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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #1926559
A new book to house this year's (and future years) NationalPoetryMonth's daily poems.
I'm writing once again this year. This book is my special event place for thirty special poems.

Here for National Poetry Month in 2018, I'm participating but life has not been kind in the last 15 months, so I'm not always in writing mode.

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April 22, 2013 at 11:01am
April 22, 2013 at 11:01am

even numbers are so perfect
peaceful like a double bed

the quartet of valves that set
the tempo of our hearts

a compass to never get lost
wandering all four directions

yet I’ve always felt an odd man out
even coupled happily

chocolate and vanilla
Holmes and Watson

and I’d try to declare “look at me”
I want to be noticed without you

but my desire to pair up squarely
drives my oneness miles down the road

wherever my tired feet take me
here and there, swaying away

and then running back to four arms
enfolding love as my consolation prize

I cannot divide us in two
for me, plus you, plus both of us

means somehow in time’s expansion
there are three in this equation

a question of math

Prompt: divided by two
April 21, 2013 at 5:19am
April 21, 2013 at 5:19am
I closed all my love songs in the piano
their words resonating in black and white

I forgot how to define love's charms
when dizziness enfolded me in drunken reds

they were your favorite roses, like wine
we shared at midnight's twelfth bell

a sign that the precipice
would capture us forever in a bad dream

this darkness has lingered too many years
like a malignant sleep potion

with or without you I am lost, my voice
silent, a rusted wheel impeding my pace

to accompany you into old age
locked to your keychain 

waiting for the day I might open the piano
and sing to refracting colored light


Prompt: What it really means to be an adult
April 20, 2013 at 11:14am
April 20, 2013 at 11:14am
my heart is for sale, where are
the bidders with aces and kings?

I have given it, felt it crushed
it has been wooed from me, trampled

I have walled it behind bricks
lovers have become architects

and built secret doors inwards
and locked it away in other prisons

love's heart cannot taste liberty
so come kiss me, sweetly

if you dare, and then we'll speak of a 
mutually interesting exchange rate

highest bidder
Prompt: then come kiss me
April 19, 2013 at 4:18pm
April 19, 2013 at 4:18pm

traveling light, he is not quite
there yet, coaxing his curious shadow

to hurry up and stop absorbing
the scenery like a sponge

hung out to dry on a rainy day
he splashes though puddles

in appropriate boots with thick socks
feet swollen from too many kilometers

the trains were late, taxis mere ghosts
and the next town beckoned sweetly

he has no destination but discovery
or escaping yesterday's memories

a ticket bears a distant date to return
to boredom in a sometime place

on a more familiar faraway continent
in the meantime he's a vagabond

a stringless marionette speaking
in sign languages, catching cat naps

on sunny park benches while ink
dries on postcards rarely sent home

where boxes can always be unpacked
his life taped into dozens of fat photo albums

and twelve pots of geraniums that grow
spindly on someone else's balcony

a traveling man
Prompt: not quite there yet

April 18, 2013 at 3:30am
April 18, 2013 at 3:30am

one moment, clear as a mountain stream
life combines its atoms, its futility

and its destiny in a one-act drama
no instant replay nor fast-forward available

we grow tired and withered, our bones creak
our voices break from youth, our eyes tear

in morning mist, at sunset, and for a simple word
we come into an age of anxiety

when the other side beckons, but fearful
we resist the call, and weaken our souls

to a final melting point, and unresisting
death claims what remains of our heart

what remains
R.I.P. Marybeth Stewart
Prompt: coming of age

April 17, 2013 at 11:41am
April 17, 2013 at 11:41am
under a moss-covered willow
a shrine to my lost innocence

first true love, you stole body and soul
when you whispered my name

I heard its music for the first time
believed your green eyes

we touched lips, that unknown kiss
was water flooding my roots

later, I grew into a man, an explosion
rivaling the height of Ravel's Bolero

timed by the snare drum crescendo
and fourths and fifths gyrating into unison

our bodies often imitated love's tempo
and practice did hallow its perfection

that one summer seared into a prayer
where the river ran deep

and my loss thereof has kept me thirsty
to retain my youth at every fountain

river of love

Prompt: virginity, or the loss thereof
April 16, 2013 at 3:51am
April 16, 2013 at 3:51am

one heart, divided, broken
pieced together by love’s fragile paste

kisses, velvety chocolate, dark
mint freshened breath, giving life

I faint too often any more, they say
it’s the disease, undiagnosed

you are sunlight to guide my shadow’s path

your hand caresses my sweaty brow
your eyes so sincere, cannot hide

sadness behind the deep blue
I see you staring heavenwards

too often when I pretend to sleep
I will have an eternity to share your dreams

you are full moonlight calling my soul home

sing me a sweet lullaby, to calm
my trembling fears

one heart I have given you
it was broken from the start

your fragile love has smoothed the edges
and polished it to shine, too late

whisper to me our sixteen words of love
one last time, before darkness

sixteen words
Prompt sweets for the sweet

April 15, 2013 at 9:15am
April 15, 2013 at 9:15am
to wait for a bus, like a sheep
wrestling with the pack before hurdling

