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When you really have nothing better to do.
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November 17, 2016 at 12:10pm
November 17, 2016 at 12:10pm
Brother's Blog - November 17, 2016
Day 17 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

The Wildcard Round!
Unicorns. They're special and unique and fun and whatnot. But what are they, really? What do they eat? Where do they live, and where do they sleep? What do they do when they're not out unicorning or whatever it is they do? And what's the proper name for a baby unicorn? Please write the Wikipedia entry on unicorns from your unique, special blogging unicorn perspective.

From Whackipedia, the free encyclopediac

History of the Unicorn

The unicorn is an enchanted forest creature resembling a zebra but rather than having polka-dots like the zebra it's rain-bowed in color and has a single large corncob shaped bone protruding from it's forehead; Hence the name, unicorn. It's recorded in The Holy Bible that Noah was instructed by God to build an ark and gather two mating couples of every species of animal in order to save all living creatures from the flood that God was preparing to send. The unicorn was the last creature to arrive (which coined the popular phrase, Late as a fucking unicorn) It had already began to rain and the ark was afloat on the rising water. The unicorn slipped in some mud and it's corncob horn punctured a hole (two cubits by two cubits in size) in the side of the ark, thus drowning all of the animals and all human life aboard the ark in the process. The unicorn lived in the belly of a whale for forty days and forty nights, until the waters subsided and then began a new life in the enchanted forest of Mumblablablah.

God shook his head in disbelief and painted the unicorn rain-bow color, because he had all that paint which was meant for all the other animals, which were now all dead. There was no point in letting it go to waste, and he couldn't return it because he bought it on sale.

Unicorns in Modern Times
It's not really known how the unicorn multiplied and that is why philosophers ask, "What came first - It doesn't matter what came first."
Baby unicorns were known as uninibblets because of the not quite corncob sized thingy on it's whatcha-call.

Mumblablablah was inhabited by Blabbermouth Elves who survived the flood by holding their breath for a really long time.
The Blabbermouth Elves loved the unicorns, because they tasted like peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, so they hunted them into
extinction by the mid 1970's

The Blabbermouth Elves all died of starvation shortly after that.

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November 16, 2016 at 9:36am
November 16, 2016 at 9:36am
Brother's Blog - November 16, 2016
Day 16 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

War Chest Wednesday! From a previous challenger...

What Lo-Fi, non-electronic, or old school things from the past do you still enjoy today?

I thought immediately of the rock tumbler. You know!... tumble rough rocks into polished stones. That's totally old school. I've always wanted one, ever since I first saw one belonging to a school friend of mine.

My son, Jay noticed me looking at a rock tumbler a few weeks ago while we looked around one of the best stores EVER, Toad Hall Toys. He asked me why I was so interested in it, and I told him that I had always wanted one ever since I was around ten years old. A couple weeks later my daughter, Justine, gave me a belated birthday gift - that very same rock tumbler I was looking at in the store.

I'm polishing my rocks, as I write this entry.

This would be the perfect thing to write about, but Nooooo. Groan! It's electric. Grrrr... Fail!

Made me think, though. What if the rock tumbler was made prior to the existence of electrical outlets? Could you imagine the ordeal in the lengthy process?

Step one - Place the rocks in the tumbler with the water and the coarse grit. (marked step #1)
Step two - Turn the crank for three to four days.

Step three - Rinse the rocks in clean water.

Step four - Place the rocks in the tumbler with the water and the medium grit. (marked step #2)
Step five - Turn the crank for ten to fourteen days.

Repeat step three

Repeat step four, using the fine grit.(marked step #3)

Step six - Turn the crank for fourteen to sixteen days.

For better results turn the crank longer than recommended.

I can almost hear my mom yelling, "Joel, you've been in your bedroom for twenty-eight days. What the hell are you doing in there?"

I'm polishing my rocks! DOH! *Shock2*

Sorry, I got a bit side tracked there.

This is an easy one (prompt) for me though. I very much enjoy walking, cycling, and canoeing, and I've been learning how to play guitar for the last eighteen months, so strumming my acoustic six string has become less painstaking and much more enjoyable.

