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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #1926559
A new book to house this year's (and future years) NationalPoetryMonth's daily poems.
I'm writing once again this year. This book is my special event place for thirty special poems.

Here for National Poetry Month in 2018, I'm participating but life has not been kind in the last 15 months, so I'm not always in writing mode.

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April 12, 2014 at 11:25am
April 12, 2014 at 11:25am

two naked bodies, sweat glistening, snowfall

the room is sparse, the season is now
light filters with a golden sheen
through bamboo curtains

two naked bodies, one hand caressing a thigh

snow covering the trees, sparsely lit candles
a glow of the fire from a corner chimney
no warmth, a sense of leftover destiny

two naked bodies, lips posed on a shoulder

a simple high-backed armchair
placed before the chimney
a ghostly figure does not slump

two naked bodies, her hair close cropped

it is summer, a ceiling fan rotates slowly
her simple dress is too thin, decades of wear
hands folded in her lap, she does not sleep

two naked bodies, their kiss, a first farewell

in a flicker of light, her voice, "this scene
is my life since that day of the bomb
his hands outstretched in terror"

two naked bodies, four arms entwined

her life changed in the flash of love
destroyed by the sound of fire
she sits facing away from the window

two naked bodies, his hands touching her face

moonlight shines through the window
illuminating, like a madonna, her face
her hand is limp, almost touching the floor

Hiroshima, mon amour

Prompt: Cinema: a strongly cinematic poem, a poem about a particular film, or with a film allusion
April 11, 2014 at 5:51am
April 11, 2014 at 5:51am

once again we replay
a farewell to arms
as you leave before dawn

I will return to this place
of every day shadows
always waiting for Godot

you are my life
the poisonwood Bible
the book that broke my heart

I have spun around your destiny
like Romeo and Juliet
its sap leaks like december’s chill

slowly I breathe
of your deep absence, choking
on these grapes of wrath

for I blame only myself
the idiot
for depending on your love


Prompt: Include a literary allusion
April 10, 2014 at 3:32am
April 10, 2014 at 3:32am

voicelessly, we shifted
through a generation of papers

I bristled when I found gran's cancelled checks

all made out for my professional studies
years and years of them

as if she wanted me to finally acknowledge
I would never be good enough for her own daughter

even through the silence of the paper shredder

we spoke no words, no one had ever broken
her speak-when-spoken-to rule

finishing our task like vowed nuns
in an afternoon meditating hate

then she would retire for rest

before her nightly tradition
of wining and dining in fancy places

dancing till dawn with strangers
she never dared to bring to her boudoir

I’d sit in front of the telly, alone
five thousand miles away from my home

eating junk food she always thought I liked
useless as I had always been

the wait of it all

Prompt: Create a tense mood with the poem.
April 9, 2014 at 2:30am
April 9, 2014 at 2:30am

remember me each time this gold
caresses your neck
smell these roses from the gardens
of our mutual intent
let us travel to paradise islands
to sip rare wine
and wander through our dreams

until I kiss your lips
and our desire stretches into sleep
let me offer you my life
with love’s symbolic circle
watch my devotion
as I hunt for treasures
more precious than your smile
and each morning, my dear
accept these small handwritten notes
of three unending words

instead of love poems

Prompt: A love poem
April 8, 2014 at 3:36am
April 8, 2014 at 3:36am
A very hard poem to write.

I have been held captive
groomed into an emotional cripple
I know poverty’s wiles
hunger and shivering
the mockery of a leaking roof
and absent fellowship
youth ignores what little wisdom
I once saw blossoming
in my soul, words
of invisible ink, written in a language
only I have learned to speak
and I am alone in ill-lit rooms
like a ghost of my own tears
that do not comfort the betrayal
of my aching bones
the sleepless nights
when fright seizes me
more than being buried alive
or the mornings not granting
my wish to have waked
in my casket

I do not hate this destiny
having grown into only a speck of dust
but what I once loved
has sewn no seeds for a smile

beyond life

Prompt: A hate poem (instead of a love poem)
April 7, 2014 at 3:40am
April 7, 2014 at 3:40am

muddy ten-year-old hands
digging deeper than the roots of life

to replant a rose bush
pulled up accidentally

like other weeds
he hadn’t yet catalogued in Latin

in sunlight’s sweat
he squinted as something shined

a gold charm
she lost one day, too hurried

to put on gloves
while cutting fresh garden blossoms

he knew the tale
certain it was tall as a white lie

he looked daily among those weeds
this four-leaf clover was his now

the rose bush

Prompt: Bring in the theme of luck or a lucky number.
April 6, 2014 at 10:28am
April 6, 2014 at 10:28am

alone in a single armchair
the screens blink messages
urging me to belong

where does the truth glimmer
while these would-be actors
dance instead of sunlight

inside my four windowed walls
I am a small fragment
uprooted from life

unnoticed sunsets
trail behind your shadow
where I walk, look at me

through dismembered branches
don't let me fall
into forgetfulness

like a tear, what love illuminates
beyond these dark nights
is not a trophy

a twig

Prompt: Incorporate a twig into the poem somehow...
April 5, 2014 at 12:16pm
April 5, 2014 at 12:16pm
Prompt: "Fingers, all five."

