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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989409
My blog part dos
More about me later.
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March 7, 2015 at 10:11pm
March 7, 2015 at 10:11pm
Prompt: As I was scrolling through the lists looking for an appropriate 'Creation Saturday' prompt, I came across the very last 'Funny Friday' suggestion, and I've decided to put it in play for Saturday instead. So without further ado, answer the following question in any manner you wish (poem, drama, humor, essay, lyrics, bullet points, etc...any way you'd like): Where is Waldo?

I bring to you a series of Haiku's. (There is no sense here, don't search for it)

Waldo Oh Waldo
I am writing a haiku
Oh how you elude...

Waldo Oh Waldo
Pretty Woman is on now
It is Saturday.

Waldo Oh Waldo
This happens to be real hard
I am too lazy.

Waldo Oh Waldo
My friend does not care about me
He is a meanie.

Waldo Oh Waldo
How much should I write tonight?
This is like a fight.

Waldo Oh Waldo
This haiku idea is crap
It is too late now.
March 5, 2015 at 9:55pm
March 5, 2015 at 9:55pm
Prompt: The "How To" article is a staple of popular magazines. We don't always need informative-yet-boring "How To" articles...what we sometimes need is "How NOT To" advice. Try to make us laugh and tell us a good way of not doing something.

So, today I did a video blog with my BFF.

One of the rules is that you have to write your entry, and I don't know how strict it is about writing something. No worries, I can write. Even if my blog is full of fragmented stream of consciousness run-ons. DON'T JUDGE ME YOU JUDGER!

So I have to write about How NOT to Do something. So I will write about How Not To Write a Blog.

1) Wine Time and Writing Time should never go together.
2) If you're in a blogging challenge, read the rules first. Don't just go willy-nilly with some video blog.
3) OK maybe, this should be 1.

Step 1) Get your lap top.
Step 2) Turn on your laptop.
Step 3) Resist the urge to get the wine.
Step 4) Re-Read the Rules.
Step 5) Oh, this is about How NOT to Do Something?
Step 6) Think about the blog.
Step 7) Don't write anything at all. Decide to do a video
Step 8) Go get the wine. It's Friday - no wait, is it?
Step 9) Are we on this step already? Insert wooden dowel into square peg.
Step 10) Oh yeah, blogging :

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March 5, 2015 at 9:07pm
March 5, 2015 at 9:07pm
Sorry about the late posting. I'm just getting back home from a business trip. Yep, that's right. I take business trips. I'm a professional.

The moment you've all been waiting for. There was no second place or third place winner, but we did have a first.

The winner is......

Can I get another Drumroll?


I should let you all know that Ant Cubby guessed the correct answer pretty early on, but I could not help but to let her stew a little bit. Actually, I enjoyed letting everyone stew.

Mainly, because the answers got better and better as time wore on. Really, what kind of person do you people think I am? What kind of person keeps lost puppies, steal bibles, and impersonates clergymen? I mean there were roughly 420 reasons you all could have chosen, but we won't go there...

Therefore, Ant Cubby wins the lot!

10,000 GPs will go to Ant Cubby. You go girl.

Prompt: Do you believe in miracles? Why, or why not?

I'm bad at science. I don't understand anything about it, and I don't care too. Just because I don't understand science does not mean that science does not exist. The same with miracles. I don't understand why they occur, but I do believe that they can happen. Whether it's a higher power or a series of good happenings. Sometimes good things happen right when we need them too. Sometimes we all receive a little bit of help because we need it.

I mean there are stories all the time of people who've been dead, but then all of a sudden are alive. Once when I was younger my mom was driving on the freeway, slammed on the breaks, and lost total control of the car. There's nothing scarier than skidding down the highway knowing that your car will slam into something - the side rails OR other cars - only nothing happened. When I was a kid I jumped off of an 16 foot loft, and I didn't even break a bone. You know why? I believe that there is a greater purpose for everyone's life. Somehow, life can't be a big random thing, it has to work towards some greater purpose. I mean people can't have this great capacity to learn things and search for greater meanings without there actually being something bigger. Plus, if I didn't believe in something bigger life would just be this big depressing thing, and I just can't live like that.

I wish that I had more to say, but I've been traveling all day, and I'm just going to leave it at that.

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March 4, 2015 at 8:03am
March 4, 2015 at 8:03am
I'm doing a bit of back tracking this morning because I didn't understand yesterday's prompt even though everyone else got it. I had no clue what "pump your own tires" meant (I don't pump my own tires, I take them to Wal~Mart and they do it when they change my oil.)LOL, and I thought ITEM (like posting a bitem) meant an ITEM that I actually own. Yeah lol...I'm that person. I'm cool with it.

Here are the reviews from yesterday. Everything I read I liked. If you've got a little time you should stop by and have a read.

Review of "Next To Me"

Review of "Yellow"

Prompt: Name a time when you broke a rule or law. Did you get caught, or did you get away with it?