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November 15, 2016 at 10:54am
November 15, 2016 at 10:54am
Brother's Blog - November 15, 2016
Day 15 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Talk Tuesday!

We're at the halfway point of November! What have you learned from any of your fellow bloggers in the group this month?

Why do I always have to be learning something?

From my fellow bloggers (as a group) I've learned that it's not always easy to find the time to write a blog entry everyday for thirty days. (not really something I JUST learned, but something that was reconfirmed this round)
I know this all too well from having several unsuccessful attempts at the challenge over the course time. It's nice though, that the opportunity is there for people to
continue and catch up when they miss an entry, due to pressures from life in general. I know that feeling of having the time you spend doing something you enjoy taken away. Cheers to the challengers that have dug deep and got themselves caught up and back in the race, after missing a entry. We're half way there - keep it up!

I've learned that it's PROBABLY 99.9% confirmed that the Wordy Jay is NOT my son, Jay, but a talented writing enthusiast, who happens to share that same name. (Now Jay has his BIO filled in, stop by his port for a visit.)

I've learned from the well thought out comments I receive from EVERYONE but especially, Apondia , and SandraLynn Team Florent! that it's not always about what I put in an entry, it's more about what people take out of an entry.

We have a great group of challengers this time around (not that we haven't always) and I'm very much enjoying the trip. *Heart*

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November 14, 2016 at 2:13pm
November 14, 2016 at 2:13pm
Brother's Blog - November 14, 2016
Day 14 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Motivation Monday!

Prince Charles (the oldest child of England's Queen Elizabeth II), born on this day in 1948, once said "I learned the way a monkey learns...by watching its parents." What is something you've learned from either of your parents, using only the power of observation?

Happy Birthday Chawls!

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There are two lessons I've learned from my father by watching him. I remember sitting at the kitchen table just watching my dad, as he painted. Dad painted a large 'paint by numbers' rendering of a pair of swans swimming on a pond. He worked at this painting for weeks. He did an amazing job really and the completed painting hung in our home until the day the house was sold. The painting survived raising six kids and two house fires. I have taken possession of the painting and it continues to be on prominent display.

Dad wouldn't know this, but from watching him painting at the kitchen table I learned a few things. First I learned the love for art, and for making things with my hands.
I also learned patience. I learned that if you follow instructions, and continue in faith even when you can't envision the finished product and your product looks nothing like you think it should, but you continue to completion of the project regardless. - perseverance, you could say.

The next is a lesson dad taught all of us (his children) by instructing us to watch him, and learn from watching him is: How to walk.

I already knew how to walk, but what dad taught us was how to carry ourselves with confidence and pride. We grew up in a fairly tough neighborhood, which made this an important lesson, I've passed this lesson on to my children and people who have joined me in my life's journey.

Watch me and do as I do, dad would say, as I/we struggled to keep up with his fast paced stride. "Keep your head up. Don't drag your feet. Walk with purpose. Don't look like your lost. Look like you belong here. Don't look like a victim. Walk with confidence." These are some of the instructions dad would bark at me/us (like a drill sergeant) as we walked down the city sidewalks of the North end of Winnipeg back in the day.

That will about do it for me today.

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November 13, 2016 at 12:14pm
November 13, 2016 at 12:14pm
Brother's Blog - November 12, 2016
Day 12 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

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The Sunday News!

This week, it's been reported that Russia is considering blocking access to the employment-oriented social networking site LinkedIn because the site is in violation of a rule requiring data on Russian citizens to be stored on servers inside the country. What do you think about that, and what role do you think governments should play regarding what websites their citizens should be allowed to visit?

This is the first I've heard of this news story. I've heard of the website LinkedIn, and I've heard of Russia.

I've never been on the website LinkedIn, but I know it's a job finding resource and a networking hub, which is a useful tool for both people looking for work, and employers.

The news article didn't seem to offer too much more information than what I learned from reading the prompt.

As far as what I think about governments roles in deciding what websites should or shouldn't be available to their citizens - I believe that in a free and democratic country there should be no restrictions and people should be able to choose from which ever websites are out there.

