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Something Old , Something New to Read!

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September 28, 2007 at 6:28pm
September 28, 2007 at 6:28pm
September 24, 2007
500 a day
238 words

I hated not being able to get online because of not being able of the link and it being windy. I have been trying to get with Eddie aka my friend who has heard me complain and bitched about everything that has happened in almost 3 years. I am not sure why we have not gone further than being just friends. Hopefully we will move further on. Hopefully one of us will take the step further.

Alright tonight is Season Premiere week!!!!!!!!! I love this week out of the year!!!! Well I will be watching Dancing with the Stars, and then CSI Miami!!! I love the show and it will be so cool!!!! I love all the ones here on this season's dancers!!! Sebrina is going to make it so difficult for all the other Dancers this season!!!! She was able to score the highest on the first night of the show!!! CSI Miami was awesome too. I like how they did this. I can't wait to see more. Bubby tried to stay up to see this with me, and it was so cute because he was not sleeping...just resting his eyes!!!

Watching last night with Cold Case and Shark was awesome too. Two of my favorite shows now on the same night!!! Hopefully tomorrow will be as exciting as Tonight was for Dancing with the Stars with the men dancing!!!

Review Of "Win an Upgrade Raffle" (nw) [Rated: E]
Review To: Pass it on (60) passiton
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Date and Time: 09-24-07 @ 7:54pm
Rating: 5.0
Content Length: 611 Characters
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Awesome Raffle Pass it on (60) passiton
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Offline or Private
Est. May 8, 2002

!!! I am definitely going to get some tickets. Everyone should check this out!!!!

Up for Winning:

1 year basic membership
3 months upgrade membership
1 month premium membership!! {my favorite}

All tickets are 1000 gps each and only 200 Tickets!!!! I know I am going to get 10 now!! I need the premium for sure!!!

YOu get tickets to the HighRollers Raffle too!!!! Trust me that is so worth the tickets too!!!!

Keep On Writing!!!!!!! Keep On Helping!!!!!

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 28, 2007 at 5:47pm
September 28, 2007 at 5:47pm
September 23rd, 2007
133 words

Well sitting outside here again in the middle of day. Cbs went off in the middle of the Houston and Colts game. So I have no idea who is winning. I hate the game going on right now. In a few minutes though, the Redskins will be playing. That game should kick ass. THe houston game was kicking ass. I am waiting for the Cowboys and Bearsgame tonight. That is the one I really want to see.

You know for being the first day of autumn it reaally sucks since it is really hot. I am feeliung a little better and will be back out in a little while when it cools off. I am going to bring a chair out to sit on under my big tree.

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 28, 2007 at 2:48pm
September 28, 2007 at 2:48pm
September 22, 2007
479 words

Well it is my first official day of having the computer all to myself!!!!! I love it because Monday I will not have to leave and can sit out here while I am watching bubby play!!!!! He is so excited that I am have my computer back... Well I was right about one thing, Bryce never showed up. Nothing new and that is why I left when I did.

Now using WIFI at McDonalds. Let me tell you about that experience last night!! You have to pay $2.95 for 2 hours sitting there and you can not get it from the counter. You have to go online to the place they let you know and pay by prepaid debit card, credit card, or your att account. Note you can not use a yahoo account even though they have yahoo too. Talk about shitty. I not only wasted 2 hours of my time getting to the Mcdonalds, by having to take the bus, I spent 3.58 on a crumm meal. Had a 16 yearold guy hit on me and tell me to use his work id, which did not work. I felt so special sitting there getting pretty pissy talking to Sapphy on the phone. She was getting pissy because this kid would not leave me alone while I was talking to her.

Life goes on with that. I will be complaining to Mcdonalds when I can do this without being shitty.

I finally got my Yahoo messenger downloaded, and was able to talk to one of my best guy friends in the world...no NOT BRYCE... Thank you GOD for helping me to see the Jerk in him. I know my best guy friend by Lonesome_coyote23. Iforget everyones names, so we have been talking about meeting and having our KIDS play together. Notice the words KIDS!!! He has a daughter the same age as Brie and he has been wanting to meet me and have a play date with the kids. I think that when he has a next day off I will invite him over with daughter to just let the kids play and chat with him in person...