The answer is yes.

I did so much underage drinking that when I turned 21 I actually slowed down. I got away with it mainly because I'm a pretty chill drunk. I just sit there ,not talking, with a glazed over look. Then after awhile I say things like, "I'm drunk. I'm really really drunk. We should go home now."

Ironically, on my 21st birthday my roommate and I invited friends over to play board games. We were playing catchphrase and things got a little intense, so my bitchy ass neighbors who lived below us decided to call the campus police. An officer showed up with a flashlight at the door pointing it at my pupils, "We've had some noise complaints ma'am is there a party going on here?" I opened the door and the campus officer stepped inside to see all of my friends huddled over a board game. Yep. That's it.

"It's my 21st birthday,"I told him.

He just nodded with a raised eyebrow probably thinking I could have been doing something a little cooler. Probably, wondering if maybe there was pot involved somewhere. But there wasn't. Catchphrase is just THAT fun. He told us to carry-on and keep the noise down.


I've also unintentionally stolen tons of crap from Wal-Mart. Like toothbrushes, candy bars, lotions. It's not on purpose. It's just stuff I forgot about because I put it in the basket, and then the basket gets covered in bags. The stealing part of it is, that I don't go back and return it when I see it's not in a bag. One time Wal-Mart overcharged me by $4-$5 on apples and sold me rancid Pot Roast. I never went and got my money back, so I just call it an even trade.


Traffic Violations - I normally get out of them. Normally, because they aren't moving violations. (I drive like an old person) It's stuff like my registration has expired. (LOL, my registration is expired right now) I get out of the tickets because I feign helplessness, and I'm kind of adorable.

I get away with a lot because - to people who don't know me - I give off that innocent librarian vibe. No one ever suspects that I did anything because I'm just so gosh-darn sweet.

Anything else illegal that I've done, I ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY refuse to admit to. I'm not going to incriminate myself on my OWN blog. Hell, I'd never get away with anything ever again if I did.

AND HERE'S THE FUN PART!!!! If you are the first to guess what other illegal things I've done. You'll win 5,000 GPs.The Second, 3,000 GPs and the last 2,000 GPs. Comment your answers below.
March 3, 2015 at 7:51am
March 3, 2015 at 7:51am
Prompt:Seeing as how it's only the 3rd, I don't think it's fair to do an actual "Two-Fer Tuesday" prompt. Instead, pump your own tires...share with us an item of yours that you're especially proud of.

I've been doing the living on my own dollar thing for the last 2 years. My Dad once told me (and I'm paraphrasing here because the way Dad said this was really long-winded, and I may not have been paying full attention.) that being an adult is kind of like learning to ride a bike. One minute you're like 'WTF? you want me to ride on this two-wheeled death trap', but as you get used to riding it becomes easier. I hate to admit that he was right about being an adult, and years earlier about riding the bicycle. However, as usual, Dad was totally and completely right.

::sigh:: Parents ::sigh:: I hate it when they're right.

I'm proud of absolutely everything I own. You know why? Because I paid for it. There is no thrill like working your behind off from 8:00-5:00, and being able to afford things. Especially because I know how much time and effort I had to put into paying off every last stick of furniture. I know the 5 hour process it took assembling my bookshelf. I know what it's like to take 30 minutes carrying that fucking bookshelf up the stairs, and watching my friendship break down because I couldn't stop bitching about how I'm no Bob the Builder. (Insert Peg A into Peg B - use Metal rod and golden rod in hole D and Q. I mean honestly, WTF?)

I haven't been able to afford really nice things for myself until recently. I was too busy paying for things I never appreciated because my parents always had them: forks, knives, plates, phone, television, coffee maker, and place mats. Two weeks ago (after putting in a crap-ton of overtime) I was able to afford something nice and expensive. A brand new macbook Air. OMG, it's the best present I've ever bought myself. I'm super proud of it, and I still have new computer high. The best thing is I didn't have to ask Mom or Dad. It wasn't even Christmas! I just went to the Apple store like a BOSS and used my rich old man voice, "Get me one of those their apples my good sir."

March 2, 2015 at 7:56am
March 2, 2015 at 7:56am
Prompt:WILDCARD MONDAY!! March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb (or vice/versa). What are you most looking forward to this spring?

Spring. I'm most looking forward to better weather. I live in Texas, and here in Texas we have absolutely no grasp on how to handle snow. I know in the rest of the world a little bit of snow isn't a bad thing, but here it's like Armageddon. You think I'm joking? It snowed across North Texas a few days ago, there was a 15 car pile up and my Granddad told me that in Dallas there were around 500 car accidents. Plus, I work from home and whenever it snows outside, and I'm stuck inside working it crushes my soul.

I told my supervisor this, and she told me "This is just icy crap. It isn't even real snow."

My response, "It's real enough for me."