a river, overflowing after the first snow melt
falling off skis

where I don’t balance well anyway
the sensation of falling from a dream

nightmares, tipsy drunk and that dreaded
migraine turning me into a deaf, dumb and blind

man, dressed in poverty’s rags, not having
that bank account filled with silk cushions

nothing to calm the pain of boring day-to-day
routine weighing like our dying planet

on frail shoulders never capable
of lifting a laughing child

hate bears its bloodthirsty fangs
convincing the weak to scream louder

than those true peace-and-love souls
who look towards the stars, not war’s decline

[2013 15 4 a]

Prompt: something you hate to do

April 14, 2013 at 3:04am
April 14, 2013 at 3:04am
he is alone and forgotten
perched high upon the waves

guarding, recounting, the watchtower
holds up humanity with beacons

unnoticed in the constant storms
like words written in good books

ignored and misinterpreted --
how have we learned

not to follow the north star
but merely bask in its reflection?

light dimming


Prompt: braces
April 13, 2013 at 1:16pm
April 13, 2013 at 1:16pm
as the seasons change, they wander paths lined in broken hearts
and search

complacent gray moderation coming in handy tubes like acrylic paint
barely a prophecy

outlines form black and white with shades in between
always requiring chiseled detail

each sky begins like a virgin page, whiter
than devotion, intent tenderly added

until voilà! brush strokes caress and cajole
shaping doubt into praise-worthy words

great trees shadow ruddy earth goddesses
and reach azure sages on flying clouds

mountains cleave to create heavens
simple cottages shelter each worthy seeker chasing destiny

when color begins fading
and paper withers like weathered wind chimes cry out

leaves will fall
rejuvenate uninspired mortals, pave glens for cozy Friday afternoon trysts

love abounds
and each hour is timeless, rare as the prime number thirteen

it is not luck
Prompt: not a Friday [the thirteenth]

April 12, 2013 at 6:08pm
April 12, 2013 at 6:08pm

one: unthinkable pranks for fools’ folly
the neighborhood painted in green and blue stripes

two: punishment: scour the walls with bleach
children don’t have allergies leaving them breathless

three: the trinity, favorite number, ideal, mascot
favorite line: why hast thou forsaken me?

four: bask in electric, indoor sunlight, pretending to relax
five: cocktail shakers filled with fifths of everything, cheers

six: your stones have broken my soul, why didn’t you use sticks
and leave me to rot unattended in a dingy hospital room

seven: then I would have flown to heaven, someplace better
eight: your secrets kept until your conscience finally broke

nine: I imagine you old, decrepit, prey to Alzheimer’s
and ungentle nursing attendants who don’t respond to “nein”

ten: for me, we had no favorite moments together
maybe the day I was born held an hour of meaning for you

eleven: divide Pi by itself and hope to discover
how the galaxies of stars link with eternity

twelve: plant a forest of pink and white
magnolias, for a few weeks of yearly beauty

the list
Prompt: a dime a dozen

April 11, 2013 at 6:57am
April 11, 2013 at 6:57am
dressed to the nines, is my reflection
real to anyone else?

the eleventh hour strikes, full moonlight
finally flatters, I feel like a million

lengthened into a one-of-a-kind shadow
finally a perfect weight watchers result

under a million stars, we tango languidly
two of a kind, we are not at sixes

and sevens with our four left feet
two peas in the mirror's pod

all rolled up in one --
I retire from this magic limelight 

and return home for three cheers, gazing again
at my overstuffed countenance

nein, mein liebschen, together
we will live our life on cloud nine

and for once in a blue moon
we laugh aloud at our triple sized figure 

the mirror
Prompt: eleventy-five - a real number?
April 10, 2013 at 10:29am
April 10, 2013 at 10:29am

navigating through an uneventful life
much too much work, not enough play

and far too many hours with Morpheus
virtually alone, I admit timidly

from the ordinary humdrum
few events merit my recall

except the dentist, the baker
an occasional sales representative

willing to chat about my strange accent
instead of sell funeral plots

the latest Dan Brown thrills
while Paulo Coelho inspires

but their details don't spark
conversations three months later

much less a decade or so 
and you ask me to pinpoint a favorite 

group of years chosen from a lifetime
of tedium spent just surviving?