We want everything, all the time - right. I'll decide what I want to see or not see!

I don't believe Russia is a free and democratic society. I think they have taken giant steps backwards towards being a communist state and isolated from the free world. This could be a business play to force Microsoft to install and maintain servers inside Russia, in order to be in compliance with their laws, there by: creating jobs for Russians, and taxable income for the government. Or it could be a move to further isolate Russian citizens.

Either way - it's not a 'good news' story. I sure wish the way things are going on the global political scene change for the better soon, because I don't see all of this 'bad news' taking us to a very good place in the future.

My mouse seems to be acting up. It's giving me grief, so I'll say bye for for now. Have a glorious Sunday, and a fantastic next week. See you Monday.

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November 12, 2016 at 11:48am
November 12, 2016 at 11:48am
Brother's Blog - November 12, 2016
Day 12 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Creation Saturday!

Did you have a favorite stuffed animal (or toy) when you were younger? Give it an interesting origin story- tell us what it did in its life before he/she met you and became your pal.

Ummmm Yeah, yeah sure, when I was younger... Alright! You got me! I still have my stuffies. I still have my favorites too. Clown Boy, and Mr. Monkey. Is that so wrong?

I had a teddy bear when I was very young, but we didn't get along. He was yucky, and made me scared the way he looked at me. One day I plucked his eyes out and my mom was very angry with me. She sewed buttons in place of his eyes, but that only made him look pathetic, and he kept staring at me with those accusing buttons. I shoved him under my bed, and that's the last we saw of each other. I think my mom got the hint that I didn't like that dusty old blind rag, and she got rid of it for me, and never spoke a word of it again.

Now I have four stuffed friends there's Clown Boy and Mr. Monkey, they're best friends and my favorites. There's Mr. Moose, but he doesn't get along with the other two so well, and besides, Leslie has commandeered Mr. Moose and sleeps with him. Clown Boy and Mr. Monkey don't want to be sleepy time friends.

Mr. Monkey likes to be active and Clown Boy has a job. I also have a new stuffy that I liberated from a second hand store. It's also a monkey, but it's not related to Mr. Monkey and I don't have a name for it yet. I confess that I didn't like this monkey's eyes, but instead of plucking them out (I learn from my mistakes) I glued googly eyes in place of the eyes I didn't like. I think it looks and maybe even sees much better.

Clown Boy was a circus clown, who developed a drinking problem and fell on hard times before I found him busking for change in a hotel beverage room. He's settled down now, and works security on the backdoor at Sunset Bay, he's really more of a greeter, than a security guard.

Mr. Monkey has always been Mr. Monkey it's the only thing he knows.

Mr, Monkey and Clown Boy are best friends. The three of us do a lot of things together. I take them on vacation, and on fishing trips, they love riding in the truck and being outdoors. I let Clown Boy drive the truck a couple times, but Mr. Monkey can't be trusted, he stole the lawn-tractor one day!

I taught Clown Boy how to play the harmonica, he's pretty good! Mr. Monkey sings. We might go busking in front of the liquor store in Lac du Bonnet next summer,
but in the meanwhile we'll stick to jamming at home.

The boys can be a handful at times, but it's worth it, for all the fun times we have together.

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November 11, 2016 at 12:41pm
November 11, 2016 at 12:41pm
Brother's Blog - November 11, 2016 *Salute*
Day 11 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Fun Fact Friday! - Remembrance Day in Canada
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On this day in 1952, the first video recorder was demonstrated by John Mullin and Wayne Johnson in Beverly Hills, California. How would you explain YouTube to these gentlemen?

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Once in awhile, when I'm bored, I'll go for a little trial trip in the time travelling unit I'm working on. The other day I set the time mapping input receptors for 27 AD - Cana. I wanted to attend a wedding there, where Jesus turned water into wine. I figured that if I could learn how it was done, I could use that technology to start a little home distillery company and reap some huge profits - I'm pretty clever that way. I ended up arriving in Beverly Hills, California on November 11, 1952. - I'll have to adjust that time mapping input receptor unit.