I mean I had SNOW MANY PLANS FOR IT. It never snows. I wanted to make a snow angel, watch Frozen like 100 times, have a snow ball fight, find a hill to go sledding down, and this fucking snow didn't even have the decency to stick around past 5:00 PM. I'm over it. Fuck you, Snow.

Hello, Spring.

I'm excited about going to the farmer's market and pleasant park weather. If I can find somewhere, I think I'll go paddle boating and zoo visiting. Maybe I'll even pull a Pocohantas and find a canoe somewhere.

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March 1, 2015 at 12:02pm
March 1, 2015 at 12:02pm
Yayyy !!! It's march. Woohoo. Let's get this 30dbc going.

Prompt:The Sunday News: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

Here's something that's been in the headlines. Bobbi Kristina Brown. You've heard about this, right?

Whitney Houston's daughter is barely clinging to life after being found facedown in a bathtub. For those of you who don't know, this the same way that Whitney Houston passed away 3 years ago.

What a shame. What a damn shame.

No one is saying that drugs were involved, but everyone is kind of thinking it. I mean, aren't you?

There are even rumors that Bobbi Kristina was found doing drugs shortly after her mother's funeral.

I hate what has happened to Bobbi Kristina. I know she's a 21 year old and responsible for her own choices, but being rich and famous does many people a great disservice. If Whitney Houston had not been Whitney Houston. If she'd just been some woman with a cocaine addiction, Bobbi Kristina may have been removed from the home of her mother. She may not have had to grow up with a woman who was addicted to drugs, and would have learned early on that there are consequences for drug use. Hell, it may have been motivation for Whitney Houston to get her act together.

Ever since this Dianne Sawyer interview, we all knew that Whitney was on drugs:

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Bobbi Kristina grew up with this. She grew up with a mother who could go on an interview with Diane Sawyer and without saying it let everyone know she still had a massive drug problem. We all saw Whitney's drug problem from far away, just imagine growing up with it.

And here's the big question at the heart of the matter....

Bobbi Kristina has probably just destroyed her life in the same way that her mother did. She grew up in a world where drugs were OK.
Did Bobbi Kristina ever stand a chance of not being addicted to drugs?

Comment below with your answers.

May 30, 2014 at 11:46pm
May 30, 2014 at 11:46pm
May 30 - You wake up one day only to find out this message written on a piece of paper: "Celebrate Mini Success. Celebrate it in two days. No more. No less." What mini success are you going to celebrate and how?

The first thing I would do is write up a Face book announcement telling my friends to arrive at my house. I'd provide the alcohol I'd tell my friends to provide the alcohol. Then in the middle of all of the rocking festivities I would stand up and say "Friends and Family,I have an important announcement to make.I made it to Friday and I am still alive"

At this point my guests would all pop tabs and say, "turn the music up" wait patiently for an explanation. "Friends, I am celebrating my silver lining of the week, I AM STILL ALIVE. I SURVIVED AN ENTIRE WEEK AT WORK." After that point, I'd get some of my lethal jello shots, and party it up.

My friends would surprise me with a crown and a sash as to celebrate that I was the Ultimate Grand Supreme Winner of Work Week Survival, and years from now I'd tell my grand children about my mini success.
May 29, 2014 at 11:27pm
May 29, 2014 at 11:27pm
May 29 - You are given two days to complete your most important tasks, assignments, or roles before you move to the next sphere of life. What would these tasks be?

I finished college, so I don't have to deal with that phase.

I've started my job, so I don't have to deal with that phase.

The next phase of my life should be family and children, I'm not ready for that phase.

Before I move on to the next phase of my life the only thing I'd do is take an incredibly long nap. I'm tired. I'm sure kids and husbands require a lot of work. A nap is needed before I begin any new phase.
May 28, 2014 at 11:37pm
May 28, 2014 at 11:37pm
Free Prompt:

Today was a shitty day, and Maya Angelou died. She was one of my favorite writers.

Growing up, I never saw my Dad much because he was in the military so he traveled alot. He'd send me post cards and dolls from all the places that he traveled. As I got older he started sending me books instead of the dolls. I was 13 when he sent one of his first books to me; it was a book of poems by Maya Angelou. My mother read a few of the poems, and banned me from reading the them because she thought that I was too young.

Naturally, I found out where she hid the book and read it cover to cover while she was at work. I should thank her for banning the poems. I'm sure I never would have loved reading so much if she'd made reading sound like a WHOLESOME activity.

I didn't even ask my mother's permission for the next Maya Angelou book that I read in secret I know Why the Caged Bird Sings, I checked it out at school, and felt like such a rebel as I read the book and tried to listen for the sound of the garage door opening so I could frantically put the book away. For the longest time it felt like Maya Angelou was my little secret, and she started this secret life of me reading things I knew my mother would have hated. I can honestly tell you that all the books my mother hated were the best ones.

There's always been a special place in my heart for Maya Angelou, and I'm sad that she has passed away.

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