Nothing more than that, neither of us are wanting more than that. obivious since we have not talked about that since after the first few months we had been talking. In fact at that time we only lived 10 blocks from each other. I used to walk by where he worked and would just say hi to him as we were going to a friends house. So it is not like we had not seen each other or anything. We are just both shy. He is really polite and I love that he is all about his daughter, then him self.

Well I am on my way in, these squeeeters are trying to eat me up!!!

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 28, 2007 at 1:44pm
September 28, 2007 at 1:44pm
The sky was dark and stormy, with out stars to shine; only the full moon was out. The man’s face was out and smiling down on the Parish house as it watches over the twenty families. The rain was pouring down hard and I could hear the pitter patters as it hits on the windows and the roof. The tree branches were swinging with the wind as it howls through the night. The branches were snapping off the trees and flying with the wind hitting hard on the street. I hear the thunder as it gets loud; sounds like a bowling ball hitting a strike! The sharp crash is the lightening as I wonder which house or tree was hit.

The rain is coming down in sheets for a king size bed. I wonder now if the rain is going to flood through the night to morning. Another crack from the lightening, and I hear a little boy saying, “The thunder went night-night.” The lights went out for the whole Parish house with all 20 families living here hoping the emergency lights kick on. The Parish house is a large brick building that was built in the early 1800s, and it is art of its own. It has cathedral windows at the arches and large picture windows that let me see the whole city with its view. The playground for the kids to play in has an Iron Gate around it as a safety precaution for the kids.

As I am looking out the window, all I can see is the pitch dark. The town looked like an old dark quilt was thrown on it. Again I hear this little boy saying; “The thunder went night-night.” By now, the emergency lights came on and all twenty families were downstairs on the first floor of the building for safety. As we do the head count to see which families are still missing, I ask someone to watch the little boy as I noticed one family was not down here at all! I also noticed there were a few others with small children not down here either…

I headed upstairs to the third floor to start knocking at the doors where the families were still sleeping. I want to make sure that all the little children and anyone who needed help were able to get down stairs! Time seem to be slipping away second by second as I start up the stairs. When I reached the top of the stairs I started opening up apartments to wake everyone up. Luckily most of the apartments were empty and the families were downstairs. I rushed to the next door that has a quiet, but eerie and unsettled notion as I approach it! I proceed to go into the apartment. The apartment had a huge branch going through the last window in the living room! It is from the large oak tree behind the apartment. So I went to the first bedroom to look and see what the damage was in there.

All I see is a large tree branch, similar to the one in the living room window. I am hoping that this tree has not landed in other apartments on the second floor. This tree has the thickness of a light pole that landed on what looked like pile of blankets on the bed. As I am hurrying over to the bed, I realized that the pile of blankets may have some of family members still alive under them on the bed.
I started pulling off the smaller limbs of the tree branch; I notice some blood coming out and moan.

This gives faith that they could possibly be OK. Trying to grasp on the branch to move it, I pray “God to give me more energy to release the branch off of the family members, to save them”. I ask again, “God to help me as I fight with my will to start pulling the blankets the family is found under them.” You could see more blood as I pull the branch out and the moans are softer as they family members are struggling to stay awake and not to drift off to sleep forever…

I yelled, “No…Please God let them leave this bed and be with the rest of the families here at the Parish housed” and even louder I cry, “Please don’t let them die!” I am crying because this was my best friend Linda and her beautiful daughters Daisy and Patrika. This family did not deserve this; they are great people and helped out the community for the kids and families here.

Suddenly out of nowhere the little boy appears again saying, “The thunder is night-night.” Then he appears next to me in their bedroom, again to say, “God has told me to pray for this family as they walk through the shiny, golden gates to heaven.” The little boy told me to go down and help the others. The tornado was about to hit the building! I run down the stairs, remembering to go to the second floor to make sure that the tree did not kill any other families! I went into the apartment directly below Linda’s apartment and there was no one in any of the rooms, but the branch took out most of that apartment! Thank goodness that family was able to get out when several of the other residents were knocking on doors earlier.