While I was there I met John Mullin and Wayne Johnson, and I had the opportunity to talk with them. - I'll have to be careful not to freak them out too much by telling them all the events that will unfold as time passes, like I did to that Nostradamus fellow when I went back to Montpellier in the year 1523.

Hey boys, how you doing? Nice suits! How much would a suit like that cost me?

I just bought mine for $39.95. It's a Gabardine double breasted suit and it came with this free tie, saved myself another $1.97. Bing Crosby owns this production company so we have to look sharp.

Well, you guys look great, but I have to tell you, that invention you're working on looks like a great big hunk of junk, it must weigh 1000 pounds, no offence intended. What is it supposed to be anyhow?

It's a video tape recording device, we just demonstrated it for the first time, just before you arrived.

Being a bit of an inventor myself (I make things up) I have to tell you I'm quite impressed. How did your demonstration go?

John told me that the demonstration didn't go that good... "the device gave what were described as "blurred and indistinct" images." While he talked Wayne quietly cried in the corner.

"Nice guys," I thought. I felt bad for them, and decided to help them out. I picked up a book of matches from the table, and held it up to show them.
"What if I told you... you could combine your devise with a super computer and a network card, and a dozen other devises, which could store and distribute mega banks of data world wide, and it would be no larger than this here book of matches."

"That would be impossible, John started, a computer alone has 5,200 vacuum tubes and weighs 29,000 pounds!"

Wayne's sobs changed to manic giggling and he began to bob his head up and down and drool - I was losing him - Same thing happened to that Nostradamus fellow.

"Listen you tubes" I miss spoke, I meant to say, you two. I thought of U2 and You Tube, but I knew they wouldn't understand. Then I thought that my time here would be better spent writing songs with Tony Bennet, but these guys needed some help so I jotted a couple of things down on the matchbook cover - just enough to put some ideas into their brilliant minds.

I explained that they had to work on a micro chip, (Wayne began chanting the words micro chip as he soiled his suit) once you have that, I continued, you can make everything really small. You'll be able to combine your video recording device with computers, telephones, cameras, clocks, typewriters, record players, radios, microphones, speakers... you name it - you can do it. You'll be able to type Bing Crosby's name into your devise and all of his songs will appear before your eyes and you can play the songs while watching movies of his performances. Anything you can image will be at your finger tips, all of it free, free I tell you... free.

John stood motionless starring at the matchbook cover I handed to him. Wayne lifted his head and asked, "Can we watch I Love Lucy on this device?"

Yes Wayne, you just have to Google it. Oops, I lost him. - shouldn't have said that.

There must have been a malfunction in the return mapping coordinator mechanism, because the next thing I knew I was back in the present time - November 11, 2016 and everything was great - great again.

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November 10, 2016 at 2:14pm
November 10, 2016 at 2:14pm
Brother's Blog - November 10, 2016
Day 10 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

The Wildcard Round!

message from head office: Yeah yeah, I know- same thing every month- not even two weeks in and I've fallen behind. Anyway, this week's prize, because I feel like I've gotta switch up the conversation a little in any way I can, will be a Dialogue MB and will be selected via Virtual Dice from all eligible entries soon. Soon-ish. Anyway...

Pick a quote from one of your favorite movies and tell us how you relate to it.

The prompt is innocent enough, but [sigh] one I can't answer. Sure I could just make something up, but... then what would I do tomorrow?
The thing is... almost all of my favorite movies don't contain quotes as such, or maybe I just don't remember any.
My favorite movies are full of favorite one-liners, song lyrics, grunts - groans - and - moans, and memorable lines, which don't really stand alone as quotes.

When Harry Met Sally - I'll just have what she's having.
Casablanca - Play it again Sam.
Gone With the Wind - Scarlet, quite frankly, I don't give a damn.
Strange Brew - I'd kiss you if I didn't have puke breath.
Neighbors - These Are the neighbors!
Airplane - I picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue.
Debbie Does Dallas - gluogh grr augh ooh oohh gluogh
Pink Folyd - The Wall - Pretty much all of the song lyrics.
Crossroads - If you don't play no harp, then you don't get no pussy.
Scar Face - I want you to meet my little friend.
A Christmas Story - You'll shoot your eye out kid.