he ruled a creative life
with paint brushes, a harpsichord
and a fountain pen

he sanded a humble bed
for his death, a eulogy penned
three mourning hymns bore his name

nine strong fingers humbled his path to eternity

a normal man
A Sevenling poem

a defensive fist
before love’s conquering caress
to teach the innocent to count
and soon to write of life
its uncountable directions

five fingers

April 4, 2014 at 7:18am
April 4, 2014 at 7:18am

my demeure is a tower
smooth round curves
with a spiral staircase
lined with leather-bound books

only the windows
portray right-angled rigor
although they face the four
cardinals of time and space
straight walls
and their abundance
of shadowy corners
better suit ill-omened tales
where fright is born
in iron barred cells
as light disappears

here pages float, free
wind-born clouds
delineated by mountain snows
and tomorrow’s invitations

unlimited view


Prompt: A poem with 4 walls in it (a room, a fort, a shack….)
April 3, 2014 at 4:57am
April 3, 2014 at 4:57am
Two texts for this prompt.
Placed in order of creation.
I mention no favorite.

The Prompt:
A poem about leaflets three, or a blossom that has three petals (like spiderwort or toad shade)

a single stem, seven exotic buds
a crystal vase, decorum
for other people

not vagabonds, nor the withered
nor refugees chased
from other lives

they search three-leaf clovers

wild flowers
A Sevenling poem

his eulogy, written
on three leaflets, is placed
like a quiet prayer on each chair

he willed silent meditation
in this sacred place
that does not welcome sadness

the garden extracts color
from the season
and drains all but red from their eyes

with bleak smiles, the mourners
cannot yet discard
their own suffering

a long shaking illness
took his hands first
his paints dried into still lives

perhaps he has earned his place
among the ethereal
and will cover sunsets with cloudburst

a ceremony
A Triversen poem

The Triversen is a six stanza poem of three lines per stanza. Each stanza is a complete sentence.
Naturally, the stanzas should be related but ideally they should be independent thoughts.

April 2, 2014 at 3:00am
April 2, 2014 at 3:00am

her shards of words
hurled as bold thunderbolts
electric chairs and molotov cocktails

gave me no added padding
wrapped me in no warped sense of humor
nor stalked me with same cruel streak

they merely shattered the light in my soul

sharp edges

Aurhor's Note:
Poem written using the Sevenling form.
Basically a seven line stanza, divided into two stanzas of three lines, each presenting a list of three things, verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. and a final line should sum up the poem in some way, much like the third line of a haiku.
An interesting link: http://home.comcast.net/~jpdancingbear/apj_sevenling.html
April 1, 2014 at 4:10am
April 1, 2014 at 4:10am
i followed her
through a labyrinth of shadows
beyond death, beyond
her ultimate gift
of eternal poverty, beyond
my barren tears
hoping one day i would find
other treasures among
my hopes
and disillusions

the phoenix

Prompt: a one sentence poem.
April 30, 2013 at 8:49am
April 30, 2013 at 8:49am
I have known richness and poverty
renewed by the curse of life

I had thirty gold pieces
bequeathed from a shipwreck

in my youthful days of piracy
they burned holes in my pockets

I have no taste for luxury
but survival costs more and more

my library had as many original
manuscripts, ancient words

bound in the finest cages
engraved with unpredicting prefaces

I could never read their translations
they too were lost in exchange

for poems I never published
and love I never let submerge me

when I thought like every man
to be partnered in eternity’s embrace

my walls were adorned by thirty seascapes
the masters' visions of turbulence

or tranquility, like an afternoon nap
by a calm fountain in faraway places

some sought in dreams not ending in insomnia
others purchased from get-away specialists

the currency rates were never favorable
for saving money, and after thirty days

my imagination turned silvery and sappy
I won't say there is nothing left

my photographs were colorful
still-lives traced civilization’s majesty

quiet corners of abandoned gardens
or ornate portraits in black and white

baroqueness, ornamented
like my harpsichord and rare scores

thirty of them, that I perform
for my private candlelight

thirty priceless pewter epergne
with half as many up-turned arms, saluting

music for every day each month, I improvise
with modest mastery to end the odd numbered ones

delicate creations that defy time's presence
her songs are all unique jewels of sound

but always insistent, like a second hand
pressing on my fingers like the silver rings

