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Rated: XGC · Book · Other · #2020667
blog of a person who seems to be invisible...
ok.. so I'm taking a next step in my life. I'm improving on myself. I'm going down this path i am on, thanks to God. I now attend a church regularly, and I like its small confines in a church building i attended nearly 40 years ago. To me it is surreal.

Do i know whats ahead, or even where I am going? no, not at all. to be honest it scares me, but I need to step out of my fear and take charge of my life, and live it the way I and God want me to be. where ever this path goes, I'm sticking it out to the end. I feel it is a testament to who I am.
I am learning more and more everyday about myself. and improving, also trying to make amends for past mistakes.
But one can only make amends for mistakes where there was mistakes to begin with, if people don't want to listen then that is their fault, and their loss. I wont go where im not wanted and I know I am a good man, if you don't.. well that's too bad so sad for you...
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January 31, 2017 at 4:52am
January 31, 2017 at 4:52am
DAY 1538 January 31, 2017

Prompt: Write a short story or a poem using the following as 3 phrases for inspiration:

1. The Dreamer's Scent 2. the beauty of simplicity 3, I only needed your pretty face.

Feel free to pick whatever works for you.

here I sit in a room so cold,
wondering how I got to be so old,
that I could not see,
all the beauty of simplicity.

I tried to make things so hard,
until everything fell like a house made of a card,
and once it did I picked it up,
and tried again,
swearing to myself that it could work,
I tried and tried and tried some more,
until they all fell each time landing on the floor.

All the things that I can do,
yet I couldn't see that which I should see
all things that could be,
the beauty of simplicity.

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January 23, 2017 at 7:20pm
January 23, 2017 at 7:20pm
I want to invite everyone who wishes to over to my blog. it is located at:
January 23, 2017 at 7:17pm
January 23, 2017 at 7:17pm
DAY 1530: January 23, 2017
Prompt: Pick out your favorite inspirational, motivational, or spiritual quote and write a poem, prose or monologue about it. Please include the quote and who said it in your post.

"an honest answer is like a kiss on the lips"
as sweet as honey or as soft as rose hips.
It is something I wish I had all the time.
I should give it more, if i did i would shine.

an honest answer is like a kiss on the lips
it is something just just honestly fits.
like the right shoe
it just feels right
like a cloudless starry night.

I wish I had given it more oft
things would have been better
the hardness would have been soft.
but I never give up trying
for the next time it is needed
i just have to remember
an honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.

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January 11, 2017 at 5:02am
January 11, 2017 at 5:02am
DAY 1518: January 11, 2017
Prompt: "Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself." Plato Write your thoughts on this inspirational quote.

I like this prompt, because I am a perfect example of why you should always listen when your soul is talking to itself and head what it tells you to do. If I had listened to it, when it told me what to do, I would not have gone through the pain i suffered and had the scars that I do today. But I'm not going down that path again, I'm going to leave it there.

The soul knows what and who it wants. I believe it gets this guidance directly from God, himself. And He willingly gives it, as I believe it is one of the main ways he communicates with us. When we have a problem that we need to think about, he knows how to solve it, but so does the "other guy", and that is why we often have a devil one one shoulder and the angel on the other.

As humans, we often listen to both sides and really there is only 3 things which can come out of it. 1. we listen to the angel in which case we always win). 2. we listen to the devil in which case we loose, because although we may accomplish our goal, it is only a part of what it could be, if that). or 3. we combine them both and make up our own directives as to what we are going to do, which by the way is the dumbest thing to do.

Now we have our freewill to do what we wish, and we may be intelligent, as humans go, but there is a difference between intelligence and wisdom and a wise man is the one who knows when to use which.

I am not such a wise man, Im not going to go into details on here but I chose number 3, not wise at all. The scars I got from hurting someone very special to me, will stay with me forever. Although I might smile on the outside, trust me Im not smiling within. Sometimes there are mistakes you make that sorry just cant makeup for, no matter how long you say it. But life goes on, and I step forward. I live on. I refuse to let anything stop me from getting what I should have, and what will make me happy. of that I do promise myself, and god! I will make all the right decisions and NEVER second guess my soul again.

