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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989409
My blog part dos
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May 7, 2014 at 11:37pm
May 7, 2014 at 11:37pm
Our May 7 prompt is this: Nobody knows that I . . .

No one knows that my childhood fear of the dark has carried on into adulthood. Consequently, I open the closet door every night and flood my room with light while I sleep. I don't spend the night at other people's houses because I hate sleeping in total dark. At my parents house I love sleeping in my brother's room because he has the best night light ever; it creates moving stars like the night sky on the wall. I guess he's afraid of the dark too. Maybe my parents should have forced us to deal with the fear instead of buying the greatest night lights ever, maybe I'd be a better adult for it. Whatever, it's too late now because I pay the electricity bill at my house and my light at night is here to stay.

May 6, 2014 at 8:03pm
May 6, 2014 at 8:03pm
May 6 Prompt - If you were to put a message in a bottle and send it out to sea, what would you write? Would you meet the person that finds your bottle?

Dear Friend,

Congratulations for stumbling on this empty bottle of Seagram’s Pineapple Twisted Gin. Breathe deeply and go grab a cold soda from the fridge because I am going to tell you something that will change your life. You ready for it?

I’ve got millions of dollars, no family, and I’m dying. I’ve got all of the money in the world and nothing else besides this half empty bottle of gin that I’m going to drink. There’s no other way I’d rather say goodbye, but I have to tie up my last loose end, and I'll leave it to you as simply as possible.

Here is the treasure map to my millions.

Step 1

Watch Pretty Woman. You know the moment when Julia Roberts is naming all the colors of condoms that she has in her possession. Remember the Gold Circle Coin, yep that was my favorite too.

Step 2

Take a plane to trip to the Serengeti, at the airport please purchase a copy of Harry Potter Goblet of Fire, read chapter 18: The Weighing of Wands and find the 100th word in the chapter. Take that word divide it by two then multiply it by 78. Take that many steps from the bookstand and find yourself eye to eye with the Larry the Maintenance man. Now, Larry is deaf so you’ll have to hop on one foot and stick your finger in your nose so that he’ll know that you’re looking for the millions—don’t worry I’ve warned him, he knows it’s coming. At this point, Larry will hand you a clue, but don’t take it it’s full of crap. Go to the trashcan behind him and you’ll find the Gold Circle Coin Condom from pretty woman. Inside the condom is a plane ticket and season pass to Harry Potter World.

Step 3

Buy Professor Snape’s wand. You must buy the wand with the stock code of 01151988. This may be hard to locate, but if you find the train conductor and do a really spot on impression of Anthony Hopkins riding a goat through the Serengeti and show him your gold coin condom, I’m pretty sure he’ll hand you an exact replica of Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak which will contain an invitation to a super secret masquerade ball and a wand. Now, you can’t tell anyone about this ball as Disney people are invited—as a rule Disney and Universal do not mix—so if you tell I’m sure the Disney Tyrants will shut down the ball and you’ll never find my millions.

Step 4

At the Masquerade you will find Richard Castle who will hand you the copy of his latest book, Storm Fall. Certain letters will be circled forming a cryptogram, and you’ll have to figure out what this spells out, but you'll only figure it out if you have the wand and the condom. At this point, it will take you to Gringotts: The Wizarding Bank where you will find both the Sword of Gryffindor and of course my millions. Please open the following letter when you are at Gringotts and only when you are at Gringotts.

Now that you're at Gringotts, please click to reveal the contents of my final letter.
May 5, 2014 at 8:26pm
May 5, 2014 at 8:26pm
May 5 Prompt - As a director of Maleficent, how would you start and end the movie? Give a brief summary for the beginning scenes and brief summary for the ending scenes. Be creative.

Opening Scene:

The opening scene is a montage set to dark, depressing, trendy music. It begins with all types of villagers walking to the castle, flashes to Maleficent watching the villagers enjoy their walk to the big party, and finally settles on Maleficent’s face. Her arms are crossed, but she doesn’t say anything so the audience just feels her hatred. At the last moment, you see a flash of her cape, and the back of her horns. Then MALEFICENT is slowly revealed on the screen.

Ending Scene:

The ending scene incorporates the music from the opening montage, and is back on Maleficent’s face. She’s just seen the entire future through a potion, and then the camera settles on Angelina Jolie’s red lips smiling in that creepy way she does. The audience leaves knowing that Maleficent has seen the entire future and she thinks that it’s worth it just to get her revenge.

I know I'm no director, that's why the pro's are paid the big bucks, but I'm hoping that's how they start Maleficent because I'm soooooooo super stoked about all the big summer blockbusters that come out this summer. I'll be referencing this post after I see the movie to see if the director does what I would have. If the director does, I'm sooo not going to shut up about it.
May 4, 2014 at 4:16pm
May 4, 2014 at 4:16pm
Of all of the geek zodiac posts that I read my favorite one of the week was this poem.

"Time Travellers and To Delete Or Not To Delete...

I think it's mostly because I really wasn't a fan of my geek zodiac--in the same way I'm not a fan of my regular zodiac--and this post made the time traveller seem cool. After I read this poem, I wanted to be a time traveller, but I'd already written my post and had to commit to the undead/slayer thing. I mean it was cool when Buffy was an undead/slayer, but not so much when it's me.

::sigh:: I'm staying away from astrology, I never seem to come out on the winning end.