Prompt: a favorite decade
April 9, 2013 at 4:39am
April 9, 2013 at 4:39am

negatives, black reversed with white
happen before rainbows blossom

I can’t imagine chemical reactions
creating sunlight and cloudless skies

I wonder if my heart looks less fragile
its muscle captured by imagery

no, it is not suffering, I feel your love
like distant moonlight

illuminating my need
though loneliness is my cancer

your smile a miraculous cure
happening not as often

as once upon a time when I wasn’t so old
and did not caress ideas of a colorless life

no, two full moons hide behind my eyes
and if you ask, I’ll share their shadows

on this nine-by-ninth day without you
I’ll buy white ink and black paper

and reverse the order
of the universe spinning around your absence

unweaving colors
Prompt: NEIN

April 8, 2013 at 10:11am
April 8, 2013 at 10:11am
my life is a punch line
no one understands 

I am chief of clowns
feathered and painted sad

I am no warrior, except
to spin words in strange conversations

with clouds, fountains and statues
their answers garbled in archaic tongues

laughter surrounds me
I listen carefully, like Buddha

respectful and distant
chained to a pedestal 

I fear falling, heights
attract me like roller-coasters

where waiting for hours
rewards three thrilling minutes

I do this for days on end
hysterical, alive

explaining nothing

Prompt: wait, wait, don't tell me
April 7, 2013 at 5:16am
April 7, 2013 at 5:16am
after a small while, I will die
leaving behind the pain of mobility

perhaps Proust, Shakespeare and Rachmaninoff
will tell me what I did understand

or didn't catch, the tempi
of their worlds always seemed

akin to my heart's power
of adoring

love came and went, often
brought me alive like a bright summer day

and then Van Gogh's Starry Night
burned sunlight trances into my solitude

drink was no option, I was scared
of addiction's blister to try anything else

revived by painting poetry from blood flowing
like a friendship pact between teens

they too may wait there, I hope, a favorite aunt
my grandmother

others who never had the time
to return pieces of my soul, I have missed them

so many people, so much beauty
surrounding my fear

to generate new vibrant, dance-like lives
said the lady gazing into crystal


Prompt: heaven
April 6, 2013 at 11:19am
April 6, 2013 at 11:19am
they fell one by one, all of them
wind, erosion, chainsaws, fire

contamination left the most death
light years of half-lives of shit

new generations of children
cleaned up plains and mountains

building huts of knotted leftovers
places for warmth from cruel winds

the elements still exploded in anger
and children so fragile and ignorant

still slaved to men not their fathers
too busy repopulating and hoarding

blue seas birthed fish once again
but the forests, ah, such sadness…

starting over
Prompt: Pick up sticks

April 5, 2013 at 7:29am
April 5, 2013 at 7:29am
one part Cointreau, a second part Absinthe
two parts magic, a fifth of finest dreams

his seams split, two silver buttons sewn tight
three cups grenadine with fine Chablis raisins

his raison d'être was love, burning at both ends
under any influence, tipped by footlights

center stage, ongoing monologue with his ego
while he emptied a myriad of spiked glasses

a kiss in the first scene, another to salute the curtain
the fourth act duel brings turmoil and a poignant death

a Don Juan eclipsing love with the pursuit of lust
artificial means hinder unexpected declarations

hidden in his diary, a bloody knife, two torn hearts,
his whispered exit, their resounding applause

nothing matters but the magnitude of the limelight
and shadows lurking in every corner afterwards

solace solved his riddle for the ideal mixture
three parts champagne, one of curaçao, fresh lime

a fifth of finest dreams
Prompt: a fifth of bourbon, or whatever that means
April 4, 2013 at 5:38am
April 4, 2013 at 5:38am
when our children die
needlessly, an unsought war

weeds surviving the cracks
never see their spring blooms

on city sidewalk crossfire
their souls locked deep in closets

imagination earthbound
cast away from coloring books

tales of righteous zealots
praying gods of treachery

roses adorn their small caskets
lives emptied by unending tears

the young, the innocent, the weak
will they ever learn to forgive

can they forgive?
Prompt: Force
April 3, 2013 at 10:32am
April 3, 2013 at 10:32am
here they tell me stories of your last sweet weeks
weakening the monumental soul that was our beacon

we fear the stale breath of this new solitude
like Don Quichote battles windmills of lost love

I can't say farewell, the words are like mice
nesting in my agenda, afraid of being caught

in paper addresses, life-long footnotes and poems
sketched about strength, hope and generosity

and your street number bursts in my head
four-two-six treads upon my torn open heart

I am drowning in silence I do not know how to break
and you deserved every Shakespearean Sonnet

a hundred thousand words I never learned to recite

when you cannot refuse your last breath, whisper
these prayers of joyous release, of unending peace

and always remember that love is a sentiment
so much greater than fear, so embrace the angel

with sturdy oars, take his boat beyond the waters
of your life, but knot the rope at your resting place

so we can each float towards the buoy of memories
you crafted for us from your earthbound angel wings

you have been our Dulcinea, a princess in liberty’s palace
and this solitude is our new prayer, a longing to continue

for we are sisters and cousins, together we blow wishes
into your soul, to blossom your love into a hundred roses

unexpected parentheses
For Marybeth Stewart
April 3: Numerology

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