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Something Old , Something New to Read!

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October 9, 2007 at 9:23pm
October 9, 2007 at 9:23pm

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

October 9, 2007 at 9:20pm
October 9, 2007 at 9:20pm
October 4th, 2007
705 Words

The second full day with Timmy here!!! Of course I have been gone most of the day because of bills and so forth. I had to do 3 loads of laundry within 4 hours. This really sucked because I had to do some laundry or I would not have any clean clothes. I still have lots to do but will do it later so I can spend time with both of my bubbies. Lucas would not quit wearing the same outfit for the last week. That was his favorite clothes for the last two months!!! I washed the outfit 3 times. They were still stinking. I did get him two new pairs of pants and 3 new shirts so he had more for the fall whenever fall weather officially starts. Who knows when that will be, since the weather cooling off is changed every day. Mother Nature has to start being nice soon.

We have been waiting for the girls to come so that Timmy can see his nieces!!!! Bubby was getting mad because he has to share his Tim with his sisters. That is so not cool, because he is going to fight them about his Tim. I see this because he does not share. He is so much like Tim. I cannot stopping seeing them together and not call each of them the wrong name. Samantha and Brianna gave Tim the biggest hugs and kisses. Tim and Ben talked for a while. They decided to make some time to go out and hangout! I am happy about that because Ben has been Tim’s role model for all the years. Ben also agreed to take Tim to the bus to go home again too. I am happy that he would do that.

Well we went back to Target to take back the 2 things I bought for Brianna and Lucas because my mom has bought them already. I also took back the newest version of my phone too. I did not like it at all. Well Tim again had them going super fast in the cart. We had snacks and a drink. I bought bubby some shirts and some pull-ups. I bought Tim a shirt for cheap. I told him to go check out the Target at home. We took our separate ways; I went to look for some other toys to replace for Christmas gifts. I did buy a charger for Tim’s phone to find out that it was the wrong one. I have to get that back to the store ASAP so I can get the refund on it.

Next thing I hear are all the Halloween toys going off at all times. Silly them, or at least that is what I was continually telling myself as I walked through the store. Of course while they were doing the running of the cart, and say Wee again!!! Nothing out of ordinary for big kid and the little kids too. Then bubby was being drugged out by his leg which was quite embarrassing. They were freaking hilarious during that time. I love that Tim was hitting on all the females too. He is definitely a hottie tottie as Samantha said about her uncle. I had to be the adult about this situation throughout the whole store. He he….

After Target we went to go rent videos at Family Videos for the kids and us. When we got home, Tim and I watched Premonition, and could not really hear 300. I totally love the ending, was totally not the same thing as you thought it might be as you are watching the movie. Each of the kids picked one free movie, and we had the two new releases. I found out that my DVD player is a piece of crap!! We watched them on my DVD player in my laptop!!!! Awesome as hell, because I have never watched it on here. I had to call a cab to get home because we missed the bus, because Samantha had to go to the bathroom and had to go across the street to Walgreens!!! Then after the movie was over we talked for a long time and then went to bed.

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

October 8, 2007 at 12:37am
October 8, 2007 at 12:37am
October 3rd, 2007
538 Words

My bubby is here!!! I got the biggest hug from my brother in the whole wide world!!!! I do not want to him to leave already and the next 5 days will be going super quick. Since I still have so much to do with bills and groceries that I did not get done yesterday. I did not realize how much I missed him at all. I want him to stay here forever and ever!!! I hope that he moves here in the spring or summer. I really need to have him here for family support.
We went to Target tonight and that was like having 2 kids with me instead of bubby and Tim. They were running with the cart and then jumping on it and going “WEEEEEEE” all through the store. I had to yell and say my kids need to knock it off, and then tell Tim not to do that again. Well you know what happens when you tell an 18 year old not do that with his nephew, he is still going to do it again and again. Nothing new on that part. This is the first time they have seen each other and have been picking at each other the whole time! I love it, and it is nice for bubby to have someone to look up to that loves him no matter what. I also order pizza for us to eat, and we just sat there and talked about a lot of stuff that has been going on in the past years.
I will tell you one thing, my brother is a natural at writing poetry, stories, and any other prose. He had one printed in the Job corp. newspaper they have. I am so proud of him!! Well with his writing I feel like I am a crappy poet and know I am crappy write compared to his work. That is awesome he has something to get out those feelings for a therapeutic reason. I can’t wait for him to get his WDC Account!! Everyone can read his work too. I love my baby brother!!!
We have both been through a drug addiction, and drinking. He has read up on being an alcoholic. He thinks he is one, which I told him that there are many degrees of being an alcoholic and you do not have to be mean to be one. I told him just because you go out once a week to a bar does not mean that either. He said he read that somewhere. I told him I was living proof of an ex alcoholic that does not get mean and can still be one. I think that kids, teens, and young adults have a weird since of drugs addicts and alcoholics because of the DARE programs. They think that cigarettes are drugs too. They are not drugs, but they are deadly and can be addictive. I had a hard time explaining to Tim that there are many forms of alcoholics. I told him I would look for a book on information to let him get the right details on this. I want him to have a better since on alcoholics.