My week has been pretty normal. I've been dealing with the aftermath of my fall in the shower--cut foot, pulled muscle, and sore shoulder. My friends have been really nice to put up with me and my mouth for the whole BLANKITY BLANKIN week, and I've healed up nicely considering the Doctor said I should have gone to the ER to get stitches for my foot instead of going out and numbing the pain with 2 Apple-tinis, 2 bahama mamma's and a shot of Tequilla. There's nothing that I can say for myself except that I had more fun drinking than sitting around in the depressing Emergency Room.

I went to see Spiderman on Friday and earlier today. It was AMAZING. The only thing that ruined the movie was all of the little children who could not sit still and their parents who did nothing about it. I saw a little girl sitting on the floor eating popcorn off of the sticky nasty movie theatre floor, and her mother said nothing about her child acting like a little rodent. Of course I'm watching the kid like this: *Shock*

My friend kept telling me to mind my own business, but I could not enjoy the movie with the sound of chomp chomp from the little kid eating popcorn off of the floor. Ugh, watch your damn kids. Spiderman is good, but it's not so important that you're child has to eat off of the floor. I didn't want to get involved because I've noticed that even neglectful parents are particularly sensitive when a stranger says something about their parenting style, so I made sure to passive aggressively "accidentally" kick the parent's seat a few times and blinded her with the light of my iphone as she passed by to leave the theatre. The iphone blinding was an accident, but I'm taking credit for it as though it was premeditated.

I'm ready to put this week behind me and start over fresh on Monday. So happy Sunday Everyone!
May 3, 2014 at 2:40pm
May 3, 2014 at 2:40pm
Prompt: What is you Geek Zodiac symbol? Write a story or poem about it.
For reference you can visit this link - http://thegeekzodiac.com/

The Slayer Faces Death

Of all the things I thought I’d die of—
All the places and the ways
The many days I waited
Ready to embrace it’s cold escape
Too sure of my demise
I never though that I’d
Find myself on the way to the gallows
When I’m good I’m good, but when I’m not I’m awful
And maybe all the good I’ve done, and demons that I’ve slayed
Cannot make up for all the messes that I’ve ever made.

But I can’t. I just won’t go passively.

Kicking, Punching, Screaming, Screaming
I won’t die willingly,
And though I’ve always doubted me
I’ve conquered demons valiantly
And sure they’ll lead me where they’ll lead
And take me where they may.
There’s only one thing that I’m sure of
Today is not that day—I will not let them kill me—I will not go away.

Being an Undead/Slayer is all about finding balance within yourself and within your life in every way, every day.

This sign swings from extreme to extreme to find harmony. You can be a people-pleaser one minute and a domineering rule-maker the next. Uncertainty, lack of self-belief/confidence and the need to fit in hinders the Undead/Slayer’s ability to empathize with others. Instead of just accepting these weaknesses, you need to understand them and let them go.

Your love for the arts creates a wonderful outlet for your passion and creativity, which you use to hide your true feelings. This is because you are not the type to raise your hand or put yourself “out there.” Consequently, you let opportunities for success and accomplishment pass you by.

The Undead/Slayer has much internal power plus much spiritual power, but often you are uncertain how and where to use this, which causes indecisiveness and the inability to make choices, preventing you from positively affecting the lives of others.

As an Undead/Slayer your destiny is to discover the honor and balance between what is in your best interests and what is in the best interests of those around you.

I I'm not sure if I'm really the best undead/slayer, but I have to say it's better than regular astrology where I'm just a boring stubborn goat. LOL
May 2, 2014 at 7:59am
May 2, 2014 at 7:59am
Are you technologically challenged? Does a universal remote make you want to run screaming in the streets? Or maybe you are one of the gifted. Maybe you have a talent for bailing out the techno-challenged and can't help but shake your head at all the fuss. (In which case I will feel perfectly justified in hating you. Be warned.) Write about the challenges of today's technology.

I can remember watching Steve Jobs introduce the iphone to the world; it was like leaving the regular world and entering a world of hover cars and robot servants. It was as though anything was possible and that technology was around to make things happen that could only ever be dreamed about.

Unfortunately, my love for technology has waned since my college days. I spend my entire life in front of a screen; work then home. At work, we work on the computer non-stop no matter how fast or slowly the computer is working. We work whether or not the program is functioning as it should and we try to work even when it's not functioning at all. I've even gotten completely philosophical with it: Am I watching the computer or is the computer watching me?

I've discovered that there is one common thread that ties both Steve from IT and Dorris on her first computer together, technology never seems to work right all of the time. There's always that one moment when all you want to do is take your overly priced gadget and smash it to pieces with a baseball bat. I've always kind of fantasized about throwing my mouse at the computer monitor.

There's a story that circulates around the office when the computers are extra slow. It's actually my favorite story. One day the computer was so slow a guy grabbed the monitor, opened his office door, and threw it. (He no longer works at the office.) He's kind of my hero, I think he might secretly be everyone's hero.
May 1, 2014 at 6:39pm
May 1, 2014 at 6:39pm
May 1: Introduce yourself to a group of strangers where they find you interesting. I wanna see and read an interactive introduction.

My name is Daryle, and it's pronounced just like the guys name. I'm a female so I get to deal with that moment when everyone is processing the But that's a boys name with the fact that clearly there are some cases when it's not. I'm a capraquarius junk food addict with a penchant for being mischievous, spending a ridiculous amount of money on coffee for my Keurig, crochetting, lying, and drinking. I find that I'm better met in situations.

So, just pick and click the situation that you'd like to meet me in.

I would like to Meet You At....

A Strip Club

At the Gym, once a month

In Traffic

In the toilet next to mine in the bathroom.

At the Emergency Room

At a Bar

At Church

At A Party

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