Now as I am run down the stairs, I scream because I could see the tornado approaching quickly! The winds have increased, they are howling like wolves in the air, snapping of the trees, and the thumping of cars as they are picked up and thrown with crashes onto the street and into buildings. I could hear the roofs being sucked off the houses and buildings from the tornado. I am crying so hard that I decide to just go outside and let Mother Nature take my life so another family can have the apartment!

At this point, losing my best friend, I am feeling like there is nothing left for me. I am useless, feeling like I can no longer survive because I have let everyone down. I would rather be dead then to live through loosing a more friends and their families that I get close too. My family will be able to go to relatives since they are with their dad and grandma house already. They will not miss there mother at all. “God please take me now so I do not have to finish going through all this, and you can give back my best friend and her kids their lives back,” as I am crying out loud! If I have to live give me a sign and I will go back in and live for my family, and for what Linda would have wanted me to do.

This little boy appears again, and tells me that someone is calling for me inside the building. I return inside quickly, still crying, to see what is needed. Asking, who called me? No later than I hit the door, the emergency lights go out, every one was screaming and crying! I am trying to settle them down as I am looking to see where the families with kids went! Once I saw that residents on the first floor were allowing the families with kids into the apartments with the closets and bath tubs to be protected.

The winds are so strong now that you can here the windows sound like they were going to POP out! The residents are still screaming and I again try to settle them down as the storm was getting stronger! Of course the me and the residents are scared, I could not show that I was as it is getting tougher every time the wind howls even more are you can hear the branches again breaking off! The large thumps were the worst, knowing that the cars and roofs are being lifted and destroyed! One person they are counting on was me, along with god to be strong enough to help them through this storm! All I know is that this Parish house had all the families in the hallway and apartments on the first floor! God was protecting us to get through this storm as he knew we could not risk anymore families we loved.

As the storm settles, I look to see if we were OK as I walk through the hallway and was thinking I need to take the roll call. I have to fist check and see if the wind was still raging, but it had settled enough that we could come out and take a roll call again to make sure that we did not loose anymore families here. All 19 came up, and I had to explain that Linda and here family did not make it through the beginning of the storm. We were all quiet for a moment to pray for them as they have approached the gates of heaven. Everyone started to come to me, telling me how sorry they were and that they knew how much Linda and I valued each others company and that know we are best friends. I thanked everyone but told them that we are not out of the clear and asked that every one stay down stairs because the sky was still a dark green so we may not be out of the clear yet…

Once the storm was over, and everyone went back to his or her apartments to see what the damage was in line for them with their lives. I told them if their apartment was destroyed to come to my apartment or to the community room. Suddenly I start to ask, “Where is the little boy that was here during the storm?” “Is he OK, or did he go back to his family?” Everyone just looked at me like I was crazy! I started back to my apartment, still wondering where the little boy was that helped me with everyone in the storm. I began to realize that I had not lost anymore than just my best friend. I am thankful for that, but hope to never have to go through this again…

Until this day, no one ever saw that little boy! Some say that he is the angel here that St. Lucas sent to watch over the families. Others say that God sent “Lucas” here to watch over the Parish house with the homeless families. Everyone believes that this little boy, who had to be no more than three years old, died in one of the apartments, which one no one knows for sure! We do believe that “Lucas” was of this Parish house, and he was the son of one of the nuns, who was raped while living here in the Parish house years ago. We can all feel the presence of Lucas every day and we all know that he is truly an angel!

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 23, 2007 at 12:57am
September 23, 2007 at 12:57am
September 21, 2007
480 words

Well today I decided that I did not waant to have my couch and love seat anymore becuase I really need to have my computer more than the couch and loveseat. Bonus is that I do not have to go to school to get what I need done. I am going to work on my appeal letter this weekend. I need to get this in soon so I know for sure that I will be going to school or not. Bonus was that I have a Brand new Viao that I am renting from RAC! No one else used this. I broke the seal myself to open this up. The bad part is that I still have to go out side to get a connection until I get wireless modem myself. I can deal with that myself. I will not be having to fight my son to get on the bus so we can get to the school! I do not have to get myself dressed only have to wear my jammys when I get up all day.