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January 10, 2017 at 7:16pm
January 10, 2017 at 7:16pm
well today has really been a great day. Beautiful sunny day. It was very busy, but over all I have had a fantastic day. I actually am surprised how good the day can be when all your stresses are gone. I can finally concentrate on my job. I guess I just got a good nights sleep. that is what it has to be.

The day started out a bit cold, didn't have to use gloves to climb on the loader like I did yesterday. I am now looking forward to tomorrow and what that day brings... I am so excited about it. Im sorry I have been sounding so bad lately to all those who read my stuff, but it will be better now.

There was alot on my mind but that is now gone, and Im happier for it.

What do you think? what are you thinking? tell me I would like to hear about it, but be honest, and keep it clean.
January 10, 2017 at 7:07pm
January 10, 2017 at 7:07pm
this is one of my favorite songs.


God bless,
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January 9, 2017 at 9:52am
January 9, 2017 at 9:52am
DAY: 1516, January 9, 2017
Prompt: An Exercise in Humility. Write whatever this phrase inspires you to say?

An exercise in humility can be a good thing. It keeps you level headed and thinking clearly so one doesn't make any stupid moves nor mistakes. But at the same time it can scare the living heck out of you, if not used carefully and respected.

I sometimes can use a lesson, or two, or three, in humility as I sometime talk when I should shut up, or even answer a question before the asker even finishes asking( yes! I know that sound weird, but hey, it works). I have a bad habit of doing that, it is, however, a work in progress...

I know I need several of these as I have a distorted view on this. I need so many lessons on humility, I should just write a book about it. HA HA!

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January 9, 2017 at 9:41am
January 9, 2017 at 9:41am
To all, I bid you welcome to my house. Please enter freely and of your own free will and leave some of the happiness you bring.
I am still among you, I have always been here. I have been going through some stuff. Stuff that rocked my very foundation of who I am, and have emerged from the darkness once again, stronger, better than I have ever been before. Dearie!!!!!

I will not be defeated by my past, restrained by my future, nor will I be redirected from the present. I am truly happy now. Things are on the path they are supposed to be on. Nothing and no one is strong enough to change my direction, unless I want it changed.

I will not put anything of the personal stuff on here because it is just that personal, and unless you are that special person for me you dont get that part of me.

the dark one is truly back, Dearie !!! don't look for me, chances are I'm watching you already.
he he he he he!
January 4, 2017 at 5:26pm
January 4, 2017 at 5:26pm
DAY 1511: January 4, 2017
Prompt: Write about moving home.

Moving home can be a relatively rough thing to have happen, especially if you worked hard to get out of the house in the first place. It can bring stress, disappointment, depression, and quite a bit of resentment. I know becasue I, myself, am subject to these feelings. They are not unknown to me, but very much unliked by me.

It made me feel inferior to everybody else. but i also realized that these feelings were deep inside my own soul and heart. I discovered that they weren't real, nor were they something I needed to think about. I found, through self discovery, that these feelings were inconsequential, but they were also harmful to me. So I made a choice not to let them get to me... afterwards life became more and more better for me... At least for a bit.

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December 28, 2016 at 4:48pm
December 28, 2016 at 4:48pm
DAY 1503: December 28, 2016
Prompt: "I think that the truth is a really stern taskmistress." Carrie Fisher Use this as inspiration for your blog entry.

I like this a quote from Carrie, I rings of the truth. In my opinion the truth will hold you to a stricter ideal, and loftier goals. Why? because it wont let you cheat on it, it will make you work for it honestly, cutting corners cant be done around the truth.

While it definitely is a harder road, the rewards for following it are greater than if you dont and go the other way. plus at the end you do get a better feeling of accomplishment, and pride knowing that you completed it the right way and not the easier, and wrong way.

From Ms. Fishers point of view. it is like the difference between a Jedi and a Sith...

On the subject of Carrie Fishers passing, it is a sad thing that she has ascended to become part of the force. As Yoda said," Cry for her, do not. Miss her, do not. be happy for those who have ascended to become part of the force!" what more could be said. She will be greatly missed, not only by geeks, like me, but by the cast of star wars and the millions who grew up with her as Princess leia. May the force be with her!

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