady was sitting in a chair. (Don't worry(,)Dan) (Hi(,)Dan) (“Hello(,)Miss Delaney,). These are just my suggestions. The chapter itself is enjoyable, well-written and very visual. It has a good hook at the end as Peyton wonders what is wrong and as a reader, so do I.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I came across this by chance. I am glad that I did because it is difficult to come across longer works that hold my interest. It is well-written and I noticed no errors or typo's. The characters are well drawn and believable. I like the small added lines that take us into the real world, like illegal drinking at 15 and the going off for a can of WD-40. I look forward to the next chapter to find out more about the great hook at the end.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
An enjoyable start to the story. It is well-written and I noticed no errors or typo's, although there are large gaps between the paragraphs. There is a great hook at the end which prompts me to read on. The droplet of water that trickles down her spine. This sparks an interest in me as I wonder if it is going to be important in the later chapters, or not.
Review of First Snow  
Review by Bruce.
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a charming short story to come across. It is written in an easy to read style and retains my interest throughout. Well done with this and if it has not been entered yet I noticed a few typing errors. 1. trying to stay quite, (quiet) 2 been before before (Repeated word) the snow, saw were (where) her own paw prints were. Apart from the title, I don't think winter needs a capital. Good luck with this wonderful and interesting piece.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: E | (5.0)
An interesting little short story. We often see such folk from outside these days, but this puts us into head of one of them. It is descriptive enough for us to feel for the character and to even smell the soup. I noticed a couple of typing errors: (greeted with the a smile) and (Even as evetyone else has left,). Not a big deal though in this excellent piece of writing.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Although I don't know a lot about yoga, I don't need to as this is more about the characters than the yoga. I did enjoy the read but noticed a couple of missing quotation marks: before (No, I could have bought a retreat) and after (I've met my neighbors.) if this is speech as it has a mark at the beginning. Also (The teapot was boiling over with prepared water.) I don't know why this is there. The first part of the first sentence is great and prompted me to read on. Well done with this.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: E | (5.0)
A great chapter with a lot of suspense. As a nightmare it is credible because that is the sort of way nightmares seem to go, moving from one scene to another without any logic. A well-written chapter again and I noticed no errors or typo's. The angel seems to be a vital part of this story and has just the right amount of input. Having already read chapter three I know what happens next, but after that I wonder how Morgana gets on as I feel for her.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: E | (5.0)
On to chapter three as I can't find a chapter 2. Another good chapter that keeps me wondering what will happen next. It is a good piece of drama/thriller that keeps the reader guessing. It seems like the end of Guy as Morgana takes a shine to her friend Rae. I noticed no errors.
Review by Bruce.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am impressed. 5,000+ words in what I would call one scene lasting a few hours and it kept me fully interested throughout. It is good how the roles change. The bad guy turns out to be not so bad and the good guy turns out to be not so good, even though he thinks he has good reason for his crime. All’s well in the end which is just how I like it. The only things that threw me a little: I am sure lots of people know what NDA’s are, but I don’t so it didn’t mean anything. And I found: “I'ma have a hard time moving past what you did, you—“ a bit confusing.
A great read, thank you.
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