I can stay up at night and right all I want and not have to worry about getting out of the library at school by 9pm. Which meant that I had to be on the bus by 10:45 to get to my bus every night. All I have to do now is get to the library to print out my items needed. I only have 43 more pages to print out for free before I have to fill up card again with money.

I am kid free and ready to write all I want. I am now in search for a cool rustic table with bench set that will fit in the corner of my kitchen, which will so awesome to have. To me having a kitchen table to eat at and do home work with my kids is so much more homey then the stupid couch. Now do not get me wrong, I knowthat my company will think otherwise. I mean I do have camp chairs and my big comfy chair and a chair at my desk too. There is the idea of bean bags would be cool too. I am so wanting the kitchen table like that. When I am wanting something I am determined to get this.

Now I have the other problem, I just invited Bryce over anytime this weekend to come and have some fun. I am not sure now if I want to do this. I mean I REALLY need some bad. Is it worth it to really do the cat and mouse game. I really am not wanting a relationship right now. I just want to have some fun. Guess I will have to see how I am feeling in a few hours. I doubt he is coming over tonight because

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 20, 2007 at 5:02pm
September 20, 2007 at 5:02pm
September 20th, 2007
261 words

Well today has not really been the best because I have started to get a fever so that means that this whole kid free weekend will not fun. I will be at home taking care of myself. I will not be stressed out though! That is a plus. I am going to try to get all my house cleaned up too.

I am wanting to look a few other places to look for some furniture since my couch and love seat do not really fit to my house. I really want to get my computer again so I do not have to keep coming out to the school everyday. I am getting tired of bringing bubby with me.

I am just getting pissed at him more and more because he is just getting to be a pain. I know it is not his fault but is just gets more annoying everyday. I would rather go with out a couch and have my computer back. Seriously thinking about it too, which would so much easier for me to do. I just have to take in a few things for consideration before I do this. Like where everyone is going to sit. Will this be the best thing for me? How much will this save me in bus fare everyday, week, and month?

Well I am going to go for now. I will be back tomorrow so I can catch up in here. I am glad that I am forcing myself to try to write 500 words a day!!!!!

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 20, 2007 at 4:44pm
September 20, 2007 at 4:44pm
Tomorrow is my step sisters birthday. She will be turning 31 tomorrow and now we are the same age again. I miss my sister and my neices and my nephews. I think that ever since my mom came in to visit for a few days. I am really wanting to see them. My only problem is that my ex will not let me take them up to see them. He has a thing becuase of the way my dad had lived with my step mom. I know that I am not able to get them up there. My dad does not want to come down here. Hope fully my brother will be down for a few days to a week. I just really wish that my dad would be down to visit. Last time I saw him was when I was getting a divorce with my ex hubby. Or I should say my dads divorce to my ex hubby. I wanted nothing to do with my day in court. Infact that whole thing made me want to drink and get my addiction going back up with my klonopins. Infact I wanted some that morning when I had to be there. I was really good about that though becuase I knew I could get them and knew I could go drown my sorrows in drinking really quick after that. I hate that it has to be that my dad has to have a reason for him to visit me.

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 18, 2007 at 5:09pm
September 18, 2007 at 5:09pm
Review To: Jerry Powell (29) ocreview
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Date and Time: 09-06-07 @ 3:30pm
Rating: 5.0
Content Length: 1,197 Characters
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Hello there,

I always love reading what you have here on WDC!! I think that this is one of the special ones that you have with all your family pictured on here. I also think that you have some great friends on here, whom, I can personally say that I have read since I have started here on WDC almost 2 years ago!

I have to say that you have some really cute grand children. I have to say that as we go through life, you never realize that the family members are strong. The family members who are sick, seem to always be the ones that are stronger no matter what happens in life. They fight their illness to the very day they die.

I can not wait to read some more of your work. I will be back to visit and see if there are any new pictures of your children and especially the cute grandchildren!

Everyone come and read the authors mention in this piece. I have read them all and they are EXCELLANT!!! dpatrick as some awesome Haiku's!

Keep ON Writing, Reading, Reviewing, and Creating here on WDC!!! You Rock!!!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "[CLOSED] Good Deeds... Go Noticed v10.0".