I have sworn to never sell, for you see
my soul sold to the devil thirty times now

still needs to sound the depths
of every ocean and touch

the elite, limitless skies
seeking a wholeness that only

these simple circles can bring
while I wait for the last day of rain

to begin a new cycle of thirty days
of whatever destiny brings

patient, I have enough
to trade this for that, fine wines

for precious stones, a single grain
of sand bartered for a loaf of bread

the powerless hands of the clock
sold with joy for a few more years of hope

thirty days
April 29, 2013 at 1:03pm
April 29, 2013 at 1:03pm
in a very high mountain range
too secluded for men to venture

there was a valley of small limpid lakes
populated by the blue-gilled nightingale

a survivor of dinosaur creatures
his turquoise and sapphire scales

made him quite dragon-ish, reflecting light
while his tail propelled him like a fish

in the sun warmed waters where he ate
bubbles of colored gas left over

from mussels and snails in the depths
below him, and when released above

by the horizon's changing hues
he sang songs of starlight

as he took wing on a journey of darkness
that self-rejuvenated him

through the excessive beating of his heart
he had no other earthly needs

he did not sleep, nor did he dream
content to exist and appease his twin nature

a unique link in evolution
untouched by the rest of life's diversity

in uncharted places

Prompt: a specific kind of fish
April 28, 2013 at 12:11pm
April 28, 2013 at 12:11pm
young and innocent, I painted
walls blue, like the summer sky

so that from every perspective
I could ward off the gulping solitude

that came living in a colorless house
with shadows of black-and-white people 

who simply didn't relate to the concept
that I was born unique and free

today I watch the clouds and stars
on their midnight hued backdrop

proof that this constant revolving
is what keeps us reaching out

and not becoming the mountains
we all are destined to move


Prompt: the color blue
April 27, 2013 at 11:11am
April 27, 2013 at 11:11am

we have almost reached the end
and mountains weep dust

springtime has returned
though no forest has grown green

rain falls unmeasured by twisted winds
and sunlight blinds with no warmth

the air is impure and pungent
a stench of smog laced with half-lives

we have all prayed a thousand times
and been abandoned

as if there had never been
a god who cared

there was no greater force
to slow the imbalance

and gather it towards renewal
instead of destruction

weep, while we still have voices
to mourn our ashen memories 

while we still have the voices

Prompt: it's almost over
April 26, 2013 at 9:08am
April 26, 2013 at 9:08am
I do not see the world upright
head tilted to the left

listening to life advance
silently like ladybugs

I imagine one word from two
my right ear is deaf

I hobble with a cane, favoring
my unbalanced feet

I lost toes in the war
where I learned there is no truth

but only unstudied opinions
lately I see everything through a haze

imprinting detail on my soul
like Monet, or worse, like Picasso

clarity has vanished
frazzled and worn, tender

at heart when first love darts
against convention

and my arms tire, juggling
one heavy bag of postcards

that tell me where I've been
on my uphill travels to heaven's gates

a private perspective

Prompt: slanted
April 25, 2013 at 5:57am
April 25, 2013 at 5:57am
after broken bones and stolen books
we try to have faith

that bullies and thieves
have done with us, we wait

until our hearts implode
at death's call or a lover's mistaken

choice, the explosive allergy
after a chocolate binge

or a week-end of drowning sorrows
to discover first hand the emergency

room, emptied of childhood souvenirs
we are lost without those postcards

from the past, we fail at exams
because every day we start over

the sun does rise each morning
so, like the electric storm interrupting

our favorite program, we press the reset
button, confused by what we lost

and we resume our watch, believing 
we'll understand, each day until we die

until we die
Prompt: we resume
April 24, 2013 at 11:04am
April 24, 2013 at 11:04am

best behavior brought no smile
never even blackmail, bring home

top-notch grades for a new bicycle
I walked two miles to school

adult chores for pocket money
she expected perfectly cleaned

lampshades, doorsills, windows
and no fluff under the carpets

I went penniless, affectionless
loveless, I was deemed worthless, clueless

every -less I found in the dictionary
was my reward for being

not good enough, try harder, don't stop
I don't owe you anything

when I was your age I sweat, I bled
why can't you be like


Prompt: there's something due

April 23, 2013 at 3:47am
April 23, 2013 at 3:47am
I don't understand anyone
their murmured babble

zeroing in on irrelevant details
like the latest YouTube of who?

they were, and might still B --
like Shakespeare's eternal question

do I know anything --
one of the greatest rock groups

not collective meteorite samples
nor mama's precious emeralds

that some prefer sapphires or rubies
is irrelevant and proves bad taste

isn't it "to me or not to me"
self-centered youth laughing

at the necessity to earn anything
Google it, I mean "hello!" you know

who doesn't have a smartphone?
I decline their offer

and retire to my boudoir
with a thick book of Latin grammar

no, I really don't know anymore

Prompt: (WTF?) You know who.
Actually, once I found my angle (negating the prompt into "I don't understand anyone") it was a piece of cake!

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