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

October 2, 2007 at 11:21pm
October 2, 2007 at 11:21pm
October 2nd, 2007
517 Words

Well I am going to get the rest of groceries done today. I am going to sort out laundry to go do tomorrow so bubby and I have some clean laundry. Tim will be here tomorrow through Sunday, and I do not want to have to any laundry or other chores while he is here. I want to spend as much time with him as I can. I really can’t wait to see him. He is my favorite out of the 6 of us. I am his favorite sissy too. I have spoiled him since he was 2.5 years old. He would not go to anyone else but me. He has gotten mad at other little kids who have gotten on his “roni” because I was all his. Who knows maybe he will go beat up Eddie for me since he has been a meanie to me… he he… Just joking about this part with Eddie!
I am a big girl and can take care of myself and my kids. Bubby is really excited about seeing his uncle Timmy. He has never seen him because the last time we saw Tim, bubby was still in my tummy. We had no idea bubby was going to be a boy yet or not. As for Eddie, I am a whole lot better today with him, and then I was this last few days. I am just satisfied for a long time and will not have to worry about wanting to get some anymore. I just hope that Eddie does talk to me so I know he is all right. His daughter is probably sick or something. I hope she is all right and he is able to get there to help out! I just miss talking to him. I do not have someone to cry to on the phone or while online. He was the one that was my rock to cry on. No check came again so I am still hoping it gets here soon. I would like to take bubby down to fall festival but do not see it happening. Oh well. There will always be next year and so on.
I am also getting pissed because I have not been able to get online without everyone seeing I have an awesome laptop in the hood. I hope for their sake they do not ever try to find my computer by breaking in. They will have a hard time finding it. It will be hidden so well when I leave that they will not know where it is. It is always with me…he he… I do not take the case it came with. I pack that to look like that laptop with it and put it in my closet. It is my way of setting them up, to think that they are going to get somewhere and have nothing to pawn off. I love the way I think sometimes. It is awesome to beat them at their own games. I am just the little white girl that lives in the hood.

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

October 2, 2007 at 11:20pm
October 2, 2007 at 11:20pm
October 1st, 2007
229 Words

FALL FESTIVAL WEEK!!!!!!!! I love this week!! A week that concentrates about the kids and raising money for the west side schools!!!! This also means FOOD, FOOD, And a whole lot of Food!!! From alligator to chocolate covered crickets to chocolate bananas. Now on to other important items going on in my life with Eddie. He still has not called me since he was here on Thursday. I hope he is not going to be like Joe or Bryce. Cause Eddie has been my rock to cry on while we have talking all these years. Honestly I do not want to know, it is easier for me to go on as being used then to admit I am starting to have feelings for him. I also keep a better guard on when I get hurt with thinking it was all about sex and nothing more. Yeppers a lot easier this way. Thank goodness!!! Bubby will be here in 2 days!!!!!!!! I am so ready to see my baby brother!!!! He will be able to keep my mind off of Eddie and the situation. I can’t wait to catch up!!!
Well I am off to get my shopping done while I am kid free and able to concentrate on what I need to get. *Catch up on September 500-a-day entries and start Octobers*

October 1, 2007
358 Words

Well I went shopping for us and forgot the drinks for bubby and myself, which was really stupid of me to do. With me screwing up and forgetting this, along never getting my check which means I am screwed on taking bubby to fall festival before Thursday. Eddie is not talking to me. Too bad, because we could have had some fun after bubby went to bed. I would have taken over this time with a Blow job, then down to his balls and then to riding him as much as I can. I am all for a fucking round or two with him. Life goes on. That is Life!!!

My addiction always takes over and messes up my relationships 4 ever. Too bad no one ever understands that but me. I think that if we do not do anything again, then I am going to be the one that is going to a reborn virgin. I am tired of being used always. I am sure there is someone out there that wants to be with me. I really want to focus on my brother coming into town and seeing him.

I need to get my house done and ready for him. I have not seen him in 4 years. He has never seen his nephew bubby and his nieces were young at ages 1 and 2months old. He was 10 going on 11. I am sure that we are going to have a lot of fun. I know that the kids are excited to see him. I am going to have a hard time with him leaving....

I have to remember to get the flu shot so I do not get sick! I do hope that I can get it free and the pneumonia shot too. I do not ever want to get sick with the pneumonia ever again. I am not sure what I would do with the kids if Ben is out of town to TX at his dads and I cannot take care of them! He was the one that saved me last year when that happened with me.

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 30, 2007 at 2:09am
September 30, 2007 at 2:09am

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 30, 2007 at 2:08am
September 30, 2007 at 2:08am

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 30, 2007 at 2:07am
September 30, 2007 at 2:07am

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 30, 2007 at 2:07am
September 30, 2007 at 2:07am

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 30, 2007 at 2:06am
September 30, 2007 at 2:06am
Well the men did an awesome job with their dances tonight on dancing with the stars. i know that they looked like they made the women look worried about the first competition!! I think this season is going to be awesome!!! I can't wait to see who gets to the elimation round!! SVU has an awesome seaon opener!!!!!! i LOVED THIS SEASON!!!!!! THen I found out that my brother bought his ticket to be here next week!!!!! I can't wait until next wait.

Lucky Dip donations:

1. Week of Cheer, 2 gift cards to both of Kiya's sig shops 3k each, and 5k gps.
2. Week of Cheer, 1 gift card to the Toy and Part Shoppe worth 5k, and 5k gps in their name to The Lemonade Stand
3. 10k gps to the Lemonade Stand, Week of Cheer, and 5k gps.

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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