Review To: J. A. Buxton (44) judity
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Date and Time: 09-06-07 @ 2:48pm
Rating: 4.5
Content Length: 843 Characters
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I have to say that at the beginning was a little lost about who the person was writing this. As I went on, I realized that it was the character who was being punished with the dominating person. She still has no idea who this person is or why the person has chosen her.

I do think that the pictures are a little distracting. They also take away from the descriptions that the reader is getting as they read this. This is definitely a great start to a new novel or collection of short stories you are writing!!! I can't wait to read the next section as I go!!!

Keep on Writing!!! You Rock!!!
My review has been submitted for consideration in "[CLOSED] Good Deeds... Go Noticed v10.0".

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 18, 2007 at 5:07pm
September 18, 2007 at 5:07pm
Happy 7th Birthday!!!!

Lisa thought that her 7 birthday was going to be a blast since she invited all her little friends from school. Waiting patiently for her friends out the window, she kept trying to read the clock. She knows that she has not learned to read the clock yet, but was determined not to ask her mom again what time it is. Lisa gets excited because she sees a car pull up, thinking one of her bestest frienders in the whole wide worlders was here. The she slumped, it was only her grandparents. Lisa was almost in tears, when she saw her mom coming to see what she could help out her parents.

Grandma and Grandpa came in with lots of decorations for inside in case it starts to rain outside for the party. Next they were bringing in the “birthday” girl’s presents. Look at all those presents, Lisa thought. Not one from my friends at school. No one even called to say they could not call. What is she going to say to her friends when she went to school on Monday? She thought that this was going to be the best birthday party since she was in first grade and all her friends has promised to be there.

Lisa ran to the door, and saw one car pull up the drive way. She was so excited until she saw that it was just Brianna. Brianna was the Bully in her class. She was always mean to everyone no matter what the others did not do. Lisa tells her mom she can not come, because she is the meanest girl in the whole wide school. Even the 5th graders are scared of her. Marie, her mom, just smiled as she says that sometimes bully’s are mean. All they want to be your friend. They do not know how to show it any other way.

Look she is the only one from school that came. So why don’t you give her one of those big suckers that your grandma and grandpa brought and enjoy having your new friend here to play and have cake with. Obviously, Lisa she wants to be your friend. I bet as you get older she is going to be the “Bestest Frienders in the Whole Wide Worlders” you will always have!!!

“HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY LISA” as they went to the back yard to get this party going. Now she and Brianna are ready to have lots of fun! Lisa realized that she and Brianna have a lot in common. They love Bratz dolls and Stuffed Animals!!! Brianna loves chocolate ice-cream no matter what kind it is. They both like the same boy at school, giggling as they tell each other. Marie loves the idea that Lisa and Brianna are going to be best friends and close the rest of their lives. This is all over realizing that Bully’s want to be friends too!

Review Of "WDC Birthday Bash...Send in the Clowns!" (nw) [Rated: E]
Review To: Rose, Finds Joy in the Journey (15) lilwinterrose
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Date and Time: 09-04-07 @ 6:56pm
Rating: 5.0
Content Length: 569 Characters
Review Follows:

Lil Winter Rose,

What a cool idea to do to help out WDC!!! Hope that there are lots of Clowns being made!!! This donation is worth the siggie and for helping out Angel Army and your cool groups!!! Keep Up the Great Work!!!! I can wait to see how much you were able to earn for all the charities doing this!!! Everyone come and check this out!!!!!

Keep On Writing, Creating, Helping on WDC!!! You Rock!!!

Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!

September 18, 2007 at 5:07pm
September 18, 2007 at 5:07pm
Review Of "WDC Birthday Bingo" (nw) [Rated: E]
Review To: SapphirePines ♥ RRC Anon (61) sapphirefaery
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Public/Private: Public
Date and Time: 09-04-07 @ 4:39pm
Rating: 5.0
Content Length: 572 Characters
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Sapphy, as usual you are coming up with a cool idea!!! I can't wait to see whens on this!!!! I believe you have came up with the most unique idea yet!!! I hope that you have many others come and get a BING CARD TOO!!!



Keep On Writing, Creating, and helping here at WDC!!!! You Rock!!!


Love always to all,
Veronica R. Adams

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teihzbael has many other awesome stories in his port too!


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