So I can't really do this prompt today. I offer you all my heart-felt apologies and I'm disappointed in myself for wasting your time.
Speaking of time... This is usually about the time Andre the Blog Monkey shows up and hammers down his 'FAIL' stamp on my entry.

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Global Management & Consulting Technology Services

Told you so.

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November 9, 2016 at 11:54am
November 9, 2016 at 11:54am
Brother's Blog - November 9, 2016
Day 9 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

War Chest Wednesday!

What is your "philosophy of life"...the idea that guides the way you live? And why have you chosen it?

My philosophy of life has been formed over many years, and draws from many experiences, and lessons, and from being in contact with people that have influenced, and motivated me - good, bad, or otherwise.

All of what I've learned in life went against what I already knew in my heart. I was born without fear, envy, jealousy, hatred, greed, racism, lust (okay, maybe a little lust) All of these things I learned from the people who raised me...parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, teachers, police officers, clergy and the list goes on.

I became a product of my environment, but I knew in my heart I wasn't the person I was meant to be.

This could be a very long blog entry retelling of all my experiences (most of them negative) which eventually lead me to be the person I turned out to be, but I am going to fast forward and answer the question posed by the prompt.

I stopped looking to the world to teach me how to act, what to do, who to hate, where I can and can't go, what I can and can't do, etc.
I started to look inward, and the answers were all there - in my heart.
I was born already knowing the difference between right and wrong. I knew that almost everything I learned from the world was wrong.
I began to live my life according to what I already knew in my heart.

Today I don't worry about the things I can't do anything about. I'm not afraid. I don't hate. You might not be able to understand this one, but... I don't care.
I do what I think is the right thing to do, and I don't care.

I don't believe that this life is the only life. I believe in my heart that there is something more, I don't know exactly what that is, but none of this is going to be there.

One day my body will fail me and I will die, but my spirit will go on to whatever comes next, and this life won't matter, and I won't care.

To sum it up My philosophy of life is: I don't care.

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November 8, 2016 at 5:20pm
November 8, 2016 at 5:20pm
Brother's Blog - November 8, 2016
Day 8 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Talk Tuesday!

Well, the presidential election is today in the United States...one of the most polarizing and controversial elections in recent history. As an American citizen, how concerned are you about the outcome of this election? And for our global friends, what does this mean for you and your nation?

We here in Canada share the longest undefended border in the world with the United States of America. They are our biggest trade partner, and ally. They are our neighbors and friends. Like neighbors and friends we have had disagreements and the occasional squabble, but we've always worked toward peaceful resolutions and our friendship continues, just like true friends do. I don't think that will change, regardless who wins this election. At the end of the day the president doesn't have as much power as most people think. In both of our countries, at the end of the day... the people hold the power.

I hate to say it, but I really hate politicians. here, there and everywhere. oh oh I feel a Dr. Seuss poem coming on.
I hate them, hate them in a box... no, no, no snap out of it Brother.... [slap] [slap] .... whew! Thanks I needed that. Now, where was I? Oh yeah...

In regard to the election, I'm glad it's over, and I'm glad I don't have to vote. I tried to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself, but I leaked a random blog entry
and hid it in the Banana Bar. Wordsmitty ✍️ found it while stalking Andre the Blog Monkey.

I also couldn't resist adding a comment or two on some Facebook posts. Last night I posted a short statement just to remind my friends that some of them have been behaving like real assholes, not that I don't still love them.

This is what I wrote in my post: "I'll be glad when the American presidential election is over and Canadians can go back to being polite, and minding their own fucking business. unanimous.. I mean anonymous."

Regardless of who is elected tonight, tomorrow the sun will rise and life will go on. Things will change, some will be for the betterment and some...not so much. Isn't that the way it's always been?

I'll always feel that the American people are our friends and neighbors, we'll always get along in peace and harmony, with the exception of the game of hockey, where we will drop the gloves and fight to the death to defend our dominance in the game that we love.

Thank you, and God Bless America.

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